D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


OOC: Almost forgot: Imogen's Uncle asks Flask of Wine and River Mist to show up for your guides interview. He tells Imogen only that they'll show - he gives no opinion on hiring them. And a Tortle named Eeyal arrives, having noticed the crowd from the streets. Word gets out quickly. Volo's name probably was dropped somewhere. Kobold will post their pages soon, I'm sure. I still can't post pictures.

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Two more guides:




Qawasha replied to Rodrigo, "Jobal is the Merchant Prince who provides licenses to Guides. As I hear it, all the Merchant Princes used to license various guides, but Jobal, having once heard the call of the Chwinga, purchased all of the commissions."


Most of the Guides are native to Chult, aside from Faroul and Gondolo, who are a Calishite and a halfling, respectively, and Hew Hackinstone, who is a Shield Dwarf from up north but he's been down here for many years. Perhaps too many.

The most inbred-looking is the Albino Dwarf Musharib. He comes from a rare clan of dwarves from somewhere in the jungles of Chult.


OOC: Charisma is low so I will have DEllrak Help/Aid anyone should a Persuasion check be needed.

When asked which guide he prefers Dellrak just grunts and says "One be guid as dae other. They all do be some queer folk."


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo rubbed his chin, deep in thought

"So not only we have monetary considerations, but also potential conflict against powerful groups or indvidivuals - the mercenaries to one side, but their area of influence is not where we are going, so we will deal with that later - besides we don't have the money."

"As far as this Jobal person... if we are acting on behalf of Pol... couldn't he clear up any conflict in advance? Also, how much time will it take us to reach this camp? That weights on our affordability concerns...

Salida's warning concerns me, and we should consider them but... do we trust someone who's character is slagging all her competitors?"


Soggy (Wren) came into the Thundering Lizard and boldly ordered a round of drinks for his friends. "I've heard yer lookin' fer a guide. Well, I ain't one of those, but I'm lookin' fer to buy some trinket for me mum's birthday. Heard y'v got somethin' thas just her style. I'm willin' ta trade fer this thing I found."

He offered a gem worth two-hundred gold pieces.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen, who wears the snake bracelet on her wrist, is amused by the Wren's bluster.
She considers him, wondering if he might seem too eager, and therefore be willing to part with more.

Insight: [roll0].


The Wren, though very good at concealing his true feelings, was eager to get ahold of the snakes. Moreover, he appeared to be slightly afraid of it, as if he wasn't sure if he was willing to touch the trinket with his bare hands.

OOC: If Imogen holds out for more, he will be willing to "call in a favour" and have Faroul and his halfling companion waive their first tenday's fees, if the Sticks will have them. Those two owe him. You can hire multiple guides, if you like.
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At the Thundering Lizard, Chrysagon writes down his report and pack up for tomorrow before joining the others.

"Master Dellrack, we should get some material and supplies for the trip to the fort. I can assist you while the others take some rest."

[sblock=Kyhton 22, Year of the Warrior Princess - Port Nyanzaru, Chult]High Lord Doom Indraeyan,

My steps have led me to the Weave of Life, a rug and tapestry shop owned by a certain Klevin Van'Sharen. The merchant asked us to intervene in one of his case. It seems that some sort of ancient amulet could be connected with the Curse. Unfortunately, we missed the opportunity to seize it, for now.

We have made contact with Alistair Bol of the Gauntlet. Strange disappearances have been reported and they are somehow connected to a certain "Call of Death". Our investigation confirmed what you feared, my Lord, the dead are walking in Chult. The lead stopped when we found this cursed Yuan-ti piece of jewellery on the necromancer body. Here is a sketch of it.

But more important, a name has surfaced: the Soulmonger. The thirst of this necromantic artifact for souls is almost quenched and our time is being counted. The source of this evil seems to hide deep into the jungle, it will be our next big step. I'm confident that our Alliance will soon bring the results you are expecting.

We are facing a great threat, my Lord. I hope I'll be up to this task.

I pray for you, My High Lord Doom, and may The Judge enlightens me along the path.

Chrysagon of Mir, your faithful Iron Brother.
[/sblock][sblock=Ready for rumble]
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