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[IC Thread] Delving the Mists

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Fangor the Fierce

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Salzorin said:
Quilan -- Rogue

Quilan runs back up the tunnel to make sure that the others are alright and to see if anymore help is needed.
Seeing the others run towards the tunnel, Alyson quickly says, "Call me if you need me. I am sure that Natalie and the others can take care of one man. I will finish up here." She then orders her magical weapon to attack the other downed plants, intent on making sure they do not somehow get back up. She then kneels down and inspects the curious plant near the tunnel entrance.

Search +8


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Natalie quickly latches her manacles onto the man's hands...but can't find anything to chain him up to. Not wanting to leave him alone she drags him behind her as she follows Quilan down the small side tunnel. Quilan leads the way and runs into Orum and Anton about halfway through to the other room. Everyone looks to be alright, if a little banged up.

Alyson spends some time investigating the bodies of the plants (after they have been made quite dead by her divine weapon) but doesn't find much unusual about them. They are large and skinny with a thick central stalk that has several long tendrils attached to it, presumably used for attacking predators or prey. Stubby roots on the bottom of the plant provide a means of locomotion, but don't look to be able to move very fast. At the top of the stalk is a small black colored sac that may hold the liquid that one of the plants spit out at everyone.

Fangor the Fierce

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Alyson takes out her scalpel and proceeds to remove the black colored sacs from the plants. She then searches this room for anything else that might tell of what the man was doing here. Search +8, taking 20 in the area of the tunnel where the man was first spotted.


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Quilan looks about the man for the large sack he originally ran off with. If the man no longer possesses it, he'll question him about it and search down the tunnel and in the passageway where they apprehended him.


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Natalie Bayne -- Wizard/Rogue

When Natalie dragged the man over, she made sure he slipped a bit in the sewage before she dragged him out of it. She sits him down against the wall, then pulls out the crossbow bolt he embedded in her, quickly covering the wound with some cloth. She holds the bloody projectile in front of the man's face, with a hard angry glare on her own. "I believe this was yours, although it's my blood all over it. Do you know much about witchcraft? I do; why the things I can do with this former possession of yours, now invested with blood and rage, would really surprise you. But before we get to that, I'd like to know what you're doing down here. And who you might be working with, or for. Why, anything you might care to share will probably
diminish my rage, and lessen what I can make this..." the bolt pointing right at his nose, "do to you."

[Intimidate +15]


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"We," Orum says loudly, leaning against his glaive, "attacked him."

No more than that is said, though from the look on his face it is clear he disagrees entirely with Natalie's approach thus far.


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"Dial it back a notch Natalie. Orum's right. Besides, we really don't need to give the Watch a reputation for using witchcraft.

Then, turning towards the man;
"So what were you doing down here, in the sewers, with those rather agressive ferns?"


First Post
Alyson spends a few minutes cutting out the black sacs from within the plant stalks. The plant that first spit the cloud of black ichor onto the party has nothing left within it's black pouch, so she discards that one.
Searching around the room Alyson finds many various odds and ends that look to have been ransacked from homes or taken from people personally. Several pieces of jewelry, a tapestry, a few rugs, some sculptures and pottery are found among some other useless rubbish.

[OOC: Alyson adds 2 black poison sacks to her inventory.
She also finds 8 pieces of jewelry, 1 tapestry, 2 rugs, 4 sculptures, and 3 pieces of pottery within the circular room...which is too awkward to be carried by herself.]

Salzorin finds and divests the man of the large sack he ran away with when the party first encountered him. It is full of gold and other assorted coins.

[OOC: 20 pp, 247 gp, 140 sp, 47 cp.]

After Natalie's display of rage towards the man he breaks down blubbering and crying. "Oh please kind sirs and ladies, don't hurt poor poor Goilon! He was only doing what his master told him to do. Here I'll give you this as well as all of the treasures within the room if you just promise not to hurt poor Goilon." He holds up a pouch that is tied around his neck. "This herbs keep the mean plants away from you...I don't think they like the smell much. I see that you took care of them anyways, but Goilon gives it to you anyways as a gift." He smiles a crooked grin at everyone after this.

"So what were you doing down here, in the sewers, with those rather agressive ferns?"

"Goilon's master tells him to come down here and count the monies every evening to be sure they are safe, and to keep the rats away from the other pretty things. I didn't mean to shoot pointy arrows at you but Goilon was scared!" He holds his head in his hands and sobs.


First Post
Natalie Bayne -- Wizard/Rogue

Natalie rolls her eyes; whether its due to the man's 'poor, poor Goilon' routine, or her comrades dislike of her methods is unclear. To their prisoner, she says "Surely you know this treasure isn't yours to give. Or even your master's. I'm sure it's former owners will appreciate it when we return it to them. And even if all you did was count his loot, you still assaulted a member of the watch with a deadly weapon. But things might go easier on you, both in terms of imprisonment and...", breaking the crossbow bolt in half, "other punishments, if you tell us who this master is and where to find him."

[BTW, the man's hands should still be manacled, so 'holding up the pouch' wouldn't have been possible, although he could easily have directed our attention to it instead]

Voidrunner's Codex

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