D&D 5E EB's One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (OOC)


Badger is looking for lore, especially Lore regarding old curses. And any chance to hurt someone who deserves it.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Nameless dwarf cleric
- or Hjolgrun the Blessed of Clan Hammerhand

If there is a reference there, I'm not familiar with it. I'll come up with a name within 24 hours.

- where does cannot become lost underground come from?

Oops, I copied that from an online character generator. Didn't realize it was not in the PHB. I've removed it. :)

- under combat training thrown hammers got errated into light hammers


- twice I have leftover gold at 6gp, and maybe you should buy a pouch(belt) for easy access to potion/holy water

Fixed, and bought the pouch.

Anyone else have a motivation to help me get your characters into the mix. Nothing serious just a hook.

Apart from his quest for knowledge about, well, everything, which is a perfectly good reason for traveling from one temple or library to another, it's also part of being a priest of Dumathoin to study other races' funeral rites. He could've been in town (or nearby) when the attack took place, and placing such importance on proper burials, decided to bring home the lost villagers, dead or alive.


If there is a reference there, I'm not familiar with it. I'll come up with a name within 24 hours.

Nope just hoping to give you some food for thought. Get the creative juices flowing and what not.

Oops, I copied that from an online character generator. Didn't realize it was not in the PHB. I've removed it. :)

Yep I think that is 3e


Fixed, and bought the pouch.

Looking ready to play then

Apart from his quest for knowledge about, well, everything, which is a perfectly good reason for traveling from one temple or library to another, it's also part of being a priest of Dumathoin to study other races' funeral rites. He could've been in town (or nearby) when the attack took place, and placing such importance on proper burials, decided to bring home the lost villagers, dead or alive.

Good to know, I will work it into the intro then. And I Welcome Snorri to the adventure as well.


Will have IC up tonight guys, at the laundromat at the moment, with no references in front of me.

Will post a link here and turn this thread into the OOC one.


And I think we are up and running for game #1.

Enjoy a bit of RP friends.

Also have a second game in works (starts when this game is about 2/3 done) - will start a whole new thread for it and then turn that into an ooc as well.


Milady is still in bed? but it is only around 9:30ish -

Which reminds me. As you can see the adventure is giving you some options should the group wish to explore/investigate the town for rumors about the ogre.

Totally up to the group what they wish to do. You all can RP a "plan of attack" for going to Skulltop Hillock. And how much information you wish to gather before heading out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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