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Falcon and winter solider

Are you seriously doing the "reverse racism" thing with the Wakandans here?

Amazing how someone can say "some people" and the knee jerk reaction is to ignore that and think every single member of some group is being labeled. Every group has some members who hate members of other groups. To believe otherwise is foolish. And yes, I am keeping that vague on purpose, because there is a line between the politics of the show and the politics of the real world we cannot cross on this forum.

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While there is a quote where "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" It may be better to say Power attracts the corruptible.

The super serum will always be attracting those that wish to profit from the power no matter the good intensions.
The Ultimate Marvel Universe had a lot of people chasing after the super serum and it resulted in the origin of many villains and heroes.

The MCU has Hank Pym who stopped people from using his discoveries and Banner who seemed to be using gamma radiation in work with the serum. Is it confirmed that Black Widow also had the serum? Hawkeye?

Anyway, staying away from the politics and racial stuff of the show, I went back and rewatched the serum destruction scene a few more times and either Marvel screwed it up or there are still a couple more vials still intact. When Karli falls and the vials spill, of the 12, we clearly see 8 or 9 in the middle of the floor, which are also clearly destroyed by Zemo before he is knocked out. But also clearly in the scene, one vial rolled under the table that was flipped when Karli went over it and one vial was still in the loop in the satchel that was holding them. And then there was the one that rolled to where Walker found it. So what happened to those other two? Is this just a plot hole and we just assume they were destroyed or is someone else going to find and use them? One theory I read is that the next Black Panther will be given one because all the flowers they used to gain their powers were destroyed. So either some other source of power will have to be found for the next Black Panther or they will be purely a high-tech, highly trained crime fighter like Batman. And yes, that one Flag Smasher reported to Karli that they were all destroyed, but he may have picked up the intact ones and then did not tell her the truth because he was not sure if they should be used. And whoever deals with his body will find them and some government will use them instead.

But assuming no more serum, I wonder which of the remaining 6 Flag Smashers will be grabbed by the Power Broker for experiments to try and make more serum?


Except for the part where they don't just go ahead and grab him, but instead give Bucky and Sam additional time to continue using him in their investigation.
At first yes, but once they enter Zemo's apartment they make it clear that they are there to pick him up and that the goodwill bought by Bucky's friendship with Ayo had run out.

I don’t trust at all that the flowers were actually all destroyed, or that Shuri hadn’t genetically sequenced them in case of blight or other catastrophic loss.
Pretty sure it was just the current crop that was destroyed. I'm sure there are seeds. Killmonger was only worried about immediate challenges to his kingship, in the long term he wouldn't have wanted to lose access to Wakanda's supersoldier serum.

I went back and rewatched the serum destruction scene a few more times and either Marvel screwed it up or there are still a couple more vials still intact
There might have been a couple more already used.
But assuming no more serum, I wonder which of the remaining 6 Flag Smashers will be grabbed by the Power Broker for experiments to try and make more serum?
Karli, says the law of dramatic narrative.

And at least one seems to be already working for the power broker.


So, with all the discussions in this thread about how Zemo's viewpoint on supersoldiers doesn't really hold up, I started to see a couple of the scenes in the last episode in a different light, and wonder whether Zemo's moderating his opinion just a little bit in light of his time with Sam and Bucky.

Exhibit A: In the vial-smashing scene, when he first crouches down to take a vial, the camera cuts away to Karli, who's in cover without line of sight to him. He stands up a moment later with one vial in his hand, but there was time for him to have squirreled a second vial away.

Exhibit B: Afterwards, he asks Sam that "hypothetical" question as to whether he would have taken the serum if it was offered to him.

I have a feeling that question wasn't so hypothetical. It was a test, and Sam passed by saying no. It wouldn't surprise me if Zemo either kept or hid a vial, and is considering administering it to Sam as a contingency if more muscle is needed against the Flag Smashers.

What happened with Walker will no doubt influence that decision.

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