D&D 5E Is Tasha's Broken?

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Morkus from Orkus
Believe me, I'd love for this to be the case. What I think trips a lot of games up is determining what you can do with a Charisma check, and setting appropriate DC's. It's anecdotal, but it does happen that a menacing Goliath Barbarian who wishes to intimidate some Goblins is asked to roll at DC 15 and up, when they possess a +3 modifier.
I see that as well, and I think that's because it's combat. I think some DMs want the party to get exp and/or have set up a fight and are in the mindset that the fight should happen. What I'm talking about is the non-combat stuff.


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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I see that as well, and I think that's because it's combat. I think some DMs want the party to get exp and/or have set up a fight and are in the mindset that the fight should happen. What I'm talking about is the non-combat stuff.
So am I! I saw something like this occur with a Charisma check to avoid a combat.


Morkus from Orkus
So am I! I saw something like this occur with a Charisma check to avoid a combat.
I undersood that. I'm lumping that in with combat since it's likely a combat encounter the DM set up. That's why I said, " I think some DMs want the party to get exp and/or have set up a fight and are in the mindset that the fight should happen." ;)

I mean fully outside of combat. When it's not a combat encounter that the DM set up.


Morkus from Orkus
Quelle horreur! :eek: It would indeed be terrible is a roleplaying game people were more interested in mechanically representing the character they envision rather than maximising the combat power!
You and I are on the same page here. However, given the number of people in the fudging threads that were like, "I never fudge ever, even when I make a mistake and hit them with an encounter that will kill them!!!!111!!!!1!," I'm not surprised a lot of people feel like they have to optimize.


. I've heard of this mythical Hack and Slash playstyle, but as I said, I haven't encountered it since 1984 when I was in junior high and we still liked that sort of thing. By high school things were shifting and by 1988 it had fallen away. I'm sure some tables still do it, but from my observations at dozens and dozens of game conventions and personal experience in games I run or play in tells me that it's a pretty rare play style.
But some tables do it.

That's why there should be variants. That's why TCOE is crunchier and offers customization.

Voidrunner's Codex

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