D&D 5E EB's One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (OOC)


Just need an area to describe - I think Mi'Lady has choice in this as...

Snorri is snoozing,
Hassan is practicing his knots, and
Badger is pouring over his spellbook.

Your choices are - South around the bend the ogre came from - possible leads to the outside from all clues so far.
OR The room where the large chest was spotted.

Please let me know. - Hassan can make her a makeshift torch from a branch (off of log trap) and his light spell.

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Well, she was just going to keep watch, not necessarily go off on her own and get in trouble.

Given that, though, she might like a look at that chest :)


Sorry if it's causing problems. Milady and Zuleyka are very different from most of my characters LOL Dren and Errol don't even think about loot! As a player, I don't really care, apart from if an item is clearly of benefit to a character and another character who can't even use it tries to claim it. Given that 5e has little to spend gold on once you get your best armor and weapons, and that it's designed to run just fine without magical items, as a player I don't usually make a big deal out of it.


I knew it was totally in character we just need someone to call the ladies out on it. Maybe Bilkar can step up (bare his teeth so to speak) lol


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I'll be away from any internet connection next week. As I am generally only online on week days, that means that after tomorrow I'll be unable to post until Monday December 18th. The DM should feel free to play my character as an NPC until my return.

I'm posting this for all my current games, so possibly you'll see this message more often if we're in several games together. :)


[MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] What is Badger up to I would have thought a mage's lab would have perked his interest. You know where there is a lab there is usually a library. hint hint.

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