D&D 5E EB's One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (OOC)

Steve Gorak

Everyone is welcome! And this may give you a shot at trying a druid or cleric for at least one of your characters.

Great! One question: I saw somewhere that we can use 29 point buy, but in the RG there is an array. is 29pb still ok?
Thanks and cheers,

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Steve Gorak

Ok, I've pretty much decided on my concept. A young woman human rogue, charlatan background, but a nice twist: a noble trying to hide her identity and going around as a commoner. The plan is to M/C her as a feylock.

Here is a preliminary backstory: [sblock=Background]Thiel is the daughter of King X Sovereign of Y. Her real name is Coriana of X
She grew in a lavish environment, not needing or wanting for anything. Once, when she was fourteen, a fey prince from afar swept her heart away during a ball. He had haunted his dreams for months until she decided to follow her instincts, and go to the forest near her castle, where she discovered there is link to the Feywild. There she met him, and he took her with him to his lands. She spent months with him and his fey-people, learning their ways, their language and their magics. Her love for him grew, but it seemed that his interest in her was purely platonic, or more likely, his love for her was alien, and of a form she could not understand. He kept saying that she was his muse, and helped him in his creations. Somewhat disilusioned, she couldn't bear to be close to him and asked to return home. Her wish was granted, but the next months were horrible. Her life was boring; things were dirty and lacked the brightness of the Feyweld. Her father also doubled the guards watching her, so she would not disapear again. Fortunately, she had a knack to go around them, by disguising her appearance, forging documents, and would leave to either go back to the feyweld, or spend days at a time in the city. Of course, this didn't please her father, but he was busy with politics, war and the normal scheemings of the human nobility.

When she turned sixteen, announced that she was promised to a prince of a neighboring kingdom to avoid a war, and unite their houses. However, she didn't love him, and her heart belonged to the fey. She knew she could not stay with her family, so one day she left, leaving only a letter, mainly for her mother.


Great! One question: I saw somewhere that we can use 29 point buy, but in the RG there is an array. is 29pb still ok?
The array is for the 'Type D' character. I.e. a character that otherwise strays from the PHB standard. If you stick to PHB, you get 29pb. The idea is eventually we'll have multiple characters, one in each group, A-D.


I'm actually thinking an Ancients Paladin, and considering MCing him with a FeyLock.

I'm probably going to make Drow Paladin of Ellistrae. That is the Good Drow Goddess of the moon, Lolth's daughter. I'd like to fluff that she is the Patron as well, as she is an elven goddess.

Trying to decide on Paladin or Feylock first. Depends on the build, I guess.

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Steve Gorak

The array is for the 'Type D' character. I.e. a character that otherwise strays from the PHB standard. If you stick to PHB, you get 29pb. The idea is eventually we'll have multiple characters, one in each group, A-D.

Wow, I think the last time we played together hafrogman was something like 12 years ago, on this board. Remember, the "Heroes Inc" campaign? Fun times!


Steve Gorak

The array is for the 'Type D' character. I.e. a character that otherwise strays from the PHB standard. If you stick to PHB, you get 29pb. The idea is eventually we'll have multiple characters, one in each group, A-D.

Wow, I think the last time we played together hafrogman was something like 12 years ago, on this board. Remember, the "Heroes Inc" campaign? Fun times!



Wow, I think the last time we played together hafrogman was something like 12 years ago, on this board. Remember, the "Heroes Inc" campaign? Fun times!
I don't actually remember that one, no... we've definitely been in things together more recently though. I think you were in my abortive attempt to run Hoard of the Dragon Queen a few years back before my life imploded and I dropped off the boards entirely for a long while.
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Like everything I am reading so far and thanks for all the question answering hafrogman.

Welcome to Greenmtn, have fun on your vay-kay, the games will most likely still be around when your ready.


Game #1:
OOC: For the past few years, an ogre has demanded monthly tribute from the town of Dundraville. Since the demands were ale, sheep, and occasional mundane supplies, the town complied with these demands. The ogre was content to collect his extorted goods, and leave the town alone. However, last month, the tribute changed. In addition to ale and sheep, the ogre demanded gold and building materials! But the situation has grown even more grim. The ogre returned yesterday with yet more demands of ale and worse: townsfolk!

The town is in an uproar and denied the ogre's request. The brute flew into a rage and grabbed two townsfolk and hauled them back to his lair. They're destined for his gullet, no doubt! But with the aid of the local druids and brewer in town, the last batch of ale the ogre took was laced with a mild poison to help incapacitate the brute. Now it's time for brave heroes to finish the deed, and hopefully pull off a heroic rescue as well.

Adventure: for 4-5 LVL 1 (only) adventurers (note: sometimes this will read LVLs 1-3 or the like giving everyone a chance to join in)
Party: all classes welcome (this will be the part where I suggest classes based on what the author has suggested)
Type: dungeon crawl (and here I hope to better describe what the game its environs and such will be like)

Party so far:
1) reserved for [MENTION=8858]hafrogman[/MENTION] (hope you wish to join this first foray as your input has helped to get it all started)

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