Into the Woods


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"There was one. Evil. With big teeth." Umbril shows the wound on his hand.
"We should continue."

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Bimpnott is taken aback.

”You fought a doll? Where is it now?”

The firbolg looks around the room.

”Do you think the boy is evil with big teeth, too?”

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Albrecht doesn't know how the boy might have gone through this room, but he looks at the dust in any case -- any obvious footprints leading to one door or the other? If so, he tries that door. If not, then he starts with the single door. Does it open?


With a bit of persuasion, the door opens. This is a moderate sized room, maybe 20 feet square.
An old rotted wooden bed lies in shambles to the southern side of this room. There is an old desk, much in the same state as the bed, to the western side of the room with several piles of old parchment on it.


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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Bimpnott is a bit confused about the doll, but his time as a watchman has given him a reasonable poker face and he nods.

Then he looks past his friend Albrecht into the next room. Are there signs of recent activity, such as a boy moving through?

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Why is this whole area segregated from the rest of the house?" Albrecht wonders aloud. "And why does it have a portcullis going to the upper floor? This is not innocent; this house has been built for some questionable purpose."

He goes over and inspects the documents on the desk.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Albrecht glances at the top paper, but finds the dust unsettling, and quickly looks away.

OOC: Investigation 1d20+2=5. Ugh. Even if someone were helpinghim and he had advantage, his performance would be no more than average (1d20+2=11)

Voidrunner's Codex

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