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OOC: Yeah, I'm not sure where Morgrym is now. I thought we were all on the lift going up and abandoning the tunnel, not sticking around to fight the naga.

Archon Basileus

First Post

The heroes retreat to the platform, allowing the elevator to move away from the creature. As the group ascends, the creature moves forward, attempting a physical attack against the group as it leaps towards the closing fissure! The slender, black body slides through the small passage right before it closes, and the creature launches itself against Morgrym, charging with teeth and tail!

The creature holds fast to the bark with its teeth, lightly breaking the armor. The tail thrusts around, but the constant movement allows Morgrym to avoid the poisonous sting.[4 points of damage from the bite]

Now the elevator goes up at a steady pace, with the Naga sitting amidst the warriors.

[I'll position the icons at the map for you, guys. But since the naga faces Morgrym, all other attacks may flank the creature. Aside from that, I assumed that you would be outside the platform because of the reflex rolls - in order to flee from the explosion, that would be the natural course. I have considered that you had time to step inside right after dodging the blast. The naga sees it and advances, attacking Morgrym. It was an all-out attack - the only way to guarantee enough movement and a chance to cause harm - so now it has the applicable AC penalties. If you choose to attack, remember to roll for the 50 percent blur miss, as well!]

@Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Shayuri @MetaVoid
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"Which part of 'your boss is dead didn't you understand?'" orc shaman asks as his flesh pushes out the arrow that hit him earlier.
"Maybe this helps you make up your mind." since it seems no one is willing to come close to him his drinks another something and his stature immediately and dramatically increases
His back is still flush against the elevator, but now his sheer size brings him right next to the archers, his 10' frame looming over all of them and the blade longer than human body raised to strike.
"If I see one more arrow fly toward me, none of you will avoid the cook-fires of The Tribes. Except for the one who shoots me. He goes to Mhuagra, Great Spirit of the Dark Secrets. You leave or you die. Choose now. Three..." breath "Two..." breath "One..." Deep breath

Ref Save: 1D20+9 = [16]+9 = 25

Free: heal another 5HP for 38/43 HP
Standard: drink enlarge potion (gain +4 to intimidate due size)
Move: Draw blade and step if needed to be adjacent to them (Hagadark is now large and even 5' step will not save one of them from OA if they choose to do battle)
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
LOL! I'd hit both times even without flat-footed AC...and yet again, I forgot miss chance. Wait for the next post :(



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius moves as soon as the creature snaps at the druid. While snake-body of the creature coils around he performs strange maneuver, raising his right leg up over his head and touching it to the left arm that went to meet it.

He snaps downward with both, left arm going left and down the leg right and down while his supporting leg bends, knee nearly touching the ground and monks body whips on two sides of that fulcrum. The move seems impossible and even some strikes earlier seen elicited barely a whisper of exhalation from the monk. This one however causes all-out yell with words barely understood.

However impossible it seems, the hand connects with naga just behind its head while the leg meets undulating body on its upward coil of the lower half. Hand leaves small smoking wound after it retreats and judging by the fleshy sound, both made quite an impact.

"Dragon snakes around the stone!"

Marius slaps the bottom of the elevator with his right hand and comes back up, left arm curled into a claw, should high in front of him, his right slightly curved, held wide on the side and left leg in front of his body, knee at the chest height and shin parallel to the body.

Two hits for 22 damage total! :)
Must run, will edit later edited

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First Post
Shayuri positions herself to get the best cover she can from the ranged attackers, and turns her magic on the ebony coils of the Naga! After all, if it conceals its position with magic, then it can't complain if they did the same... A flurry of brilliant sparks flurry from her hands and explode like fireworks around the serpent, covering it in glowing motes of light!

(Glitterdust on Naga! DC 15 Fort save or be blinded, and it can't benefit from invisibility or concealment during the concealment. Area is positioned to avoid allies. [roll0])


Nerath Wall/Long Return/Mine
Round 0

Morgrym grunted as the naga leaped through the elevator gap at the last moment and bit him.

“Grah!” Morgrym yelled, bringing his axe down on the naga.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Action: Flanking
Cold iron battleaxe: 1D20+8 = [19]+8 = 27
Slashing, cold iron damage: 1D8+2 = [8]+2 = 10

HP: 55/59 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 16 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 8 Ref: 2 Will: 8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA; +4 v fey and plant effects)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 9/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7/day
Wild Shape 1/1/day

Conditions: Barkskin 498r (AC 19/13/16)

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Faerie Fire, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]
3: Call Lightning (Domain), Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection from Energy*, [Summon Nature’s Ally III (Spontaneous)][/sblock]

Archon Basileus

First Post

Hagadark's senses alert him of the timely arrival of the elevator. One more turn and the lift will arrive just behind him. Up ahead, the enemies widen their eyes towards the metamorphosis. Fear pervades the group, but something compels them to continue, despite the risks. The bombers - the ones that are now adjacent to Hagadark - pull their short swords from beneath their cloaks with impressive speed, attacking with curved, continuous strikes! Both hit the alchemist, and surprisingly enough, one of them goes straight for the heart! His hip gets a cut [4 points of damage], as the other blade goes straight through his rib cage, hurting him deeply! [Critical damage - 11 points] At the same time, the arrows fly towards the orc. Three of them pass through, the shooters desperate before the creature's sight, but one hits him on the shoulder! [5 points of damage]

[Ok, so the bombers draw swords as a free action, causing no attacks of oportunity, but two crossbowmen are within reach and they trigger the OA! Two more in the back, actions spent. I gotta tell you, you were really unlucky. It's the first set of 20's I roll in combat since I started this game, and all are on you, @MetaVoid! THREE 20's!]


The creature roars furiously at the attacks it suffers. Losing balance, mauled and bleeding, it gets caught by the golden cloud coming from Shayuri's hands! The creature attempts to shake off the effects to no avail! It won't turn invisible anymore, and now it agitates iself, going blind! Gold rests between the black, slithering scales, as the creature curls once more, ready to strike! It attempts to bite the dwarf once more, while swinging it's tail against the monk, concerned with it's speed! Unable to see, the naga fails to target both of the fighters, cursing to high heavens as the attacks fall into void space.

[Ok, so the Naga bites Morgrym and swings at Marius. I'll give an OA trigger for the maneuver, considering it like a movement. I'm mostly ruling the movement without marking the map bacause I think everyone visualizes everything quite well for now, and bacause it goes way faster like this. Every turn I'm giving you guys the initiative and I'm rolling them afterwards. Sounds good? :) When we reach the central fights, I'll settle for the map and the initiative scores as usual, but since this is a side-quest surprise... :p]

@Neurotic @Shayuri @KahlessNestor @MetaVoid
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Voidrunner's Codex

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