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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


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If Elistaree is still fighting Iuz, our forces continue to help her untill the situation is resolved. THey will basically defer to her judgement about how to handle the old one.

Once Iuz is forced out of the city, the following happens:
As things seem to be calming down in the great city somewhat, Ranzwick nods to Foran, who teleports to the side of the vampire king to assist him in his assasination (1 epic pl). He then approches General Legubim, and the two appear to have an argument for several moments. Finally, Ranzwick anounces to the Ginsel forces that they will be performing the convoy as planed, but the ships will be operating on a minimal crew untill the ships reach oerth, at which time the Imperial navy will re-join the fleet on the way back. Ranzwick then teleports off himself, to take care of some busness.

The Navy (about 40 elite power levels), and Keoghtom remain to help gather the elves from the 99 citys, and to assist Elistaree and Eclavdra however they see fit. After the convoy the the accursed gas sphere, the navy will return to size up the situation and see if they can assist in other ways. Keoghtom, however, has some research to catch up on, so he will not be returning after the convoy.
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First Post
(Answers to posts on page 5)

(I thought it might clarify things if I answered all these posts, and reposted them: the ones relevant to the chaos occurring with my power.)

(I can't really play, and take action, until I myself know fully what's going on. Certainly, Serpenteye can't.)


King Rhynnon and through him Greater Nyrond will do whatever they can to help the Mordheil within his lands and will send emessaries (and if neccessary Soldiers) to ensure the well being of the Mordheil of the Great City. This includes the use of druidic and clerical magic to help the Mordheil within Greater Nyrond.
Rhynnon promised Eclavdra that he would aid her people and Rhynnon keeps his word. Furthermore, having read the most anceint elven histories, some of which dated back to before the sundering of the elven race and the great war, he has suspected that something of this sort may happen. Which would explain why he has been courting Eclavdra's people. The Mordeil are Drow no more, once agian they are Mordeil.
Rhynnon Himself teleports to the Great City to acertian the wellbeing of Eclavdra and her people. He take with him the Knights of Heirionious(5 Elite PL) and some of the more powerful modrons. They will locate Eclavdra, and contact Elistraee to determine her intent. They will also defend the incapacitated Mordheil from any attacks by their formor slaves and servants. The knights will seek out hostile elements within the great city and neutralize them while the Modrons are set to locating helpless Mordheil and bringing them to a central location which can be better defended.
The remander of my Elite forces are on call and ready to teleport tothe great city shoould they be needed.


Again, I would say the majority of the drow delegation to Nyrond dies.
The survivors, however, will turn good at the end of Turn 1.

And, of course, King Rhynnon and his force are in the Great City, along with the others.



OOC-I'll assume my post was ignored and that Glu'boise has not teleported to where Eclavdra's forces are. Should he be able to locate Eclavdra's location via his divinations he will scry upon it and see the current situation, then create a Sending to Al'Akbar and Morwel with Eclavdra's coordinates, the fact that Iuz is now wearing Eclavdra's Regalia of Lordly Might and that Elistraee apparently has healed Eclavdra to some extent. Glu'boise will not teleport any of his forces, seeing the current situation as currently out of his purview with Eclavdra's regaining of consciousness and possibly free will (if there is ever such a thing, he ponders) but will allow a scrying sensor to remain and watch the situation. He will step in with his forces should someone comes with the intent to harm Eclavdra.


Ok, there is a change of venue here, because Serpenteye made rulings on the matter.
Eilistraee has commanded Eclavdra to help her people, so that is what Eclavdra is going to do. She will not leave the Great City with anyone willingly, since Eilistraee personally asked her to help, and Eclavdra - stunned but now cognizant - is quick to obey.

And yes, EVERYONE who is looking for Eclavdra can now easily find her, since Iuz has the Regalia of Lordly Might, and Eclavdra does not.

If anyone wishes to try to take Eclavdra by force, there is nothing Eclavdra can do except fight, which she will ... she is HORRIBLY MORTIFIED at herself (she just turned chaotic good!) and she has been directly ordered by a chaotic good diety to protect her threatened people ... so obviously she will fight to stay here.

If someone is going to attempt to kill Eclavdra, tell me. She will, of course, fight to the end.



(long post by Yours Truly about Aliador)

*speechless* Absolutely beautiful.


Thank you. I did my best. I thought Thomas deserved no less.
I realize that my subbing for Thomas interfered with some plans by certain powers to help themselves to the Theocracy of the Pale and Aliador, but don't you think Aliador should have a chance to put up a fight?


(long post concerning Aliador sending away it's children, the elven suffering at the Closing of the Crystal Sphere, from Yours Truly)

All this happens. Aliador's, and her close ally the Church of Tritheron's, sphere of influence begins to collapse. The alliance was new, by elven standards but an instant of time, and its roots were pulled easily enough.
Celene, experiencing much the same panic and despair that Aliador suffered, loses it's faith in Elvendom. Even as parents begin to comfort their children the Queen of Celene makes an unprecedented decision and requests humbly (her equivalent of grovelling naked in the mud) to join the powerful League of Athyr.
For the Yeomanry the choice is easier, and though the leaders keep their faith in Tritheron it's clear to them that the Elves have nothing to offer them but weakness. They too request to join the league of Athyr, on the condition that they are allowed interior self-rule.


I imagine it's terribly humiliating to Queen Yolande. Yet I couldn't see any other choice, and neither could the elves. They faced obliteration, and even Queen Yolande couldn't deny that.
Aliador has no nearby allies to join, except the equally besieged nation of Greater Nyrond. But Aliador has much greater strength than Celene, and it's elves are a far more lofty kind than the (rather bigoted and petty canon) elves of Celene, so they pull through.
On the Lendores, the shock is really bad. They depended on their island for safety. That's gone. They had Gates to the Afterlife. Those are gone. They had religious rule. That's gone. The elves sent their children to safety: the elves of the Lendores are wondering if THEY shouldn't flee to safety?
As for the Theocracy, it was hopeless. The clergy of Pholtus would go into denial. They would never admit THEIR diety was in trouble, or that THEIR religious might was gone. Instead, they tried sending threatening letters to Iuz ... and the elves of Aliador stopped them before they could do it, probably saving their lives.
The Church of Tritherion is in the same bad situation as all the other churches. The Gods are silent, the Sphere is closed, clerics have lost all their powers ... it's sorta like the situation after the Cataclysm in Krynn, for the Knights of Solamnia and other organizations of that ilk.


First Post

(from Melkor to Serpenteye)

Edena! Serpenteye!

My Nosferatu are teleporting across the Drow cities of Underdark, looking for those Drow that denied Eclavdra. They have a cure for what`s happening- the gift of Vampirism!

(from Serpenteye to Melkor and others)

The remaining Drow, who had just begun to re-organize their societies in the traditional bloody way, are helpless. City after runied city falls to your onslaught, but your Vampires soon find that the convertion to Vampire Spawn becomes increasingly unreliable. The only certain way to make it work is to take the energies required from themselves. It soon seems that the world is running low on Negative Energy, ironic as that might be in times such as this.


But it produces a new, horrifically evil race of vampire drow.
These new drow - prevented from achieving Withdrawal by the interference from the vampires - react violently the other way, turning into monsters so evil they make the old drow look good in comparison.

I had said during my Withdrawal post that any evil power forcibly halting Withdrawal with magic would either kill, drive insane, or drive to incredible evil the unfortunate drow in question.
Being turned into vampires definitely counts as evil magical interference in the Withdrawal!

Whether these new vampiric drow are numerous, and who can claim them, is up to Serpenteye.
But they are ... bad ... people. Truly bad.

Ironic. Most of the drow might be turning to good, but a few are becoming more evil than the drow ever were under Lolth.
If this new, ultra-evil race of drow, and drow-vampires in particular, were to flourish and multiply ... hmmm ... we'd have a new and far more horrible scourge from the Underdark than the drow ever were ...



(Rikandur Azebol posted)

*And Iuz striked at Elistaree, with all fury of enraged demon. Regalia of Lordly Might tenfolding its terrible power.*

(Serpenteye posted)

ooc: It seems like little enough has changed regarding these circumstances. Is this what you decide to do?

In that case...

Elistraee never gets the chance to comfort Eclavdra. Instead she turns to Iuz, never having let down her guard an instant, and blocks him. The two deities are equal in strength, equal in stature, but the Regalia makes Iuz vastly superior in battle.
Raw power bathes the two combatants as they unleash their full strength against each others, most attacks are blocked harmlessly but some strike true. Iuz is thrown back, breaking bones and solid rock. Elistraee bites back a cry of pain as a terrible agony almost overcomes her. Iuz's hand is severed by a solid blow of Elistraes sword, but his right hand still holds the scepter. Iuz strikes back, and the air screams with power as he misses and then hits, leaving Elistraees divine spleen ruined inside her. Fire and lightning and death rains down around them as they battle with spell, sword and scepter.
Eclavdra, still incapacitated and delerious with pain, is miraculously unharmed, for now.

Iuz is down to 2,5 Epic PLs (+2 from the regalia), Elistraee is down from 3 to 1,2.


Ok, change of venue. ANYONE can FIND Eclavdra, and ANYONE can do ANYTHING with her that they please.
It's a simple matter of who gets to her first. Starting with the next post.


(can no longer answer post by post, and reads the rest of page 5, and page 6, and page 7, and has a good look at what happens.)

If this ridiculous clause is okay, then, a portal opens below Eclavdra and she finds herself in an extradimensional chamber with Glu'boise, who waits patiently for her reaction.


First Post
"The Elves of Aliador are very grateful for any help the Elven Imperial Navy can give them, and they ask if some of their children can be taken to the safety of Ginsel.
Beset Celene and the Lendores are just happy to have ANY help, from ANYWHERE, especially if that help is from elves. They cheer as the Spelljammers appear in their skies."

Once things have calmed down with the drow for a bit:

General Legubim greats the Aliador delagates with a salute followed by a very traditional elvish bow. He then speaks, in a strange accent that you do not associate with your kind. It is clear that every move, every word is disciplined and controlled. "We would be happy to assist you in providing haven for your children, as well as any non-combatants you feel would be in danger. Whilest our home, Cenalterien, is a military facility, it is well defended, has not been attacked in the past 15 years, and is a beautiful place. Our ship growing facilities and military defenses only take up about 10% of the planetoid, while the other 90% consists of the traditional arboreal trappings of the elves. We could also take your non-combatants to the... human... planet of Ginsel, but, we would not recommend it. While they are powerful allys, they do not understand our ways, and we have found them to be prone to violence and chaotic, disorderly conduct. However, Ginsel does have considerably more land mass, and I am sure the Gnome leader of the planet would make special accomidations for your people."

"In any event, we would help you in whatever capacity you wish."

*NOTE* the Regalia is only 1 epPL according to page 2 of the OOC thread. Does this ruling still stand or is it now worth 2?

If Glu'boise does indeed find Eclavdra first, she will be transported via Gate to a Magnificent Mansion spell or if that doesn't work, a room in one of many palaces in the Empire of Lynn. He will speak to her, "This is no kidnapping, merely a time out for you to regain your wits and your senses. How do you wish to proceed?" A slight, ironic smile crosses his lips as he speaks, "I told you once the Prophet either dies first or ascends. It seems you have a chance to ascend now. Your philosophy has changed without your consent, it is my will to offer you all the roads that alignment can offer and with my help you can overcome all trappings of the gods and choose for yourself your own destiny. Self-determination." In addition, he will proof her and their location from divinations via Mindblank, Screen, Mage's Private Sanctuary, and similar spells.

Edena and Serpenteye (Private):
[sblock]OOC-Despite all of Glu'boise's fancy words, he will do his best to convince Eclavdra to change her state of Ethics to a lawful one, although he doesn't care what axis of morality she chooses. His argument is a strong one, backed with true belief and logical arguments, and while he forces no compulsion on Eclavdra he hopes to influence her in her philosophically fragile state.[/sblock]

Edits were concerned with what to make private or public.
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I'll just note that Morwel will grant spells to any drow of Chaotic Good, Neutral Good or Chaotic Neutral alignment (so long as they are heading for good alignment). After they recover. The massive change to chaotic good alignment and encouraging it falls within her portfolio. Her domains are Chaos , Good and Arborea. And I hope they like using rapiers.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Good mercane, have a skull. And a gnome bubblegum. And enough sweets that even looking on them is rotting teeth. :)

And if everybody are giving spells to Drow ... Then Iuz too ! All Evil Drow recive most vile spells, knowing that Iuz is blessing them. All Drow clerics of evil aligment, even Lawful ones. As well as Chaotic Neutral Drow (Those Ivid insane) even if they couldn't recive Corrupt Magic. Chaos is also in Iuz's portfolio and he wishes the drow to choose for themselves !
Of course he would aprreciate greatly if they turn to him afterwards.

And, now, we need our DM to resolve the dillema. I'm waiting for his ruling in regard of results of this mayhem. I will remind everybody that currently, as far as I get it, Summit is done that way:

Airwhale's troops are attacking Iuz. (No ruling from DM)
Morwel is willing to violently interfere in Iuz's grand duel. Such a hasty woman, I must say. :p
Kalanyr, You should clarify how she tries to stop Iuz, attack him or other way ... I state that You could wrote Iuz's reaction ... if You wish so.

He will be deaf on threats, attacking Elistaree. Morwel must get his attention first, attacking him will do the thing. Slapping him on the face and treating him like unruly seven year old would stop him also, he will be too stunned to react in any way. Iggwilv does it often. :cool: Or literal shielding Dark Maiden with her own body ... so Iuz will have to hurt TEC Pact member before finishing his way with Elistaree.

Arch Merchant "kidnapped" Eclavdra.

Gallador left to his conquest.

Al'Akbar is trying to pacify the tensions. William, Iuz must be shocked somehow to unset from his raging mood now. Sorry but Morwel, being a lady have greater chances. :eek:

Rhynnon, is pacifing the Great City along with Wolf God.

Iuz's War Maidens are helping Drow, in Great City, to recover, Al'Akbar's healers too if I'm not mistaken. Elistaree Mordheli too are tending the wounded. As well as Rhynnon's forces.

Iuz and Elistaree are making free Wrestling Match in the battered throneroom of Eclavdra.

Tempest joins Iuz's side, defending fellow TEC Pact member.

Zagyg is sleeping. 'Lyndie is singing and cleaning his pistols. ;)

Beside that all hell break loose and fate of at least two nations are at the stake, as well as TEC Pact, nothing wrong is happening. :D
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First Post
My actions are basically the same as stated in my previous post, with any appropriate changes noted here.

* * * * *

Galeda stood not far from the conflict of demideities, while buffeted by waves of power he witnessed discreetly what was happening. With the appearance of Morwel things changed, not much, but enough to warrant urgency. Telepathicly he contacted Hachiman and Zennef.

* * * * *

Zennef looked over to Neelah, directing a few guardinals in their task at hand. All were disguised as humans.

“Neelah, you’re in command for the time being.”

With that he disappeared.

* * * * *

Hachiman suddenly appeared, interposing himself between Eilistraee and Iuz. His visage is one of serenity, but his hand is upon the katana at his side.

“This ceases now,” he says, in a calm and clear tone, “It is my interpretation that Iuz has violated the TEC pact, as its terms are made publicly clear. As I am a member of the Miranda Treaty, any attack upon Morwel, or those under her protection, must be responded to by all members.”

Galeda and Zennef appear at either side of Morwel. Energy blade and greataxe wielded respectively. They take a brief moment to incline their heads respectfully.

“It’s been too long, Lady Morwel,” Galeda says, watching the situation anxiously, “Seeing you get involved, well, we couldn’t just stand there.”

Zennef grunts, and lays down some protective arcane magicks.

(Hachiman, 3 epic PL, and another 2 epic PL are now with Morwel and Eilistraee)

* * * * *

Iuz: Your forces are given a single warning, that if they cross Zindian/Nipponese borders, even while underground, it will be interpreted as an act of war and reacted to appropriately. The same goes for any inherently evil faction.

Serpenteye - PRIVATE

[sblock] I figured it would be easier to include what I wanted to do in sblocks rather than burden you with mail. Here it is:

Hachiman is putting aside helping the stricken drow in my territory long enough to pay a visit to the Great City, assuming he survives the standoff there he will return to doing so for the remainder of Turn 1 (assuming he isn't called off somewhere else again). The 2 epic PL which were aiding the stricken drow in the Great City have also been redirected to the standoff, leaving 10 elite PL to do the job.

As the armies of Iuz are being expected, assuming there is no subtlety in their pillaging of the Underdark, each drow city under my territory (if there is too many then just the ones which have the highest chance of being pillaged first) is rigged to collapse. As Iuz’ forces pass under the border to Zindia/Nippon they will be given warning that to not leave immediately will be construed as an act of war. The 15 elite PL on this task will not engage Iuz’ forces (unless they are a weaker force than the 15 elite PL, by comparison), but will collapse the first city the enemy enters on their heads, then engage the survivors (assuming the elites are the superior force by then). Any drow survivors in the Underdark cities under Nippon/Zindia will be transported out for treatment of their Withdrawal symptoms before any conflict or demolition takes place.[/sblock]
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First Post

(chuckles merrily, and ruefully)

Ok, I've looked at all the posts on page 5, 6 and 7.

And, even ... I ... can't quite figure out what the situation is now in the Great City.
Not even after carefully reading each and every post, can I figure out what is happening. I can take guesses, though! :)

All I can say is, it's ... well ... mess isn't the word. Chaos, is not the word. To say the situation is messy or chaotic, is like saying the sun is warm.
I don't even think the word bedlam quite describes the situation at hand! :)

(chuckles again)

Let's see:

Iuz and Eilistraee are battling. Both are wounded. Iuz has the Regalia.
The forces of Eilistraee hold part of the city, protecting the drow there.
The Wolf God is trying to pacify the humanoids who hold other parts of the city.
The Elves of the Imperial Elven Armada of Realmspace are here in force, battling the humanoids and the vampires and the others ... and trying to save the drow.
Gallador and a large force from the Concord are there, to face Eilistraee, Morwen, and all comers.
Rhynnon teleported away with Eclavdra, or did he? Did Sollirs' leader get their first? Or did someone else get there first? Or did anyone get there at all?
Al'Akbar and his force is there, trying to help Eilistraee and stop the humanoids.
Morwen and her force is there, trying to help the drow and Eilistraee.
Zagyg has intervened, offering himself as a diety to worship, and it's helping the drow through the Withdrawal.
The Tempest of Hell (Uvenelei) has shown up ... what is he doing?
Aerdi has intervened ... I believe Asharadon is calling for a Drow Resolution? Asharadon sent a large force to the Great City looking for Eclavdra.
Rary is somehow now involved ... how?
Hachiman of Zindia is now standing between Iuz and Eilistraee (?) ...
Now, I'm quite sure I've missed about 5 or 6 of the major things happening right now ...

Does this mean my industrialization of the Great City is interrupted? :) :D :)

The Yuan-Ti aren't doing anything to irritate Iuz.
The Yuan-Ti are sitting in their homes, hoping the Bedlam Below doesn't migrate UP to them ... their capital city is right above it.


The last thing Eclavdra knew, her plans were going perfectly (just like a computer flowchart.)
Then she started feeling ill, then strange feelings and thoughts erupted in her, then she couldn't act she was so sick, then all her people were suddenly sick and nobody could figure out the faintest clue as to what the sickness was, much less how to reverse it ... then a horde of Gods and Celestials and Infernals and elves and humans and wizards and Lolth knows who else descended all at once on her beautiful Great City To Be, then all hell broke out everywhere, then Eilistraee was suddenly there defending HER against Iuz, and Iuz had HER Regalia, and then a bunch of people and Gods all tried to grab her at once and teleport her somewhere else, and if they succeeded she doesn't know, and then ...
To say Eclavdra is confused and incapable of grasping the situation would be quite the understatement. Even if she wasn't completely submerged in the Withdrawal! :)

The chaos continues in the 99 mostly abandoned drow cities.
Melkors' vampires are running amok, creating drow vampires.
Iuzs' forces are there, giving Melkors' vampires a run for their money.
And I remember that Airwhales' elves from the elven Imperial Armada were also there, to defend the drow ... I remember him saying that.
And now I am reading that Kalanyr has sent forces to defend the drow of those cities.
So at least four competing powers, two evil and two good, are contesting the 99 abandoned drow cities and the remaining drow within them.
EDIT: Ok, I just read: Uveneleis' forces are down in the cities too.
But Kalanyr and Uvenelei are only claiming the cities under their dominions ... Iuz and Melkors' forces are probably attacking those cities, but I'm not sure of that. I'm fairly sure Airwhales' forces are defending those cities, based on his post.
EDIT: Ok, I see Williams' forces and Sollirs' forces are in the cities under their powers, claiming them and rescuing the drow there ... which brings them into direct conflict with the forces of Melkor and Iuz also.
Umm ... is anyone else down there?

Nice going, whoever it was who just woke up Vecna!

(Does something that William and Bugbear will understand in a new and profound light: Yours Truly ................ laughs.)

(Yours Truly laughs long and merrily, at the wild, tumultuous, and totally IRish situation in progress.)
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