Into the Woods


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril looks carefully around and focuses on the object. If it seems unconnected to anything (i.e. it is not obviously a lever of some kind) he gently prods it with the tip of his sword. If there is no reaction (or something obviously amiss, such as blood stain or similar) he takes it in hand.

OOC: what is it?

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Umbril looks carefully around and focuses on the object. If it seems unconnected to anything (i.e. it is not obviously a lever of some kind) he gently prods it with the tip of his sword. If there is no reaction (or something obviously amiss, such as blood stain or similar) he takes it in hand.

OOC: what is it?
At first glance, it just appears to be a small lump of trash bu, as you approach closer, you realize it is a child's doll. It looks identical to the one you previously saw in the entryway. Poking it with a stick does nothing.[/spouler]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril takes the doll in free hand and looks around.
"I wonder who's beautiful doll this is then? No one is around."

He then looks for the way to open the door for the rest of the group.

OOC: assuming nothing happens ofcourse :)


You lean down to pick up the doll and, as you do, the head slowly begins to tun creepily, revealing a wicked grin. In a flash, you feel a sharp pain in your hand. Reflexive;y you drop the doll and, as soon as it touches the ground, it scurries around the curved portion of the wall and out of sight.
[ooc} 21 to hit, 11 damage. Reflex save was a 9[/ooc]


On the other side of the passage, Binpnott again manipulates the griffon paw and, again, the near wall opens, revealing the passageway.


Your sword barely misses the Tiny thing as it runs around the stairwell bulge. Here by the hidden door, you see no evidence of a mechanism that would open the door from this side.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
How about opening the portculis and/or other normal doors in the general direction of the party?


Searching around the room, you see no sign of the doll creature. looking on the walls on the other side of the stairwell bulge, you do find a small lever that is, as near as you can tell, approximately opposite of where the griffon statue would be. Moving the lever causes the door on your side of the passage to open.

Voidrunner's Codex

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