Pathfinder 2E [IC] JM's "Doomsday Dawn" Playtest Party#2 Chapter#1

This is the PF2 playtest adventure "Doomsday Dawn" in character thread for party #2.

Link to RG (char gen info is here)
Link to OOC

[MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION]: Coralin Pagebinder, Male Elven/Budding Osirenologist/Bard 1
[MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION]: Bixby Buckhollow, Halfling Mind Quake Survivor Druid 1 & Bucky, a small honey badger
[-][MENTION=6899077]EarlyBird[/MENTION]: Noboru, male human(half-orc), Pathfinder Hopeful, Barbarian 1[/-]
[-][MENTION=6803664]ccs[/MENTION][/-]: Elkhorn, Male Dwarf/Warrior/Fighter 1 Taken over by [MENTION=11456]Tailspinner[/MENTION]
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]: Triessa Elrich, Half Elf Wizard 1
[MENTION=6847138]Charlotte of Oz[/MENTION]: Alan Oake, Human/Pathfinder Hopeful/Paladin 1

In the year 4707 AR (11 years ago, shortly before the Rise of the Runelords), in the Varisian city of Magnimar, at around 9 or 10 am, a messenger finds you and hands you a sealed envelope. When he remains, he says he was asked to find out if will be attending. You promptly open the envelope. It is an invitation from Lady Keleri Deverin, a local scholar and aristocrat. You became acquainted with her some time ago and she occasionally meets with you to discuss mutual interests.

In the invitation, she reminds you of the times you told her you were hoping your life would involve more adventure and that she might have the job to kick off that new part of your life. No other details, other than lunch being served at 1 pm are listed. The messenger who delivered the invitation waits for you to say you will attend and hurries off.

You have a few hours to do something in town before you describe your arrival at the Deverin manor. (You might also reminisce about how you know Keleri.)
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Noboru was well traveled, but the sights of "The City of Monuments" took the half-orc's breath at almost every turn. From the Irespan (a bridge built for giants to cross the sea??) to the LHonneurdu Fondateur, he had tried to make a stop at them all, questioning the Magnimarians at every other block.

And now he stood before the Eyes of the Hawk in the Dockway district. Locals told him the story of a group of adventures the monument was built to honor. And a new goal came to the half-orc, he too wanted a monument built in his honor. Gold for drinking and smoking too, but more so he wanted glory so a statue would be built.

He had only a few short hours before he was to meet Lady Deverin once more. The letter from her cousin (the mayor of Sandpoint) had got the large half-orc's foot in the door, without which he knew he never would have been invited back today to discuss her offer. Sitting under the shade of the monument Noboru finished his last cigar, and day dreamed of his own towering likeness in stone.

Lady Deverin's messenger finds Elkhorn haggling over terms of service with the representative of a south bound caravan. Had the man arrived several moments later Elkhorn's next adventure would've been a fairly boring low risk, low reward, 2 week round trip babysitting job.

In response to the messenger approaching & asking for him, Elkhorn replies:
"If you're tying to serve me a Jury Summons or something, keep walking."
"No sir, it's from one Lady Keleri Deverin."
"Mmm, OK then."
To the caravan rep; "Give me a moment."

Elkhorn accepts the envelope, recognizes the script, & gives it a quick read.

Thinking: "Hmm, Lady Keleri Deverin.... It's been awhile. I wonder what ruin she wants to go poke around in this time? Oh well, she pays waaay better than this caravan gig. So hey, even if she wants to go map out another Cyclops burial site {what a waste of time that was....}, I'm in. Thank the gods her man found me in time."

To the messenger; "Yes, let her know that I'll be there. I know the way." Elkhorn tips the man a SP. {marks it off my character sheet}
To the caravan rep; "No hard feelings, but it looks like I'm going to have to turn your job down. If still it's dwarven swords you're looking to hire, I recommend the Gimli brothers. I hear they're in town. Now, if you'll excuse me, apparently I have a lunch date with a noble lady (holding up the envelope). I gotta go take a bath & make sure my spare shirt is clean."

And with that? Elkhorn finishes his drink and heads off to a bath house & then off to find a laundry.
{spends a max of 1 SP + 7CP to accomplish this - let me know what to mark off}

Elkhorn will arrive slightly earlier than 1pm - within whatever is the acceptable timeframe for that.

Bixby awakens with a start. The small halfling had been sleeping so peacefully when the dream came. It always started the same, he is in his woods at night but the sky is off. No moon or stars are visible but the sky watches. As Bixby looks up the presence reaches down. The thing reaches for him and where it touches the forest and trees twist and distort. The living things that are covered by the shadow die or worse. As the black thing is about to close on the halfling he awakens, drenched in sweat. It was the same this time. Bixby shivered even though he was wrapped in a warm bedroll.

The halfling sighed, he knew sleep would not find him again. He unwrapped himself from the blanket carefully as not to disturb the furry bundle sleeping blissfully at his feet. Bixby smiled at Bucky. The honey badger was orphaned when it's mother was killed by poachers. Bixby had found Bucky half dead and shivering. The halfling had nursed the little cub back to health. Buck has been Bixby's family since that fateful day.

Bixby dressed and began preparing breakfast. The aromas woke Bucky and the badger sauntered over and stared at Bixby. The halfling looks at his friend.

"What, you be wanton' me breakfast?" The badger snuffles loudly and paws at Bixby's foot. "Fine but ya aren't gettin' all the bacon this time."

The mostly one sided conversation continues through breakfast and the cleanup that follows. As Bixby begins to break down his small camp he shoos Bucky away and the honey badger ambles off into the underbrush. Bixby is wrapping his bedroll and securing it to his pack when he hears the Bucky's warning growl followed by the yelp of someone. Bixby curses and pushes through the underbrush towards the noise.

On the other side of the crush Bixby is greeted by an interesting picture which brings a smile to the diminutive halfling a face. A man barely out of boyhood has been backed against a tree and the small badger is growling and hissing just out of arms reach of the terrified boy. Bixby quickly recognizes the livery of Lady Deverin's house. What could one of the Lady's memes angers be doing out here?

"Bucky, what do ya think you be doing?". Bixby moves to place himself next to the badger. "Is that anyway to be treating a guest? Now leave the boy be."

With that he pushes the badger with his hand and grins at the messenger.

"And what can I be doing for ya me boy?"

The boy stammers for a minute and reaches for a pocket. This only sets off Bucky again. The boy jumps back. Bixby pats Bucky's head to reassure him that everything is alright.

"It's all right. Bucky's just being protective. He won't be hurt no fly." Noticing the letter clutched in the boys hand. "I takes it the Lady be sending me that there letter. You can give it here. Buck won't bite cha. I promise."

The boy gingerly hands the letter to Bixby who deftly breaks the wax seal and reads it's contents. The Lady inviting him to a lunch. It was an odd request and this intrigued Bixby more than any detailed missive would have. The last time she had called on him was to transport a scritchling from the city out into the Marshfen where it wouldn't hurt anyone or get hunted for sport. Bixby wasn't sure if this was going to be just as interesting but he wasn't going to miss the chance to find out.

"Tell the Lady that I shall be there."

As he watches the man run off towards the city Bixby smiles down at the badger.

"Come now Bucky we be having an meeting to attend."

Bixby shoulders his pack and begins the journey from his small wood to Magnima. He whistles as he walks and stops frequently to speak to a plant or animal he encounters. The slow meandering path eventually brings him to Lady Deverin's door. Bixby looks down at Bucky.

"Well here be goings nothing."

The halfling wraps on the door with his staff and waits.

The door opens and tall man in formal attire steps out the door. "Ah, Mr. Buckhollow, if you would not mind leading your friend this way." He seems unafraid of the badger and leads you around the mansion to the rear and points out a fenced paddock, several acres in size that stretches out beyond the mansion. The fence is designed to keep horses inside, not badgers. "I'm sure your friend would prefer to roam the grass enclosure rather than the hard floors and small rooms of the house. And it's not like he would be trapped therein. But it's up to you. If you want to bring him inside, you may. I just thought he might prefer the open space."

Bixby looks down at the badger.

"What you be thinkin Buck? Want to be going frolickin' in the field?" Bucky gives what can only be called a smile and begins to waddle towards the paddock. Bixby calls after him. "And you be staying away from the Ladies bee boxes."

Bixby wags his finger at the badger in emphasis. He then turns back to the tall man.

"I be thanking you. Bucky'd only be gettin in trouble inside." Bixby smiles, "Not that he won't be gettin trouble outside neither."

The halfling fidgets for a minute. He is not used to the civil niceties of the city and unsure what to say next.

"So where be Lady Deverin? She be wanting to see me, sumtin bout adventure and lunch?"

The butler nods and says, "Right this way." He leads Bixby into a sitting room, through a rear entrance. Bixby passes a few different rooms as he is lead back to the front of the house and room off the front entryway. There is a knock at the door and as soon as Bixby enters the sitting room, the butler says, "One moment, sir." He returns to the entryway and opens the door. "Ah, Mr. Elkhorn, you are just a bit early. Please follow me." He leads the dwarf to the same sitting room. "If you gentlemen will wait here. I'll come fetch you when the lady is ready to receive you in the dining hall."

The sun is shining brightly outside, though Coralin only notices because the beams of light filter through his room, giving enough so he can see without wasting one of his candles. The sounds of pens scratching on paper can be heard throughout his small, one room abode, but that is usual with Coralin. Either it is the scratching of a pen, or the subtle rustle of a turned page, that are the predominant sounds coming out of his room.

Until he gets tired, as he is now. It is with a slight start that he realizes he has been up the whole night! Ah, well. His research has been fascinating.

He sat back, rubbing his eyes before pulling out his harmonica. It is a simple little thing, but he holds it with much care. He opens a window, allowing the sun to filter in even more, and puts the instrument to his lips, paying a long, soft tune filled with the longing of times long ago.

It is shortly after he is done, revitalized as he always is, that he hears a knock at his door. Upon answering, he finds an invitation by Lady Deverin. How charming. He always loved discussing history with her, though he had not been on any adventures himself. She knew he longed to visit ancient sites himself, discovering what he may on his own. It seems she is inclined to help him with this.

He dresses and grabs his pack before heading to the Lady's manner.

Noon has passed as you arrive at the home of Keleri Deverin. The house steward greets you pleasantly and escorts you to a sitting room, a room with several stuffed chairs, a sofa and two lounges. One by one four people arrive in the room sitting or standing, admiring the small book shelf of fiction or the knick-knacks and baubles on the other shelves. At around one, Keleri enters and greets each of you personally. She keeps the conversation short and after a few moments says, "Let's go to the dining room."

In the dining room, a formal room, the table is set with a seat for her at the head and three chairs on either side. She indicates you should sit, if you haven't done so. "I was going to serve lunch first, but I am impatient.

"Last night my basement was broken into by some goblins. They took some meaningless heirlooms and some coins. But more importantly, the stole a blessed jewel I was to deliver to my cousin, the mayor of Sandpoint. It is to be featured in Sandpoint's Swallowtail Festival next week as part of a dedication ceremony for the recently completed Cathedral there. Based on what I've learned form Elkran, this is just a coincidence. But it is imperative that I deliver the heirloom," she looks at Jericho, "The Star of Desna to Sandpoint in time."

"I caught one of the goblins in my basement. She defected from her tribe by hiding in my basement after the others fled with their booty. She claims their tribe has been overtaken by a hobgoblin whose evil dwarfs that of a demon. He kills his opposition and hangs their lifeless bodies to intimidate the goblins. As sympathetic and that makes me, I don't care about liberating the Mudchewer Tribe from this hobgoblin, Drakus by name. I only care about the Star of Desna. You can keep any other things of value you might find. And I know they stole at least hundred gold worth of things from me. Those are yours as well.

"When we finish eating, I will take you to this goblin so you may interrogate her about their lair. I asked if she wanted to accompany you, but apparently this Drakus is so fearsome she would rather rot in a cell than face him again."

The meal is delicious and if you have any small talk you with to make, now is the time.

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