D&D 5E Is 5E Special

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Hate to break it to you but the fact that they made a decision you disagree with proves nothing.

That's not my point.

The playtest survey said to keep something.
They took it out by overstapling grogs
The audiences (not me) disagreed
They put it back in.

5e succeeded more due to the climate and tech changing than their accessibility. If anything, the parts 5e emphasized to be accessible is the parts 5e fans complained about and got changed in XGTE/TCOE/MOTM.


Hate to break it to you but the fact that they made a decision you disagree with proves nothing.

That's not my point.

The playtest survey said to keep something.
They took it out by overstapling grogs
The audiences (not me) disagreed
They put it back in.

5e succeeded more due to the climate and tech changing than their accessibility. If anything, the parts 5e emphasized to be accessible is the parts 5e fans complained about and got changed in XGTE/TCOE/

Probably the biggest weakness of 5E is that it can't decide whether it is a Dungeon Fantasy game or not. Half od the design choices point toward dungeons, but the other half don't -- and the "culture" presented in the official modules certainly doesn't. You are absolutely right in your comment "needed a bigger dungeon" because the attrition of hit points and spells that "balances" fighters versus casters is built around the dungeon. The PCs should be pulling out when they are spent, hauling whatever treasure they can carry and considering knocking out the torchbearer's knee in order to slow those trogs down.
I don't know that I see ANY indication that is the flow they are going for... if so they suck at showing us or giving advice on it.
Maybe there is an answer that allows D&D to be both, but I don't think so. Frankly, there is probably more money in the latter, story oriented play, so they should kill those dungeon crawling sacred cows that exist only in diminished form anyway.
I think that may be the future

Is it possible to get the playtest documents? I was playing Pathfinder pretty heavily at the time and barely paid attention to next. I would be curious to see with 10 years of hindsight what it looked like while in development.
not legally... but some people still have them. I didn't migrate mine with my last new computer 5ish years ago


Is it possible to get the playtest documents? I was playing Pathfinder pretty heavily at the time and barely paid attention to next. I would be curious to see with 10 years of hindsight what it looked like while in development.
Contractually, I'm supposed to tell you No.
..if you look, you can find.

Voidrunner's Codex

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