Into the Woods


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril calls in the echo who shields others from falling debris. Occasionally. He himself helps Terry while the burlier companions take the chest out. But carrying heavy stuff was never his strong suite, as opposed to his strong plate armor suit which he uses to deflect smaller things or to slam into a door as he opens it for faster opening.

He holds a scimitar in each hand at all times, slashing falling things from the air only flipping one into the air or to the other hand as needed to open the doors.

Dex check: 2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [19, 8]+4 = 23
2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [19, 10]+4 = 23
2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [11, 14]+4 = 18

EDIT: almost got all three :) and we're currently at 6 successes vs 6 fails :) - @jmucchiello, you need to add your advantage to the rolls, lets hope it flips one of the rolls :)

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Terry stands up after the prayer, "It sounds like we don't have time to open the chest. We better run." She heads for the door. "If the kid is here, we aren't finding him."
Umbril grabs a gem and holds the hand toward Terry
"Wait! There were ghouls still 'alive'! You don't want to just run into them. Let me go first!"
"We need to get out alive first!" Bimpnott grabs the chest, hoping to carry it out without opening it up just yet, then ushers the others out, Umbril first.
"In pairs; help each other," says Albrecht as he holds the door open for Bimpnott.

You quickly exit the chamber, Bimpnott Grabbing the trade box and Albrecht the lumpy green gemstone that glows sullenly. It is a harrowing dash through the hallway , down the spiral stairs and through the main floor. Walls crack, timbers creak and crack, paintings and tapestries tumble to the ground. As you pass, a huge beam splits and crashes into the table where the ghosts sat, splintering the massive table.
Several times wall boards, ceiling and floor joists nearly catch one or more of the party members but, with each others' help, you manage to just make it out the front door before the house crumbles in on itself as you finally step outside the Manor, battered, bruised, and more tired than you've been in a long time.
Here is one last chance to do anything before the ending is posted...


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: minor: Umbril took the stone.

Umbril looks around waiting to see the ghosts they saw entering the house either thanking them or attacking. He is tired and firmly decides that this time he won't accept the job without knowing much more however uch he needed the money.

Terry points to the remains of the house. "And that's why when you are looking for lost apprentices you don't look inside haunted houses with locked doors," Terry says. "I hope we don't run into any more of those tree monsters." After a pause she says, "I wonder if Andar and Angelique made it out of the forest.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Bimpnott screws up his face in thought, as he, too, looks back at the crumbling house.

"Do you guys think there was never a missing boy?" he says uncertainly. Having been knocked out several times today, the firbolg is glad to have made it out alive, and he is now uncertain if the life of an adventurer is really for him.

"I think we should return to that wizard Mertrand Owlkeep and interrogate him."

"I said we shouldn't go into the house," Terry says. "We had no evidence the boy went in. We also had no evidence he didn't. But we didn't really look anywhere else for him. On the other hand, I don't see why we should keep looking. This forest is far too deadly for a boy to have survived on his own."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I said we shouldn't go into the house," Terry says. "We had no evidence the boy went in. We also had no evidence he didn't. But we didn't really look anywhere else for him. On the other hand, I don't see why we should keep looking. This forest is far too deadly for a boy to have survived on his own."
"The house was a logical thing to check if the boy survived the woods even a creepy house is better than open wilderness. But I will definitely NOT take another hunt like this without knowing much more. The money alone isn't worth it."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Bimpnott shrugs, then starts walking back towards Mertrand. He eyes the specres warily for any movements.

Voidrunner's Codex

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