Into the Woods

AC: 20; HP: 35/35; HD: 4/4; Passive Per/Inv: 18/9; Spells: 0/4 0/3; Channel: 0/1; Eyes of Night: 5/5

"I have one last spell. I'm going to use it to cast Prayer of Healing, which should help revive us all, but it takes 10 minutes to cast. Make sure the door is secure," Terry says. "But we need to rest for a while so I can regain some spell energy."

Ten minutes later, light flows from her into everyone there. Everyone regains 16 hp.
prayer of healing: 2D8+5 = [5, 6]+5 = 16

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril nods and makes sure she is uninterrupted for the time needed. He secures the doors as much as possible, piling furniture and dead bodies across them and then walking around the room looking for hidden hatches, doors, passages, and other weird stuff. And, learning from the doll incident, he actually does it again on his knees, looking for smaller openings.

OOC: investigation +2, perception +1, roll if needed

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Success:2 Failure:1.
Success:3 Failure:1.

Unconscious on the ground, Albrecht's heart finds a rhythm, even if he has lost a lot of blood. He lies there, stable but unconscious, until Terry's spell finds purchase, at which point he begins to cough and opens his eyes.

The old dwarf vomits on the floor, and wipes his chin with a corner of cloth sticking out from beneath his armor.

"It's not pretty," he says, "But even puke's a sign of life."

OOC: HP 16.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Sleepily Bimpnott opens his eyes again. With the gentle healing from Terry and the lack of sounds of battle, he smiles as he sees his companions.

For a few moments, he closes his eyes again.

"Please tell me the criminals are defeated," he says softly. "Because I'm not getting into a fight again for at least a year."

Re-opening his eyes, the firbolg sits up and looks around. His smile fades as he sees the many dead bodies around the room, although a grimace replaces it as the former watchman realizes there was no other way.

Only then does he seem to realize his friend was dying, just before he himself got knocked out.


Faster than one of his size should move, Bimpnott rushes over to the dwarf and, ignoring the vomit, hugs the dwarf tightly.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"We're fine Bimpnott. Take it easy. And thank Terry's gods for timely aid. We still have ghouls to contend with, but I'm more worried about the body in which the gem was embedded. Could that be the lost boy?"

OOC: My understanding is that the body is desiccated and thus possibly hard to identify, but here he looks over it. Perception +1, Investigation +2, Medicine +1 roll as appropriate

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Albrecht coughs when Bimpnott embraces him, but whether it is from embarrassment or from his emptied stomach is not clear to others.

"Thank you, Bimpnott. I appreciate it," he says as he gets to his feet. "Terry. Thanks I wouldn't have made it through otherwise."

He thinks back to being catapulted into the old hag's room in the first place. "We were looking for a child. There's still no signs of him. We were trying to be careful about opening that chest there, the one so hard to move.

He goes over to it. "I'm tired of waiting. Of looking. What's in this thing anyway?"

He moves to open the box, careful and by this time fully expecting traps.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Ummm, maybe wait until we're fit for another fight?" Umbril stops him "Isn't one near-death experience enough? An Terry cannot bring you back next time..."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Bimpnott holds one hand on Albrecht's shoulder, relieved that his friend is alright.

"Careful," he whispers, then louder the firbolg answers Umbril, "I've had more near-death experiences today than most soldiers in their entire life, I reckon. If the gods wanted my soul, they'd already have it."

With a small blush he looks at Terry. "Thank you and your god. Will you tell me about him sometime?"

OOC: I discovered I don't know what god Terry is a cleric of... Is that intentional, or did I just miss something? ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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