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Hewligan's Rise of the Runelords: The Skinsaw Murders


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Jokad hears the sheriff but seems to still be dwelling on his statement, as if he simply followed the facts, but the facts don't make sense.

"How would an undead know us? Know me? And the rune?"

"What have we forgotten my friends? Why would such a creature be stalking us?"

The man-child shakes his head, obviously more confused than when he started.

He sighs. "Lead on sheriff."

"By the way, who was the first victim? Maybe that will help make some sense."

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Ibor Thorn

Harker's business partner is a young man, handsome if a bit narrow-faced. He is hunched up at the back of a small, clean cell, knees drawn up under his chin. When the lock clicks and the door opens, he rises slowly, warrily, to his feet.

He is still clearly in shock at having discovered the bodies after he arrived at work this morning, stumbling over his words, and hiding his face on occasion as if trying to expunge some image.

OOC: Can someone (first to post) please do a DC 15 diplomacy check or intimidate check (depending on which route you want to take).


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Jokad continues to be very active in hunting down clues for these murders and he immediately strides forward into the cell easily towering over the dazed man.

The 'man' is hardly older than Jokad but the comparisons couldn't be much different. Jokad had lived a hard life and taken his trials head-on with stubborn ferocity. He knew nothing of Ibor background but his spirit was clearly broken and looked like he would clearly rather crawl into a bottle of booze and forget anything ever happened.

That would help no one and the lack of backbone, quite frankly, disgusted Jokad.

Jokad purposely stepped right in front of Ibor, physically dominating the man and forcing him to look up into his angry sea green eyes.

"Ibor Thorn, I understand you found the bodies at the sawmill. We have some questions and if you have any plans on seeing the other side of that door, you best have some damn good answers."

"I need to know what you saw, smelled, heard, and tasted starting with what you had for breakfast.

As he talks he stares directly into the man's eyes and slowly lowers his head until he finshes just an inch from Ibor's.

Intimidate = 16
Roll Lookup


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"By the way, who was the first victim? Maybe that will help make some sense."

Danth strokes his clean-shaven chin as he considers Jokad's question. "The first victim that I am aware of was in Magnimar. Indeed, my predecessor at Temple was slain in a way similar to this. That was the reason for my recall to the city. And that was months ago...it seems our murderer gets around."


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As Jokad moves in to intimidate the prisoner, Danth is quickly at his side, playing the calming influence. "Calm Jokad." he says, placing a hand on the big man's shoulder. Then Danth turns his gaze to Ibor. "Please, Ibor, ignore my brute of a friend here. Tell us what you know, so we can help get you out of this place."

BOOM: Natural 20 on Diplomacy for a total of 30!

(How is that for Good Cleric, Bad Barbarian?)


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Ibor folds

Ibor folds like a drunk gambler, edging away from Jokad, before shifting his nervous stare to Danth.

"He wasn't a bad lad, just a bit quick with his passions. The sawmill is Scarnetti property. Word is that they drove the other mills out of business. Lets just say there were a few unfortunate fires a few years ago that sort of reduced the competition somewhat.

Harker and I ran the place for the Scarnetti family. Just muscle really, not part of their broader operation, if you know what I mean. We worked hard, too, and for coppers. Then business picked up, and we started having to work crazy hours. I just kept my head down and worked hard, and sometimes the Scarnetti's would give us a few extra coppers for our efforts.

It wasn't enough for Harker though. He started to cook the books, skimming quite a bit of cash off the top. He kept the ledgers, would note down shipments in at a few coppers more, shipments out at a few coppers less, and with the volume of work we were doing, it added up. And with all his coin he started to throw his weight around town, gambling, dressing better, and courting. That girl, by Sarenrae did you see the poor thing... she was one of his regular visitors. I think the poor thing actually thought he loved her. Trust me, he didn't love anything but gold and drink. He was playing two or three girls at any one time, different nights of course, and none knew there were others.

I don't know what killed him, but he was living on the edge. He was stealing from a family that basically run the entire scene here, and cheating on girls. Personally, I think it is the girl that is more likely to kill you, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

It is not my problem now. I am leaving this dump!

Jovik knows all about the Scarnetti family. A dangerous noble group who externally act as if they are the greatest supporters of Sandpoint's cultural and religious community, while behind the scenes running virtually every gambling and smuggling operation going, as well as many of the less savoury manual industries. When he was a kid he got close to running with some of their gangs, but he saw the real danger of their operation and wisely avoided getting too involved. It was a close miss, but the right decision. He has seen many people driven to drink or beaten to a pulp for their dealings with that wicked family. They did not kill, though, as far as Jovik knew. Killing was the sort of thing that would open them up to public scrutiny.
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With the ball rolling Jokad wanted to maintain the momentum. For now he is ignoring the obvious hint this might be organized crime. Most of the clues don't fit. He abruptly shoves past Danth to once again regain his superior position over the man.

He growls more than speaks...

"I asked you what you saw and heard not your miserable life history. When did you find the bodies? How did you come upon them? What did you first notice? Recall the uses of all your senses as you came upon the scene... or do I need to jar something loose?"


First Post
Ibor looks shaken at Jokad's outburst. "Just another thug. I have spent a life amongst thugs and criminals." he mutters to himself, before responding to Jokad's question.

"It stank in there. It stank of excrement and death. They soiled themselves. Even corpses do that, you know. But yeah, that was what hit me. The smell of excrement and death. The machine was still on, the log splitter. I saw her body. Or at least I saw the bits of it. I tried to throw up, but nothing came. Then I ran."

He sobs to himself, shaking his head and staring between his knees. It appears as if you may have got the last out of him.
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