D&D 5E EB's One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (OOC)

Have two people at the door - Badger and Leilara (just finishing her sketch) Two people at the southern tunnel ready to head forward.

Are we splitting the party to make things quicker?

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Although Snorri would never object to time alone with Milady, it’s certainly not my objective to split the party. I imagine we’ll come to a conclusion about which way to go first.

Sorry I've been incommunicado for a bit. Work exploded on me a few weeks back. I have some time off coming next week and will be doing my best to catch up. Please don't let me hold anything up.

No problem I'm just waiting for the group to discuss their next move. I'll have Hassan grunt his reply lol.

My work exploded last weekend so I didn't post for a day or two, but should be back to normal. *fingers crossed*

Check to see if Hassan can finish the poor wolf, if not Badger (@tglassy) will be up to try.


That should kill it, will update that thread soon.

Hassan glaive attack [roll]1d20=5[/roll] damage [roll0]
Badger firebolt attack [roll1] damage [roll2]

ogre random attack [roll3] attack [roll4] damage [roll5]

1-2 Mi'lady, 3-4 Snorri, 5-6 Hassan

Weekend Update, haha

Forgot to post this yesterday, but if that sleep roll would have been a total of 24 or less than it wouldn't have effected Blogg. Got it by inches. But then again you were suppose to meet up with a sleeping ogre. Remember the hobgoblin said he was probably in the cave sleeping, which he was till the wolf woke him an he found some sheep in his room. lol

So all in all things turn out the way they should, just as is typical with D&D just not the way you thought it would.

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