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Flight of the Resistance (Star Wars)

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Also everything else is good but one slight change has happened since talking earlier...

xynthoros said:
The resistance technicians tried to wipe Rex, but after one of their technicians wound up crumpled on the ground and their systems became flooded with the First Order data he had stolen, to include the bounty on him. One of the technicians who understood binary worked out an agreement, explaining to Resistance leadership the droid's situation. At first there was a call for the droids destruction, it was too much of a risk they argued. Finally, Lt. Mason stepped forward, "I'm in need of a new astromech anyways, I'll take responsibility for it." So for several months, he traveled the outer rim aboard the small cruiser with Lt. Mason. On a resupply on Tatooine, Lt. Mason managed to pick up a young girl, apparently from a wealthy family who had become stranded on the planet, Arsinoe.

We've removed the Tatooine / rescue pilot connection. Instead we're thinking Arsinoë crashed on Kabal with Rex.

I have an idea for how Rex might have gotten involved. It involves being "undercover" aboard a pirate ship to retrieve a First Order data cylinder (and this happens to be the pirate ship that guns down the slave-barge Arsinoë was aboard)...let me know if you like it?

[SECTION]Life as a cantina server droid wasn’t the first time Rex had to adopt a cover. Sarn Doree once had the R3 painted with an Imperial color scheme down to the hologram decals. Used to being around smugglers and scoundrels, Rex’s computational protocols estimates there was a 67.8% chance that someone would betray him or Arsinoë. Looking out for the young ingenue was almost a full-time job in and of itself! Though the crash and his friendship with Arsinoë were unexpected, it was no accident Rex had been aboard the krish pirate vessel. The krish had captured an old shuttle belonging to the First Order, and the shuttle’s data cylinder could be invaluable to the Resistance. Rex had been so close when everything went sideways or, more precisely, down. Native lifeforms made short work of stripping the wreck; if the cylinder survived the crash it was likely trading hands in the markets of Kabal.[/SECTION]

This makes another fun connection to Garrett ( [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] ) besides Sarn Doree, as Garrett is the one who found the data cylinder Rex was originally after!

Hmm... also I'd propose that for a connection between Kospirian ( [MENTION=14655]Green Karl[/MENTION] ) and Rex, we could bring in the character of Lieutenant Mason you made up... Maybe Lt. Mason is the same contact/handler within the Resistance for both PCs?


First Post
That looks right to me as well.

Remind me of Kospirian's connections to other PCs?

I'll try not to be stingy with XP – seems like the system is meant to be pretty generous – 10 XP/player per "session" and on top of that +5 XP for milestones/story awards, +5 XP for playing to your motivation, and a few XP at the GM's discretion for great ideas/roleplaying.

I am going to write it into my updated background but I was thinking at least Arsinoë (somehow involved with freeing her from slavery) being one of the Resistant fighters (or pilot) that picked her up and Rex, when he dealt with smugglers before and meet him and the crew before they meet their untimely demise.
Or with Garnett freeing him from the First Order.

I guess I am not sure how much connection we should have as I don't want to modify someone else's background


I am going to write it into my updated background but I was thinking at least Arsinoë (somehow involved with freeing her from slavery) being one of the Resistant fighters (or pilot) that picked her up and Rex, when he dealt with smugglers before and meet him and the crew before they meet their untimely demise.
Or with Garnett freeing him from the First Order.

I guess I am not sure how much connection we should have as I don't want to modify someone else's background

I think during our planning/brainstorming, it's fine to pitch ideas. Not everything is going stick, and that's OK. Like the connection between Rex & Garrett being the smuggling uncle Sarn Doree. I had no idea how that would go over, but I tossed it out there and in this case it worked.

An idea: With Kospirian (man, did I tell you what a great name that is? :) ), he's more of a subtle touch rather than a guns-blazing type, so that might be interesting to work in how he arranged for Arsinoë's escape from the slave barge. Even though it ended up crashing disastrously, maybe the whole scenario was orchestrated by Kospirian who tipped of the pirates hoping to use the chaos to free the slaves? But then things didn't go as planned. This paints him as a bit more insidious – a champion of the persecuted operating in the morally grey zone. Maybe Arsinoë and him never actually met face-to-face but she heard his voice over the comms, so she'd recognize his voice? Maybe he walked her through the crash or something?

Another idea: While Kospirian doesn't seem the type to move in elite Corellian circles, you might think of some way for him to have been hired/recruited/compelled by Arsinoë's father Kyrton or her older brother Moen to track her down and bring her back to Corellia safely. Heck, he could even be working under false pretenses for her wicked betrothed Samas! This idea would be a pretty significant connection you guys would want to develop some more. Why was Kospirian selected to go after her? How does that interact with his Duty to the Resistance? Does he plan to follow through or does he have his own plans (e.g. to induct Arsinoë into the Resistance, or even to ransom her)?

Just some thoughts :)


[MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] I'll throw out a couple ideas for your Jedi padawan Rico. Maybe these can inspire you. Feel free to ignore/adapt as you desire!

Adventure Hooks
  • If Rico has the Foresee talent (or something similar), he could also have received a vision of Luke (or his own master believed to be dead) on a watery world and be searching for him/her.
  • There may have once been a Force-using tradition on Kabal (associated with a ruined overgrown temple I've hinted at), and Rico might be seeking to gain information about it to hone/repair his own connection to the Force which was touched by the Dark Side after a close encounter with the Knights of Ren.
  • Rico might be seeking to restore relations between the Resistance and the Jedi (which were badly damaged after the betrayal by the Knights of Ren). This might lead him to search for former Rebels – like Khiar Doman on Kabal – who remember Luke as a hero to help bridge the damaged relations.

Character Connections
  • Just before Rico's master sacrificed him/herself, the master might have whispered something cryptic about "find them, the children of the Force, seek the Mayagil sector." Rico might have been reminded of Luke's stories of Dagobah, and so he started searching other planets in the Mayagil sector on the Rimma Trade Route like Clak'dor and Triton...but not finding anyone there would have at ventured to the criminal backwater Kabal. This would be a generic connection to Arsinoë (force emergent), Kospirian (force emergent), and Garrett (unwittingly a force-user).
  • Rico studied with the same Ahia-Ko shaman on Akiva that Kospirian sought guidance from. Depending on who went to the shaman first (and for what reasons), this could affect which PC is aware of the other, and what they think of him. For example, if Kospirian went first, Rico might learn of a mirialan who had trouble controlling his visions and stood between the Light and the Dark...whereas Kospirian wouldn't know Rico at all (unless the shaman had a vision of the future). What assumptions has Rico made about Kospirian?
  • As a genealogist tracking Force-use through family lines, Rico may have found history of Force-use in the prestigious Anjuliz family of Corellia (Arsinoë's family). However, Arsinoë's father Kyrton may have wanted this suppressed for some nefarious reason, and may have orchestrated Rico's downfall specifically. This could be a connection between Rico and Arsinoë that neither realizes at first. What happens when the truth of her family & Rico's downfall comes to light?
  • During the Rebellion against the Empire, it's possible Luke programmed something secret into an astromech droid in an X-wing squadron. This was none other than Rex before his first and only memory wipe. What secret encrypted data might be lurking on Rex's drive? And why would Luke have told Rico about it?


First Post
Also everything else is good but one slight change has happened since talking earlier...

We've removed the Tatooine / rescue pilot connection. Instead we're thinking Arsinoë crashed on Kabal with Rex.

I have an idea for how Rex might have gotten involved. It involves being "undercover" aboard a pirate ship to retrieve a First Order data cylinder (and this happens to be the pirate ship that guns down the slave-barge Arsinoë was aboard)...let me know if you like it?

[SECTION]Life as a cantina server droid wasn’t the first time Rex had to adopt a cover. Sarn Doree once had the R3 painted with an Imperial color scheme down to the hologram decals. Used to being around smugglers and scoundrels, Rex’s computational protocols estimates there was a 67.8% chance that someone would betray him or Arsinoë. Looking out for the young ingenue was almost a full-time job in and of itself! Though the crash and his friendship with Arsinoë were unexpected, it was no accident Rex had been aboard the krish pirate vessel. The krish had captured an old shuttle belonging to the First Order, and the shuttle’s data cylinder could be invaluable to the Resistance. Rex had been so close when everything went sideways or, more precisely, down. Native lifeforms made short work of stripping the wreck; if the cylinder survived the crash it was likely trading hands in the markets of Kabal.[/SECTION]

This makes another fun connection to Garrett ( [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] ) besides Sarn Doree, as Garrett is the one who found the data cylinder Rex was originally after!

Hmm... also I'd propose that for a connection between Kospirian ( [MENTION=14655]Green Karl[/MENTION] ) and Rex, we could bring in the character of Lieutenant Mason you made up... Maybe Lt. Mason is the same contact/handler within the Resistance for both PCs?

I am fine with all of these ideas as well as the idea that Luke left encrypted data rattling around in Rex's memory core!!


Arsinoë is now up in the Rogue's Gallery, updated with her bonus XP and the new background information.

Are you sure you updated with the bonus XP? I also didn't see any talents on the sheets besides the Influence force power?

Arsinoë: double-checking XP (can spend 15 more)
Arsinoë starting XP is 135 = 110 (human) +10 XP obligation +5 XP human (bonus) +5 XP character connections (bonus) +5 XP story hook (bonus)

I'm assuming you were spending all of Arsinoë's bonus from Obligation (net 20) on XP.

3 Brawn = 30 XP
3 Agility = 30 XP
3 Presence = 30 XP

TALENTS = 10 XP total
Influence = 10 XP

Force Sensitive Emergent (Universal) = 20 XP

SKILLS = 0 XP total
Athletics 1 (free human non-career skill) = 0 XP
Charm 1 (1 free career) = 0 XP
Coordination 1 (1 free specialization) = 0 XP
Deception 1 (1 free career) = 0 XP
Negotiation 1 (1 free career) = 0 XP
Melee 1 (1 free specialization) = 0 XP
Ranged (Light) 1 (free human non-career skill) = 0 XP
Knowledge (Core Worlds) 1 (1 free career) = 0 XP

ABSOLUTE TOTAL = 120 XP = 90 + 10 + 20
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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