Dealing with the cult and it’s leader in the village of Ravens End hadn’t been easy and, in the end, even though you rooted out the source of the cult, which turned out to be the towns’ mayor, and dealt him the justice he’d deserved, The townspeople has treated you coldly.
It was understandable, of course. It’s not every day that a group of adventurers turns everything you thought you knew on it’s head, burned down a church (quite by accident, of course), showed the towns’ mayor to be a deranged cult leader and then ransacked his house. No those are the strange days. So it was understandable that the townspeople looked at you with something between awe, suspicion and dread. But they didn’t stand in your way when you left, either.
So, back on the road, the group trudges the hard-packed road to Eddington where, hopefully, you can spend some of your hard-earned gold, maybe rest or even have a bath.
The day is cool signaling that, while still a ways away, winter is soon approaching. The sky is mostly a clear, pale blue with only occasional clouds. The hard-packed dirt road leads you over a hill where you see a small sign reading “Welcome to Knotwood”. The buildings appear to be simple, most with field stone or wood walls and primarily thatched roofs. The birdsong is pleasant and, in the distance, you can make out the sounds of livestock. Smoke lazily drifts from a few chimneys as you enter town and almost immediately hear a low voice call to you
It was understandable, of course. It’s not every day that a group of adventurers turns everything you thought you knew on it’s head, burned down a church (quite by accident, of course), showed the towns’ mayor to be a deranged cult leader and then ransacked his house. No those are the strange days. So it was understandable that the townspeople looked at you with something between awe, suspicion and dread. But they didn’t stand in your way when you left, either.
So, back on the road, the group trudges the hard-packed road to Eddington where, hopefully, you can spend some of your hard-earned gold, maybe rest or even have a bath.
The day is cool signaling that, while still a ways away, winter is soon approaching. The sky is mostly a clear, pale blue with only occasional clouds. The hard-packed dirt road leads you over a hill where you see a small sign reading “Welcome to Knotwood”. The buildings appear to be simple, most with field stone or wood walls and primarily thatched roofs. The birdsong is pleasant and, in the distance, you can make out the sounds of livestock. Smoke lazily drifts from a few chimneys as you enter town and almost immediately hear a low voice call to you
You turn to see a small human man, barely five feet tall with a tangle of black hair, a torn and stained robe, and simple shoes on the mans’ feet. He is standing in front of what can only be described as a shack. Its walls are weathered and rampant with moss and ivy. The lawn, if you can call it that, is also unkempt with weeds, moss and brambles in view and the roof looks suspect, at best. However, there is the pleasant aroma of fresh bread on the air.“Hey! You, there. You’ve the look of adventurers.”
“If that’s true, I could use your help. My name is Mertrand Owlkeep by the way. I’m the local wizard. Sure, not to your level but I get by. Anyhow, my apprentice has gone missing. I sent him out to get some ingredients in the forest three days ago and he hasn’t come back.
“The locals here hold that the forest is haunted, but no one’s ever proven it. Although, last summer, Sadie Thistle went in and never did come out, so who knows. What do you say?”
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