Into the Woods

He goes over to it. "I'm tired of waiting. Of looking. What's in this thing anyway?"

He moves to open the box, careful and by this time fully expecting traps.
"Woah, woah, what the heck are you doing? We are in no shape to deal with anything in that box stronger than a rat. Wait until we've rested and recovered from the fight," Terry says. "I need to go to sleep soon or I'm just going to fall down."

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Terry takes her time and recites the incantation carefully, ensuring the healing magic flows to all the companions.
Umbril mticulously criss-crosses the room, looking for anthing hidden or concealed, but finds nothing worth noting, other than the Gem and a rather rapidly decaying body.
Waking from their near-death experiences, Albrecht stands and returns to the entry chamber, the doors moving easily, now.
Albrecht said:
"I'm tired of waiting. Of looking. What's in this thing anyway?"

Bimpnott said:
Careful, I've had more near-death experiences today than most soldiers in their entire life, I reckon. If the gods wanted my soul, they'd already have it.
Thank you and your god, Terry. Will you tell me about him sometime?"

Terry said:
Woah, woah, what the heck are you doing? We are in no shape to deal with anything in that box stronger than a rat. Wait until we've rested and recovered from the fight. I need to go to sleep soon or I'm just going to fall down.
While this is going on, Umbril examines what is left of the body. Though torn and wasted nearly to bone, it seems apparent that this is, or was, General Oscar Montarthas; one-time lord of the Manor.
Just as you are appraising the scene, once again loud groan escapes the house. This one, though, seems a little more urgent than the others you've heard.
Somewhere, you hear a crash, as of something falling over or crashing to the floor.
A loud "CRACK", sounding like a tree branch snapping rings out and, suddenly, a snaking crack appears in the windows overlooking the front approach.
The room rumbles and sways alarmingly, as dust falls through the cracks and holes in the ceiling. Then, suddenly, the entire manor begins to shake, as the walls start to decay and erode.
The manor, it seems, is caving in on itself, and will likely be nothing but a pile of rubble before long.

Terry stands up after the prayer, "It sounds like we don't have time to open the chest. We better run." She heads for the door. "If the kid is here, we aren't finding him."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril grabs a gem and holds the hand toward Terry
"Wait! There were ghouls still 'alive'! You don't want to just run into them. Let me go first!"

OOC: So, no rest?


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"We need to get out alive first!"

Bimpnott grabs the chest, hoping to carry it out without opening it up just yet, then ushers the others out, Umbril first.

OOC: I'm hoping I can just take the chest, what with the firbolg's Powerful Build feature. If not, I'll leave it.

Seems like the whole place is coming apart, so no, I don't think we can rest. :(


OOC: no rest :evil smile:
Bimpnott can totally carry the chest
everyone needs 3 sets of dex checks
1st dc=12
2nd dc=15
3rd dc=20
You are able to assist each other if you want to. You want more successes than failures...

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"In pairs; help each other," says Albrecht as he holds the door open for Bimpnott. The old dwarf is quickly
caught by a falling timber, though.

OOC: Assuming we can HELP each other and so get advantage
1d20+2 (adv)=21 (vs dc12). Pass. (Also pass without Help).
1d20+2 (adv)=13 (vs DC 15). Fail.
1d20+2 (adv)=10 (vs. DC 20). Fail.
Last edited:


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Taking his cue from Albrecht, Bimpnott helps wherever he can. Unfortunately he cannot protect Albrecht from the falling timber, although he does try to help out Terry by shielding her from the debris.

OOC: Did you mean Dex checks, or saving throws? In case of the latter, add +3 (proficiency and cloak of protection) to the rolls below (which doesn't change the outcome, though).

Dex checks: 1D20+2 = [20]+2 = 22 (pass)
1D20+2 = [18]+2 = 20 (pass)
1D20+2 = [10]+2 = 12 (fail)

Waitasec... I can roll with advantage if we all help each other (and Bimpnott certainly intends to). So let me roll advantage for that third one (because I already succeeded on the first and second): D20+2 = [2]+2 = 4 😲 D'oh!

@jmucchiello Bimpnott helping Terry means she gets advantage on the rolls you posted.

Voidrunner's Codex

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