Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]


World of Kulan DM
Summary of questions :) I'm going marshal route, Knightfall said he didn't have one earlier

MetaVoid said:
Can I take Ancestral relic + Anointed knight PrC (feat is a prerequisite) from Book of Exalted deeds)
Book of Exalted Deeds is one of the primary books I use in my campaign.

BTW, I also have all of the "Complete" books and "Races of" books for 3E, which you can use without having to worry about too many restrictions. There are things in the later Complete books that I might need to look at again.

MetaVoid said:
Are flaws allowed (the story calls for honorable, I can play it that way without flaws, but if I can get a feat... ;) 'My word is my bond'
Flaws are allowed, as are almost all of the rules in Unearthed Arcana. What book is "My Word is my Bond" from? A quick search online only shows me a Pathfinder RPG feat with that name. (That would be a hard 'no'.)

MetaVoid said:
We need to hammer out a story - I wrote some ideas up in the post #3657 for Carnel - I can take other variants to be connected to Angus or even an NPC
Angus's main connection to the region is his connection with Aeron, Caerth's (estranged) mentor and father figure. You and @Tellerian Hawke can work out something between the two of you, and it should be fine. Aeron grew up in a region known as the Wind Cities far to the north, but he doesn't talk about it... with anyone. Aeron also has a connection to the NPC bard, Lorien, but again, they haven't talked about how they know each other with the PCs.

I'm okay with the idea of having your PC be connected to the dragons of the region. There has been a lot chaos brewing around Carnell, and some of the younger dragons of the region, who follow the Tenets of the Balance, might be concerned the evil that seems to be rising around the village.

The Majestics, however, (usually) do not get directly involved unless massive armies start marching across their territories or start laying waste to nature, and even then they tend to simply put up magical barriers to protect primeval regions of the continent. One of the things the PCs might need to do is make contact with one of the key dragons of the Strandlands. It would be 'too convenient' for your PC to be an agent of one of these dragons. Still, a lesser connection is okay.

Perhaps your PC wishes to become a vassal of a dragon for some reason.

MetaVoid said:
There are nifty things in dragon magazines - such as serrated / weighted weapons and reinforced armor - but I need to find my archive to be able to reference any of it :( - but in general, are they allowed?
As long I have the issue and can reference a specific rule or PC option, you are allowed to use resources from Dragon Magazine, within reason. I had a subscription for a long time, and I've found and bought many of issues from the 3E era that I was missing. I just need to know the magazine's #, so that I can doublecheck that I have a copy.

MetaVoid said:
Magic item compendium has a nice marshal item set. Can I have it? It fits easily within wealth-by-level...
What is the name of the set? I'll take a look at it.

But, as long as it fits within the wealth provided for a starting 11th-level character, it should be fine. I consider the MIC and the Spell Compendium to be core books for my campaigns.

But, I'd like a bit of story to go along with how your PC acquired the set. Was it an heirloom from a relative or mentor? Did he have to fight for it? Did he capture it from a rival?

That sort of thing.

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That's an interesting thought, but Lord Pendour died quite some time ago, and he might not have had that strong connection to the dragons of the Strandlands. Aeron is more likely. Dragon Shaman is an interesting choice and I'm fine with it.

No problem, that was just one of the ideas.

For draconic creatures, I do have a custom version of the Dragonborn that's more 4e/5e-like than 3e-like. Here's a link to the stats I've created: Dragonborn of Harqual. I also have a homebrewed racial origin/species called the Dragontouched. It is LA +1 and is based off of the Draconic Creature template.

LA+4? Dragontouched have no LA...maybe you linked some old post? Or changed it later?

The Incarnum book isn't available for this campaign. Those 'rules' only exist in a very isolate section of my world and that doesn't include the Lands of Harqual. The Draconomicon and Dragon Magic are my 'go to' sourcebooks for dragon options for Kulan.
Sure, no problem.

A monk character would be interesting and there is a 'very interesting' connection to a group of monks near Carnell that could work for such a character. I'll post more about that a bit later.
You don't have to, I'll play the marshal. Monk / marshal isn't a great combination with no armor/heavy armor and CHA (monk low stat) anti-synergy

The Mourner prestige class is in Dragon Magazine #311. I'm certain I have a copy of that magazine, somewhere, so I'll take a look. It should be fine.
Good to know, but I'll play a marshal so, you don't have to waste time for it.

This (spellthief) is a interesting choice. note, however, that the game has mainly took place in rural, wilderness, and dungeon environments. Still, there are plots that will take the PCs into the cities of the Strandlands, eventually.
Last on the list - those are just quick ideas - I'm focusing now on the marshal.

While I have that book, I'm not very familiar with that class. So, let's say no for now, and we might revisit it later.

Starting wealth is the standard amount for an 11th-level PC character, so 66,000 gp.

Sorry I didn't get back to you right away, EN World crashed on me yesterday while I was trying to write this reply.

Thank you for the answers. Fair warning - my background stories are long and more often than not on an epic side. No common soldiers for me :D

Book of Exalted Deeds is one of the primary books I use in my campaign.

BTW, I also have all of the "Complete" books and "Races of" books for 3E, which you can use without having to worry about too many restrictions. There are things in the later Complete books that I might need to look at again.
I'm usually using online references, but I do have scanned PDF book that I used to own or bought PDFs instead of physical copies. One can find online references and then look up things in the personal archive. I moved from 3e since 4e came out so...I don't have many 3e hard-copies any more.

Flaws are allowed, as are almost all of the rules in Unearthed Arcana. What book is "My Word is my Bond" from? A quick search online only shows me a Pathfinder RPG feat with that name. (That would be a hard 'no'.)
"My word is my bond" is not a flaw, it is his...hm...I don't know the english word for it...something he says often, his signature quote
Kinda like 'I'll be back' from Schwarzenegger. Flaw honorable...I remember it, but I need to actually find it - it may or may not be something homebrewed for the character back then.

Angus's main connection to the region is his connection with Aeron, Caerth's (estranged) mentor and father figure. You and Tellerian Hawke can work out something between the two of you, and it should be fine. Aeron grew up in a region known as the Wind Cities far to the north, but he doesn't talk about it... with anyone. Aeron also has a connection to the NPC bard, Lorien, but again, they haven't talked about how they know each other with the PCs.
So...Lorien if I play some kind of elf is good starting point. Or Caerth - somehow. Lady Pendour instead of the lord - but that would be tenuous at best.

I'm okay with the idea of having your PC be connected to the dragons of the region. There has been a lot chaos brewing around Carnell, and some of the younger dragons of the region, who follow the Tenets of the Balance, might be concerned the evil that seems to be rising around the village.

The Majestics, however, (usually) do not get directly involved unless massive armies start marching across their territories or start laying waste to nature, and even then they tend to simply put up magical barriers to protect primeval regions of the continent. One of the things the PCs might need to do is make contact with one of the key dragons of the Strandlands. It would be 'too convenient' for your PC to be an agent of one of these dragons. Still, a lesser connection is okay.

Perhaps your PC wishes to become a vassal of a dragon for some reason.
This sounds like a need to read up on dragon lore in your world. What are Majestics? Gods? I'm fine with being connected to one lesser dragon.

What is the name of the set? I'll take a look at it.

But, as long as it fits within the wealth provided for a starting 11th-level character, it should be fine. I consider the MIC and the Spell Compendium to be core books for my campaigns.
Garb of the hero or something like that. I'll post something tonight.

But, I'd like a bit of story to go along with how your PC acquired the set. Was it an heirloom from a relative or mentor? Did he have to fight for it? Did he capture it from a rival?
I was planning a story of some merit earning - maybe fall from grace afterward and adventuring to regain the favor, but for now it is all just a generic idea. Not even sure if dragons should be included in the story - it was mentioned because of dragon shaman and dragon touched idea. And @Neurotic likes ancestry feats - he pointed them out :D I'm not thrilled with using all feats on the same subset without making combat character stronger. That is something fighter could do.

Alternative for the item set is an inheritance thing.

Not related to anything - I'm reading the campaign story from the start...there is a lot to cover


World of Kulan DM
LA+4? Dragontouched have no LA...maybe you linked some old post? Or changed it later?
My Dragontouched are based on the Draconic Creature template, so they have a LA +1. And, I used the updated version in the Draconomicon.

And for my Dragonborn, those stats haven't been playtested, and I haven't looked at them in some time. If you don't want to deal with that high of a LA, then we'll discard that idea for your PC. If you prefer, you can use the standard Dragonborn creation method from Races of the Dragon.

MetaVoid said:
Thank you for the answers. Fair warning - my background stories are long and more often than not on an epic side. No common soldiers for me :D
That's fine. I'm all about details.


World of Kulan DM
I'm usually using online references, but I do have scanned PDF book that I used to own or bought PDFs instead of physical copies. One can find online references and then look up things in the personal archive. I moved from 3e since 4e came out so...I don't have many 3e hard-copies any more.

"My word is my bond" is not a flaw, it is his...hm...I don't know the english word for it...something he says often, his signature quote
Kinda like 'I'll be back' from Schwarzenegger. Flaw honorable...I remember it, but I need to actually find it - it may or may not be something homebrewed for the character back then.
Okay, so "my word is my bond" is a catchphrase. Got it.

So...Lorien if I play some kind of elf is good starting point. Or Caerth - somehow. Lady Pendour instead of the lord - but that would be tenuous at best.
Well, Lorien hasn't been a pivotal NPC for some time now, and he's not likely to rejoin the group any time soon. Also, Lorien isn't a local elf, so your PC's connection to him would likely be through Aeron. As I said, you could have your character have been someone Caerth knew growing up. Of course, most of Caerth's friends growing up were animals, not people.

There is the possibility that your PC could be a Pendour, or, at least, related in some way. The Pendours, as a noble family, originate from a city in the Strandlands known as Sandbreak. There are still Pendours there. Lord Peregrine Pendour was bit of a... misfit among his kin. He chose to become an adventurer in his youth, which didn't go over well with his parents.

You could have your PC be a full-blooded Pendour, or prehaps he is a illegitimate outcast who came looking for his "uncle." Lord Pendour's brother(*) was a bit of a philander, so he could have several illegitimate children out in the world. This would make your character the half-brother to the half-ogre boy, Brutus Wruck, who was killed by Eike, the man (now demon) that the PCs are hunting.

(*) I think I have a name for his brother, but if it turns out I don't, you can come up with the name.

This sounds like a need to read up on dragon lore in your world. What are Majestics? Gods? I'm fine with being connected to one lesser dragon.
See here: Dragons of Kulan.

I was planning a story of some merit earning - maybe fall from grace afterward and adventuring to regain the favor, but for now it is all just a generic idea. Not even sure if dragons should be included in the story - it was mentioned because of dragon shaman and dragon touched idea. And @Neurotic likes ancestry feats - he pointed them out :D I'm not thrilled with using all feats on the same subset without making combat character stronger. That is something fighter could do.

Alternative for the item set is an inheritance thing.
Well, if you go with the Pendour connection that could offer you a good fall from grace story. Perhaps your character's mother was a noble of some prestige who had an affair with your PC's father and it was a hushed secret most of his life. When it came out, it was a huge scandal. The man who you thought was your father tried to murder your mother, forcing her to flee, and he disinherited you.

And, your true father died years ago, but you would have learned that you have family in Carnell who might be more accepting of you nito their midst. That's what Lord Pendour and Lady Pendour did with Brutus, and he was a half-ogre. Your PC wouldn't have known that Brutus had died, so he comes looking for his brother and finds out some evil cultist has killed him and stolen his family signet ring that your 'true' father gave to him.

how's that? 😁

MetaVoid said:
Not related to anything - I'm reading the campaign story from the start...there is a lot to cover
That's going to take you a while, but I appreciate the effort and dedication. 😁

I'm fine with LA+1, taking any more on 3/4 BAB class delays anointed knight.

Now to go into some extreme stories (just for fun) before asking real questions
An evil warlord had a son that was even worst than he was. While the aging conqueror ate, wenched, and in general enjoyed the spoils...young one looked for more and more power and got into a cult summoning a chained god (evil (TM) ). Soon he was enmeshed in their schemes, but realized their depravity too late to do anything but follow along.

an innocent sacrifice was required and the ritual was nearly complete. But the wards haven't been set yet and good crusaders burst and the desperate fight commenced. The evil leader tried to finish the protective runes pulling his bodyguard (young warlord) with him, but one paladin burst through the defenders and slammed into him pushing them both into the summoning circle just as the victim was to be consumed. The paladin of course tried to shield the boy (why would it always need to be a girl sacrifice?) while the doubting warlord debated running the leader through or running out of the circle. He decided to risk it and ran the cult leader through.

The (whatever) appeared and grabbed both the paladin and the would-be cultist leaving the boy at the altar and hurled them to The Nine Hells, both warriors screaming (with paladin praying, without fear). Once they 'landed' the judge of the damned and the jury of pit fiends were already there rejoicing there was a paladin soul present. Unfortunately for them, Torm/Helm/Heironous/your good guy god intervened and took his soul to Heaven. Except the paladin saw something in the youth, some glimmer of hope, redemption maybe. And offered himself as collateral for boys' second chance.

Thus HELLBRED warrior with a sentient (soon to be) boy turned into a weapon was re-born.

Real questions:
harmonious knight paladin exchange level allowed ?- replaces smite with inspire courage 1/day
draconic creature is fine, what kind of dragons are allowed - or rather, what kind is both close enough and interested enough in the events?

I was thinking even reversing things staring a hexblade (it has spellcraft as class skill), but I'll just sacrifice cross-class skills

The build would thus go something like (plus or minus level here or there)
Draconic 1 / Marshal 4 / Paladin 2 (total BAB 5) / Anointed knight 4
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World of Kulan DM
I'm fine with LA+1, taking any more on 3/4 BAB class delays anointed knight.

MetaVoid said:
Now to go into some extreme stories (just for fun) before asking real questions
An evil warlord had a son that was even worst than he was. While the aging conqueror ate, wenched, and in general enjoyed the spoils...young one looked for more and more power and got into a cult summoning a chained god (evil (TM) ). Soon he was enmeshed in their schemes, but realized their depravity too late to do anything but follow along.

an innocent sacrifice was required and the ritual was nearly complete. But the wards haven't been set yet and good crusaders burst and the desperate fight commenced. The evil leader tried to finish the protective runes pulling his bodyguard (young warlord) with him, but one paladin burst through the defenders and slammed into him pushing them both into the summoning circle just as the victim was to be consumed. The paladin of course tried to shield the boy (why would it always need to be a girl sacrifice?) while the doubting warlord debated running the leader through or running out of the circle. He decided to risk it and ran the cult leader through.

The (whatever) appeared and grabbed both the paladin and the would-be cultist leaving the boy at the altar and hurled them to The Nine Hells, both warriors screaming (with paladin praying, without fear). Once they 'landed' the judge of the damned and the jury of pit fiends were already there rejoicing there was a paladin soul present. Unfortunately for them, Torm/Helm/Heironous/your good guy god intervened and took his soul to Heaven. Except the paladin saw something in the youth, some glimmer of hope, redemption maybe. And offered himself as collateral for boys' second chance.

Thus HELLBRED warrior with a sentient (soon to be) boy turned into a weapon was re-born.
I like it. Very interesting. I'll reread it again tommorw.

The main LG "good guy" deity in my campaign is named Jalivier (a North God).

MetaVoid said:
Real questions:
harmonious knight paladin exchange level allowed ?- replaces smite with inspire courage 1/day
draconic creature is fine, what kind of dragons are allowed - or rather, what kind is both close enough and interested enough in the events?

I was thinking even reversing things staring a hexblade (it has spellcraft as class skill), but I'll just sacrifice cross-class skills
I have Champions of Valor, so you're good to use that prestige class. Instead of Milil, the main god to use would be Damh (a North God). Another option would be Heward (an Interloper God).

I'll post a few details about my homebrewed version of Heward tomorrow. The Heward of Kulan (but mainly Harqual) is based on the Greyhawk hero-deity but is more important/powerful.

MetaVoid said:
The build would thus go something like (plus or minus level here or there)
Draconic 1 / Marshal 4 / Paladin 2 (total BAB 5) / Anointed knight 4
That should be fine. Note that there are chaotic and neutral characters in the party but there aren't any evil characters. Still, Caerth is "very" true neutral.

There is this variant:

Alignment: Neutral good.

The sentinel is a wandering crusader who often lives the life of a nomad, sleeping under the stars and taking what sustenance he can from the natural world. He does so in order to patrol the breadth of the world, constantly watching for incursions from the Lower Planes. The sentinel finds the endless hordes of demons, devils, and other fiends to be the most offensive and dangerous threat to life, and he has sacrificed much in order to become the perfect warrior, dedicated to preventing them from gaining any further hold on the world he loves.

To the sentinel, evil is simply that: evil. It can be hidden under a haze of entropy and chaos, it can masquerade under a hundred diabolically written laws, or it can revel in the truth of its cruelty. It makes no difference to the sentinel, nor do the methods he uses to combat it. Often, a sentinel uses the laws of the land and local governments to fight against incursions of evil, but just as often, he is forced to fight alone, against established tradition, and against the will of society. The fight against evil is treacherous though, for the sentinel must take care to protect that which is good and pure in the world, lest he become that which he loathes.

Sentinels are always neutral good. They usually worship good deities that have loosely organized churches. Sentinels form into loosely knit groups that rarely, if ever, physically meet. When they do meet. the meetings take place in large lodges and are both brief and to the point. Sentinels prefer to communicate with their kin via an elaborate network of trail glyphs and markers. They enjoy the company of druids and rangers, and they often work with members of those classes to accomplish a common goal.

Might be a better fit for draconic human serving the balance. The story earlier was while I entertained the idea of Hellbred - which is still possible since it is LA+0 if it can be turned draconic (it is cheesy though because multiple stats increases - storywise, it goes from evil to paladinhood to serving the dragons of balance so it fits)

The story for normal "Pandour-heir" human would be:
- born into a noble family, went to some traditional military school for second or third sons of noble families where he got into the officers and became leader of men (marshal). Something caused him or his family a disgrace (to be determined, possibly on puberty his heritage showed and was misinterpreted as demonic) and he was ostracized and turned from military career into religious one that sharpened his focus (maybe first part happened early in his life (but 4 levels isn't for unproven children?) )

Anyhow, as a paladin he got into esoterica, got involved into a cult hunting. And now two different ways for the story:
1. he got good at it and was involved in the hunting FOR the dragons (and educated in their ways and accepted regalia of the hero from the old teacher to continue the tradition and Anointed Knight levels to improve the relic he received)
2. (similar to the original one): cult, evil boy repenting, but too late to save him. Now paladin walks around with cursespewing sword (+3 modifier so too expensive, but story appropriate) - that needs to be redeemed (game going from that +3 to holy (+2) and something else (holy surge or something like that) ) - I would have to build lessening of the evil of the sword and I'm not really knowledgable about all possible weapon properties or the rules to change the enchantments, so...just a story :) - it already happened

Damh is too flighty for a paladin, what are draconic gods? There is a song dragon after all :D
Jalivier it is.

Rules question: can I add charisma bonus to Rearguard's cape (marshal aura enhancing item)?

Voidrunner's Codex

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