Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Okay, I looked at celestial brilliance and did some research online. It's considered very broken. Is that why you only have it out to 35 feet? Or does it have to do with the gem you cast it on?

The spell description says it is 60 feet for the damaging light and another 60 feet of shadowy light.

I definitely don't like the 1 day/level. That is insanely powerful. I could see maybe going 1 hour/level (or maybe 2 hours/level) for future castings of the spell. Either that or we keep your 35 feet (or maybe 30 ft.), and I'd say the casting time is longer. At least 1 round. However, 1 hour would be better for a spell that lasts days. Regardless, It definitely won't be 1 standard action.

I won't worry about it for this combat, but we will use your 35 feet.
We talked about how broken it is (after all, it comes from Book of Exalted Deeds :) ) - so the changes were:
1. it consumes the gem
2. the gem needs to be worth at least 50xCL
3. area is CL x 5 feet

Alternate: A diamond of at least 1500gp will NOT be consumed. The rest of the limitations apply - I wrote it down in RG

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Just looked it up; to me, it looks like a spell designed for a heavy-undead-populated area, meant to keep undead at bay while the party rests. To make it balanced, I'd either reduce the duration (which you've discussed) or lower the damage (to 1d4, or 1d6 for light-sensitive undead.) In my opinion, you made the right call, by reducing the duration. If they want to rest in peace (no pun intended) they need to learn the Rope Trick spell, lol :p
At the level you get CB, it is irrelevant for most level-appropriate undead - and zombies are one turn attempt away from ashes anyhow.

In-game, I would put several such gems in bigger cities over the temples and maybe at the entrance (from the inside) so that the guards have a) ready detection mechanism and b) magical light to see by.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Seven red squares of 20' :) anyone moving...good luck :devilish:
More spikes stones (round 2).png


World of Kulan DM
Seven red squares of 20' :) anyone moving...good luck :devilish:
Okay, Maur cannot see all the foes. His darkvision doesn't allow him to see beyond 90 feet and the light doesn't go beyond 70 feet. While I showed where all the foes are on the map, Maur cannot see all of them! With his darkvision, he can only see up to the first line of ghasts, not anything beyond that, although once Phar points out where the hell hound are located, he can see them more clearly and the ghouls and ghasts closest to them (but not Tarrak).

Only Phar can see them all due to his low-light vision. He can give Maur some direction, which was the point of my post, but I want a Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check, at the very least, for Maur to estimate where to place his own spell. (You can use his Stonecunning racial bonus for the roll.) Maur also has the benefit of having come through this cave on his way back to Carnell, so that's another +2 circumstance bonus to your roll.

While you know where Caerth's spike stones are laid out, Maur doesn't have that exact knowledge. Like the bad guys, he can't see them either. Caerth can tell him ahead of time where he's going to place his spell effect, but Maur still has to visualize it. So, please roll the check. While you can suggest a different skill, I think that knowledge skill is the best option and Maur has 1 rank in it.

If another PC with at least one rank in Knowledge (Dungeoneering) is adjacent to Maur at the time of his casting, that character can use Aid Another (DC 10) to improve Maur's odds of success. Looking at the map and the PC sheets, that includes both Angus and Phar.

Phar - Knowledge (Dungeoneering) - Aid Another: 1D20+8 = [8]+8 = 16 (success)

So, that is a +2 from Maur's stonecunning, +2 from Phar, the +2 circumstance bonus, and if @Tellerian Hawke's Aid Another roll is successful, you could have as much as +8 to the roll, but you already have a +6.

The base DC is 20.

If Maur hits that mark, he won't overlap with Caerth's spell. He can reasonably hit all of the mindless undead, the hell hounds, and the two senior acolytes with such a roll. If you manage to roll over 25, then Maur can place the spell effect exactly as you have it laid out. If not, then we roll randomly twice (1d4) as to where Maur puts the two extra squares you've placed beyond Maur's visual range. (I'm not going to worry about the square below the hell hounds unless you want to change its position.)

On a roll of one, Maur gets the monstrous ghast standing next to Tarrak. On a roll of 2, he gets Tarrak. On a roll of 3, he doesn't get any of them. And on a roll of 4, he gets the elf. If the same number comes up more than once, the die is rerolled.

If Maur fails the check by 5 or less, then he overlaps his casting with Caerth's but only by one square. If he fails by 10 or less, the overlap is two squares. The other three 20-ft. squares will be rolled for randomly using the same process, but the roll will be 1d6 and there will be overlap depending on how much the check failed by.


World of Kulan DM
We talked about how broken it is (after all, it comes from Book of Exalted Deeds :) ) - so the changes were:
1. it consumes the gem
2. the gem needs to be worth at least 50xCL
3. area is CL x 5 feet

Alternate: A diamond of at least 1500gp will NOT be consumed. The rest of the limitations apply - I wrote it down in RG
Oh, I believe you. I just don't remember. It's still way too hot and my mind is a little mushy. (Melty?) I'll look at RG to refresh my memory. Again, sorry about my confusion.

While a thunderstorm rolled in last night, it didn't hit my area with full force. There was some thunder and lightning but no rain or cooling wind. It was quite disappointing. :(

Voidrunner's Codex

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