D&D 5E EB's One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (OOC)


Game #1 is up and running - about midway through I a going to start a 2nd -Probably an expedition so as to cut back on conversuion time.

Will put you down for a mention when game#2 starts up

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Prickly Pear

I am interested in a One Shot pbp game too. I'll try to keep an eye out for it. Meanwhile, I will post a few characters in the RG post. That's where it goes right? For all games?

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Was wondering why everyone was coming here to discuss One Shots and just learned I posted wrong link in RG - fixed

Go here instead sorry

One Shot #2 up and recruiting.


tglassy you may post here what you wish to check out? Cave or crest, I think I can work you into a post.

This is only if you don't have the time yourself for a cool Badger post that is. (haha)


Updating tomorrow... Everyone at the back entrance unless someone wants to do something else first.

Maybe a marching order discussion here, really just need whose in front, whose in back, and light source.

Voidrunner's Codex

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