Hollow's Last Hope [OOC]


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It's good to see some character sheets under way over on the Rogue's Gallery. :)

I'd appreciate it you all could let me know when your character's sheet is 100% finished, so I can then review it for final approval. Thanks!

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OK, I've posted the rough draft of Jebbo. I'm still looking for a picture, and I have to fill in a few personal details about him, but game stats and mechanics-wise, he's totally ready for play.


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Having looked over Hakkara's sheet, I noticed that she was shorted 4 skill points (the bonus for being human most likely). She should have 20 total.

That's the only problem I can find. Once you assign the additional skill points, she will be approved to start play.
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First Post

Having looked over Jebbo's character sheet, I note the following:

**I think he should only get 2 zero level spells per day. High ability scores don't allow for bonus zero level spells. He will qualify for the bonus once he has access to first level spells.

**By my math, it appears that Jebbo was shorted 5 gold pieces. I'm willing to concede that I could be wrong, but I'm inviting you to add the other 5 gold to his money.

That's all I see that appears to be an issue. Please address these small revisions, and then Jebbo will be approved for play!

Oh, and I wanted to mention that the notes about Jebbo's weapons are very cool. Nice little role-playing details, there, and much appreciated. :)


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YeOldeAlbatross said:
**I think he should only get 2 zero level spells per day. High ability scores don't allow for bonus zero level spells. He will qualify for the bonus once he has access to first level spells.
Oops, my mistake! And one that I keep on making, at that. My brain could never really wrap itself around that little quirk in the rules, I guess I never really got used to it. Thanks for pointing that out! I'll correct it immediately.

YeOldeAlbatross said:
**By my math, it appears that Jebbo was shorted 5 gold pieces. I'm willing to concede that I could be wrong, but I'm inviting you to add the other 5 gold to his money.
Actually, I think that we're BOTH wrong. After a brief recalculation, I think that Jebbo is over the 160 gp max for Bards by a little. Everything should have cost him 160 gp, 7 sp, and 5 cp. That puts me roughly 4 gp over the limit! Is this an ignorable amount (meaning that I won't have to rework his equipment list), or should I rework his equipment list to fit? But, math isn't my subject, so if I'm wrong AGAIN, please, somebody correct me!

YeOldeAlbatross said:
Oh, and I wanted to mention that the notes about Jebbo's weapons are very cool. Nice little role-playing details, there, and much appreciated.
Thanks for noticing! I love adding in the little details, it makes the character so much more believable. In addition to that, it's nice when the enemy knows PRECISELY what is being driven into their skull! :) Be sure to check back on the dagger descriptions - that's only a rough draft. I'm considering giving brief details on every one of his six daggers (too much free time). Once the game starts off, expect him to swap out daggers with somebody whenever he has the opportunity. I'll update the descriptions whenever he swaps one out - it's going to be a constantly changing detail.

On the subject of the daggers, an interesting idea to me is to have him collect daggers made from various materials - in addition to adamantine, alchemical silver, cold iron, and mithral, what sort of materials are you allowing? And if you ever throw a monster using any sort of knife at us, be prepared for Jebbo to ask for details about it during the looting. It's his thang. :cool:

Finally, I found the PERFECT portrait for Jebbo. I posted it, I hope you like it! Sorry it isn't in color, but it was just too good to pass up. I usually don't bother with PC portraits, but MAN, it feels great to find one that just fits the character like a glove! Oh, and I like Jared and Hakkara's portraits, as well. hero4hire, the moment you described Hakkara, the Frenzied Berserker jumped to mind. For a good reason, I guess! :D
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YeOldeAlbatross said:

Having looked over Hakkara's sheet, I noticed that she was shorted 4 skill points (the bonus for being human most likely). She should have 20 total.

That's the only problem I can find. Once you assign the additional skill points, she will be approved to start play.



Nazhkandrias said:
the moment you described Hakkara, the Frenzied Berserker jumped to mind. For a good reason, I guess! :D

Yeah, I spent way too long looking for a portrait, only to be flipping thru Complete Warrior and seeing that picture.


First Post
Nazhkandrias said:
Actually, I think that we're BOTH wrong. After a brief recalculation, I think that Jebbo is over the 160 gp max for Bards by a little. Everything should have cost him 160 gp, 7 sp, and 5 cp. That puts me roughly 4 gp over the limit! Is this an ignorable amount (meaning that I won't have to rework his equipment list), or should I rework his equipment list to fit? But, math isn't my subject, so if I'm wrong AGAIN, please, somebody correct me!
Eh, you know, for this minor discrepancy, it's not worth getting bogged down over. Tell you what, let's just leave his equipment list and money as it stands now, and call it good. The nuts and bolts of Jebbo's sheet are approved for play, although I would still like to see that description and background finished up.

Nazhkandrias said:
Thanks for noticing! I love adding in the little details, it makes the character so much more believable. In addition to that, it's nice when the enemy knows PRECISELY what is being driven into their skull! :) Be sure to check back on the dagger descriptions - that's only a rough draft. I'm considering giving brief details on every one of his six daggers (too much free time). Once the game starts off, expect him to swap out daggers with somebody whenever he has the opportunity. I'll update the descriptions whenever he swaps one out - it's going to be a constantly changing detail.

On the subject of the daggers, an interesting idea to me is to have him collect daggers made from various materials - in addition to adamantine, alchemical silver, cold iron, and mithral, what sort of materials are you allowing? And if you ever throw a monster using any sort of knife at us, be prepared for Jebbo to ask for details about it during the looting. It's his thang. :cool:
Okay, I'll try to be prepared to offer some unique details of any daggers or knives collected over the course of the adventure. Fair warning, right? :)

As for materials available...well, sure, the SRD options you listed are all feasible. I'd say any others that might have popped up in various WotC sourcebooks are also fair game. To be honest, however, I can't think of what might be out there off the top of my head. I'm open to suggestions or reminders, though.

Nazhkandrias said:
Finally, I found the PERFECT portrait for Jebbo. I posted it, I hope you like it! Sorry it isn't in color, but it was just too good to pass up. I usually don't bother with PC portraits, but MAN, it feels great to find one that just fits the character like a glove! Oh, and I like Jared and Hakkara's portraits, as well. hero4hire, the moment you described Hakkara, the Frenzied Berserker jumped to mind. For a good reason, I guess! :D
It's a good portrait, indeed. In fact, the three that have been posted are all very nice choices. I hope Azgulor and Voadam will be able to follow suit as well. :)

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