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[IC] Underdogs [a core dnd game]

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ic - Underdogs

Its cold outside. Breath frosts in the air. White rimmed clouds scud across the face of the moon. Around the krel, much of hte snow has gone, trapped into the mud. In the hills, it will be different. Around the krel the landscape gleams like silver in the moonlight.

[sblock=ooc]I need to know any preparations being made before departure, marching order, and precautions taken while leaving the village or while en route.

To speed things up, can I get 3 d20 rolls for each character. You can, if you prefer, use 2d10. You won't as many high results, but you get as many low ones as well. Tends to tilt the balance a little more in favour of bonuses, a little less in favour of luck.[/sblock]


First Post
Ershe breathes deeply of the chill night air, feeling refreshed and energized. The task ahead fills him with hope - hope that they can spare the krel more violence, and hope that it will help to promote a more measured and thoughtful approach to other issues as well.

[sblock=OOC]Before heading out, Ershe will head back to his fall long enough to pick up a Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Waterskin, Flint and Tinder, and a day's trail rations.

He doesn't mind where he goes in the marching order, though just at a guess I'd think it'd be best for Adokul and/or Assaq to be on point, Mogro at the rear, and Ershe in the middle with his fuzzy companion.

d20 rolls: 4, 11, 1[/sblock]


Having gathered all of his equipment already, Mogro is prepared to leave immediately. He sits astride Champion and waits for the others to ready themselves. When everyone is set to go and Ershe mentions Mogro perhaps being in back (thereby covering their rear plus allowing him to fire his ranged weapons over the front line).

"Let us go. We've a long excusion ahead of us."

[sblock=OOC]My rolls via the 2d10 method: 15, 5, 16 [/sblock]


Sudden trips into the wild are part of Assaq's life, so he always keeps a backpack prepared with basic supplies: cold weather gear, rope, tindertwigs, flint and steel, a bedroll, and a week's trail rations for times when no food can be found. Since Mogro told him to be prepared, he has this pack with him.

[sblock=ooc]Normally Assaq is quite comfortable taking the point on expeditions like this, but with my awful knowledge rolls, I'm not clear on whether or not Assaq knows the way. If he can decipher the shaman's map, he'll be happy to lead.

Regarding the equipment; I did mention previously that Assaq grabbed the pack he uses for long scouting expeditions, so he already has this stuff with him. This is just an explanation of what's in the pack. I interpreted your instructions to imply that I didn't need to pay for these items; feel free to correct me if that was wrong. This stuff does take Assaq into a medium load, and he will drop the pack in combat to get back to a light load.

And three d20 rolls: 8,6,8 Sigh. If I understand what's going on, though, I have good modifiers for those rolls, I think...

Also, Assaq would like to find time to call his wolf companion to him once the group have left the village.
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ic - Underdogs

The small group moves through the krel. They weave their way between buildings and past fields and paddocks. Here and there they pass others, busy at work making their preparations or clustered together in small groups, talking intently. Some just watch mutely, others nod or wave. A few step up and slap the companions on the shoulder, wishing them on the best or telling them to take care.

Eventually the krel falls behind them. Slowly the forest begins to close in and the ground begins to rise as the four grel truudge through the silver snow. Eventually, to anyone choosing to look back, the krel is lost from sight. Assaq's wolf companion silently falls in alongside its two legged companion.

The ground falls away underfoot slowly but steadily. It rises, then falls, then rises again. After a couple of hours the companions have put a good few miles between themselves and the krel. The journey so far has been straight forward so far. Animal trails have provided sure paths through the trees and the snow for much of the way. So far Assaq has ended up up to his armpits in deep snow only once. The forest has been quiet, but not too quiet. Just normal, night time quiet.

[sblock=ooc]Two hours down, so far so good. Two more rolls this time please. Three for Assaq.[/sblock]


Assaq pauses at a fork in the trail to look around, his eye automatically noting the rather obvious signs of the company's passage through the snow. Sloppy. Still, with the weather, it's to be expected. And the snow may serve to muffle our steps, should silence be needed... Seeing the others in place and not in obvious distress, he shifts his pack slightly and continues onward.

[sblock=ooc]Three more rolls: 3d20=10,2,7 That's it, IC. Get all the bad rolls out before we get to an encounter.[/sblock]


First Post
Ershe notes the footsteps in the snow as well, in contrast to his own trackless passage. It doesn't concern him too much, though; the danger is being seen too soon by what lies ahead, not being discovered and run down from behind.

[sblock=OOC]d20 rolls 2, 20[/sblock]


Mogro keeps himself and Champion back a ways as Assaq has been finding the sinkholes in the snow. The last thing Mogro wants is for his warhorse to snap it's leg, so he's quite happy the safe path can be laid out for him. He spends much of his time watching the flakes fall, and he feels very comfortable (if not a little chilly). He is very happy with what they are doing and how they are accomplishing what they have set out to do.

[sblock=OOC]My rolls are 6 & 16 .[/sblock]
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ic - Underdogs

Slowly, imperceptibly, the companions find themselves climbing down more than up. As they work their way down into the valley, the sky slowly closes in and, as dawn approaches, it begins to snow. Lightly for the moment. They reach the river which they must follow upstream for several more miles before beginning the most challenging part of the journey - finding the camp. Hussik's description has narrowed the search area down to a few square miles, assuming that they can find the geographical markers he described. Given that one, a series of three small waterfalls in all within 100 yards of each other, it shouldn't be too hard if they cleave closely to the river.

It has, however been a full day and half since the grel last slept, and nearly a a quarter day since they left the krel. Fatigue is beginning to gnaw away at the edges of the traveller's awareness. Soon they are going to have to decide whether to push on and risk tiring themselves, or rest.

[sblock=ooc]The party have reached the river that leads up into the valley. They have been travelling for about 6 hours, they have a few (3 or 4 maybe) to go. I'm going to start asking for forced march rolls if the characters continue. DC is 10, the amount that the character falls short by is the non-lethal damage taken. DC increases by 2 each for each additional hour of marching. This increase can be eliminated by an hour of rest. So march an hour, rest an hour, or rest for three, march for three. Something like that. Forced march rolls can be eliminated altogether by a 8, um ... actually say 6, hour rest.

If you decide to make camp, let me know what terrain you choose - in an open area, tucked under some trees, whatever. How close to the river? Fire, no fire? Watches? The usual stuff. Plus two rolls each please.

Has anyone seen anything from Zadam? If he doesn't post soon, I'm going to put his character on the market.[/sblock]

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