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Epic Problem : Return to Power

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Going back inside the inn, Xis informs Ijazim and Jool of their comrades' location within the city. "They are conversing with four men. Shall we pay them a visit? I can take us there in but an instant.

[sblock=OOC]Xis will wait for the others' decision. If they decide to go to Panarchus' and Salrassa's location, he will cast a greater teleport to get them there.[/sblock]


First Post
Jemal said:
"Yokel? Why I outta..." MR GreatSword, who'd been speaking steps forward, but the mage-type beside him lays a hand on his shoulder "Careful. We're still short one." Then, to the two of you, he says "We don't want to pick a fight, we want your kind OUT. You do not belong on this plane, and Neither does Galidor. Especially not so many of you all in one place. It could rip a hole in Spacetime and release the Void!" He looks at yyou suspiciously, suddenly, and a ball of golden flame appears in his free hand as his voice darkens "Unless your working for HER." At his words, the others spread out, the Greatsword fighter and Dagger-guy moving to opposite ends of each other, and the fourth staying where she is, watching impassively from within her robe. "No. I feel the taint of the void in this area, but it is not from them, or if it is, they have recently banished it. Divine Panarchus, do you not know what your presence here could cause?"[/sblock]
"I have no desire to put this world in peril. Yet the risk is necessary. Another god has come through he Observatory in full manifestation or close enough to it as makes no matter. If he finds what he is seeking here before we do, the disaster will be orders of magnitude greater than anything my presence could cause."


On the Street, the robed woman continues speaking "If it is Galidor to whom you refer, then fear not, for his presence has been foretold. If it is the OTHER you speak of, the seventh, then know that he is not a god, but not a mortal. He is a creature spawned of the void.. Or perhaps the one who spawned IT. If your goal is to prevent him, then We will help you" At this, her companions begin protesting, but she cuts them off by lowering her hood and glaring at them. Her silver hair is streaked with gold, and her red eyes glare out from a scaley face. (OOC: Knowledge:Arcana DC15 = Spellscale. Nearly Unheard of on this plane, though rather common on the outside.) "I am a Daughter of the Pure, and you are my protectors, NOT my council." With that, she turns back to you as they calm down, though don't relax their guard. "I know you've allready met some of the players. Galidor, the Disciple.. The Dark Lord" she glances at Salarassa as she says the last one. "But there are many worse things out there, and as the keys weaken.. which they inevitably will now that the first two have fallen... Things will happen. We should go somewhere more private.. and away from certain prying eyes... To talk about this."
As she finishes speaking, the mage looks down the street, his eyes suddenly glowing, seeing a trio approaching you.. A kobold, a Half-Red Dragon, and a.. uh.. crazy priest. "Incoming. Power levels as high as these two." He informs the lady with a nod at Panarchus and Salarasa.

Jool, Xis, and Ijazim are about 200 feet away on the nearly deserted streets when they spot the group, standing around talking. An instant later, the group is looking at them.
[sblock=Ijazim]Ijazim's eyes are instantly drawn to those of the spellscale, as they lock glares. Though he doesn't recognize her, he recognizes the power within her as anathema to him and his Lay..[/sblock]

Back in the kitchen of the Filthy Weasel, the man calms his daughter and looks up at the ghost "Let her go, And I'll tell you what you want, but you're not either of our minds again." WIth that, he sends his daughter to the door, keeping his eye on Miranel. "Once she's safely gone, and I have your word you'll not harm us, I'll answer any questions you have. You have my word as a Knight of Honour."
*Assuming Miranel agrees, he will answer any questsions you ask.*


First Post
Jemal said:
As she finishes speaking, the mage looks down the street, his eyes suddenly glowing, seeing a trio approaching you.. A kobold, a Half-Red Dragon, and a.. uh.. crazy priest. "Incoming. Power levels as high as these two." He informs the lady with a nod at Panarchus and Salarasa.

Jool, Xis, and Ijazim are about 200 feet away on the nearly deserted streets when they spot the group, standing around talking. An instant later, the group is looking at them.
[sblock=Ijazim]Ijazim's eyes are instantly drawn to those of the spellscale, as they lock glares. Though he doesn't recognize her, he recognizes the power within her as anathema to him and his Lay..

Ijazim smiles wickedly, his eyes seeting with hate before he turns his gaze towards his two companions. "Salarassa, Panarchus, my dear friends, how kind of you to save your newfound toys for us. Why don't you make some introductions so we can start playing with them?"

Jemal said:
Back in the kitchen of the Filthy Weasel, the man calms his daughter and looks up at the ghost "Let her go, And I'll tell you what you want, but you're not either of our minds again." WIth that, he sends his daughter to the door, keeping his eye on Miranel. "Once she's safely gone, and I have your word you'll not harm us, I'll answer any questions you have. You have my word as a Knight of Honour."
*Assuming Miranel agrees, he will answer any questsions you ask.*

Miranel answers mockingly, her voice muffled by the thick fog that's holding the two humans trapped.
"Your word means as much to me as my word means to you, my dear man. If you are a sworn enemy of my kind I doubt you would consider yourself bound by any vow you make to me, and with that spell active I cannot ascertain your truthfulness by magic means. If we are to talk I'm afraid we're at an impasse as we both have one-another at a disadvantage, me with the threat of your daughters death and you perfectly free to lie, ommit or equivocate. If this came to violence, on the other hand, I could kill you both with little effort, trapped in my spell as you are. I doubt you could even touch me...
No, your word is not enough, but I swear to you by the Void that if you terminate that spell of protection from evil and allow me once more into your mind I will not kill your daughter. If you do not I'll kill you both here and now and bring your souls for my master to bind to eternal suffering."

(ooc: Allie and the Innkeeper can only walk 5ft per round in the Solid Fog spell, Miranel can move unhindered. Miranel is in the upper corner in the far side of the room, but moves down to floor level after she speaks. Noone can see anyone else, but she can guess their location.)


First Post
Panarchus smiles darkly with the impossibly wide of his Gloom form, "I hate to dissapoint you again Ijazim. But before you play with any toys, you will need a very good explanation as to why I should not slay you for your Mistress's transgression."

OOC: P. is expecting Ijazim to try to cast something or move to step through an invisible portal. If either of those things are about to occur I'd like to go to initiative.

Nephtys - I really don't want to kill your character or try to force a change on him that might screw up your concept. But RP-wise I'm having a hard time finding a way around it. By any chance would you be amenable to Ijazim, through IC actions, switching to worship of a) another god b) Madness as a concept or c) an idealized version of himself/his own 'destiny' as a god?


First Post
Voidrazor said:
Panarchus smiles darkly with the impossibly wide of his Gloom form, "I hate to dissapoint you again Ijazim. But before you play with any toys, you will need a very good explanation as to why I should not slay you for your Mistress's transgression."

OOC: P. is expecting Ijazim to try to cast something or move to step through an invisible portal. If either of those things are about to occur I'd like to go to initiative.

Nephtys - I really don't want to kill your character or try to force a change on him that might screw up your concept. But RP-wise I'm having a hard time finding a way around it. By any chance would you be amenable to Ijazim, through IC actions, switching to worship of a) another god b) Madness as a concept or c) an idealized version of himself/his own 'destiny' as a god?

Ijazim answers in righteous cold fury.
"I have committed no transgressions towards you, which is more than you can say to me, or any of us. If there is a traitor amongst us it is you, who first set our enemy in this city free and then delivered to him the soul of our prey. You have been playing under the covers with that deity from the very beginning, haven't you, even before you gave him head? Our position on this world is worse than ever and you alone is the one to blame.
And now you seek to cast doubt upon me, to further weaken and divide us. You, who considers yourself divine, seek to place yourself above us all. No more. Our cooperation is over, traitor. Step carefully or you will become my enemy."

[sblock=Jemal]Ijazim prepares to unleash the power of the Void, holding his Rod of Absorption ready.[/sblock]

ooc: :lol: That would be even harder to justify IC.
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You have been playing under the covers with that deity from the very beginning, haven't you, even before you gave him head?
O..M...G... the Innuendo! 2000 XP! You made your DM's day.

BTW, VR... I kinda expected there would be intraparty conflict. Especially when someone found out about Ijazim's mistress. *Heads back to OOC thread*[/sblock]

The PureMage continues glaring "Be careful, Mighty Panarchus, the powers of the void are Anathema to REAL magic, especially the powers of the Divine, if such you truley are. Galidor could take him because that is his PURPOSE. The rest of them tend to give these... THINGS... a wide berth."

Xis and Jool look strangely back and forth, but feel that it's most likely that Panarchus has been corrupted by some agent of Galidor, and they should do something to protect their quest here from unraveling.(HEHE, the lady still has SOME control, though keep in mind you two are still free willed, this is just a VERY strong urge.)

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