D&D 5E EB's One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (OOC)

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With the extra 2 points in the array, I know it costs 2 points to go from 13 to 14, and then from 14 to 15, how many would it take to go from 15 to 16? Or is that not allowed before racial bonuses? I would assume 2 or 3 points to raise it to 16.

My wizard is turning out min-maxed, but it's mainly because of his character rather than because I min-max. I usually don't like to, it since he's slightly insane, I've got his wisdom to 8, and because he's insane I have his charisma to 8 as well. He's an old man, so his strength could be 8 or 10, which leaves his Int, Con and Dex. I've always envisioned him somewhat good at sleight of Hand, and a high Conncan be explained by him being insane. He doesn't notice things like "pain" very well.

So I've got 8, 15, 15, 15, 8, 8 before the extra two points. +1 to Int and Con, then another plus 1 from Keen Mind to Int puts it at 8, 15, 16, 17, 8, 8, which is good.

But for those other two points, I need to know what's allowed. I can make the Int an 18. Otherwise, I'll just put them in Strength and say he's spry for his age (50s or 60s).

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Cool. That's what I though. I really don't want him wise or charismatic, so it's gonna be strength.

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Ok, all done. I'll let y'all decide who comes. The narcissistic Tabaxi Ranger or the insane human Wizard.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
That has all the bases covered, if any of those has some trapfinding skills. (It's not restricted to rogue anymore.)


That has all the bases covered, if any of those has some trapfinding skills. (It's not restricted to rogue anymore.)

I think anyone may search for trap, and anyone may disarm them? (not sure there) - rogues just do it way better than say a... cleric of the war god (haha)


I don't think Rogues actually can do it better, unless they have expertise in Thieves Tools, which I don't know if I've ever seen a Rogue take...

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