Morkus from Orkus
@GMforPowergamers you are abusing the laugh button. Please stop.
We aren't? I mean, yes, we are very clever animals, but hey, we are animals in case you didn't of course for the rest of that test campaign we all used our claws and bites since humans are animals...
By looking at the descriptions of their races. Elves have inherent nimbleness that would include a inherent dex stat bonus. Goliaths are big and strong, and should have strength and probably con bonuses, though those don't necessarily go together. The strength is for sure, though. Halflings would probably have a strength penalty, but 5e aside from the orc exception, doesn't do that for PC races. I don't mind the loss of the stat penalties. Those did discourage certain race/class combos, unlike stat bonuses. The halfling description also includes reason for a dex realism how do we measure elf, goloiath or halfing str scores?
They are being depicted as having an iconic look and feel. ASIs just have absolutely nothing to do with that.Yeah, heaven forbid any species be depicted as having an iconic look and feel. Every species should just be humans with rubber masks, right?
and none of that matters when compairing any 2 members... not at all.No. It's proven fact that the average man is stronger than the average woman, and that the strongest man is significantly stronger than the strongest woman.
the twist is that averages matterThere is no opinion or twisting involved.
only on average...and averages tell you nothing about indvidualsJust like it's proven fact that women have greater endurance(constitution) than men do.
since I have no idea about spider facts nor do I care no... but I will argue that it is meaningless for D&DAre you going to argue next that it's my opinion twisting some fact that a female black widow spider is a lot larger than a male black widow spider?
how... I laughed at a joke I found funny?@GMforPowergamers you are abusing the laugh button. Please stop.
There was no joke in post I laughed at a joke I found funny?
Also referring to women as 'females' like they're test subjects makes my skin crawl, but that's neither here nor there.