Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]


World of Kulan DM
Thank you for the rules and review
I assumed I got the draconic heritage with dragon touched - I mean the feat serves as a gateway to give you dragon blood type.
I created my homebrewed Dragontouched racial origin before dragon-blooded was officially part of the v.3.5 rules. (I believe it was introduced in the Dragon Magic sourcebook.) You can choose to take Draconic Heritage as your 1st-level campaign bonus feat, without the prerequisite, if you wish. But you cannot take any other draconic bloodline feats, that require levels in sorcerer, unless you have those levels.

It isn't required, however, for your character to be considered dragon-blooded. Dragontouched are automatically considered to be dragon-blooded just like dragonborn and half-dragons.

Your PC isn't considered a dragon-blooded human. He is dragontouched. Dragontouched usually do not consider themselves to be human. (It really depends on how each character is raised and by whom.) Think of the origin as a different species even though it has the human racial bonuses.

When a dragontouched mates with a human (or most other racial origins) the result is 99% likely to be another dragontouched. When the other parent is a dragonborn (or other 'stronger' dragon-blooded origins), the chance drops to 50%, however. If the other parent is a dwarf, elf, or any other long-lived racial origin, then the chance of a dragontouched is 75%. The longer-lived humanoid species have stronger bloodlines than humans, so such a child has a stronger likelihood to be a dwarf or an elf.

MetaVoid said:
@Knightfall: I can replace combat reflexes if needed. And I'll have to change Sanctify if I cannot get weapon focus :(
I'll finish the equipment first
Don't forget that being dragontouched gives you a bonus feat (as if he was human) at first level and you get an extra 1st-level feat as a campaign bonus.

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World of Kulan DM
Ah, I assumed it would be expected equipment, maybe dragon bone equipment not (although rogue dragons get killed), but dragon hide armor/shields mention taking selected scales - this can be done without killing the dragons if a living dragon takes pains to collect them (or better yet multiple dragons)
While using the remains of a rogue dragon wouldn't be as taboo, your character could be branded as a 'dragon slayer' by the Knights Majestic (even if that's not the case). Dragons have a very strong negative view about those who would use the body parts of any dragon to make such equipment.

A character who is dragon-blooded is more likely to be granted an exception, but they must be very careful not to lose such items (or have them stolen) and must never lend them to anyone else.

The Knights Majestic never use such equipment (even those that are dragon-blooded), and they tend to hunt down and kill those who do kill dragons (even rogue dragons) and make dragon-based equipment (even though it isn't considered illegal to make such gear in most lands). Of course, they're way more fanatical about it than most people!

FYI.. the Majestic Knights are found almost exclusively in the Lands of Harqual.

MetaVoid said:
I was thinking about taking a flaw "metal allergy" thus made essentially all equipment non-metal.
I'm not dead-set on that - I'm taking suggestions for replacements
See, now that would be a great reason why your PC would be allowed to have equipment that is made from dragons. He would likely carry special documentation on him just in case he comes into contact with members of the Knights Majestic or a dragon who might take offense to his gear. (He still shouldn't wear such gear in the presence of a dragon who lives within the Tenets. It wouldn't matter for a rogue dragon... if you don't care about offending such a dragon.)

I created my homebrewed Dragontouched racial origin before dragon-blooded was officially part of the v.3.5 rules. (I believe it was introduced in the Dragon Magic sourcebook.) You can choose to take Draconic Heritage as your 1st-level campaign bonus feat, without the prerequisite, if you wish. But you cannot take any other draconic bloodline feats, that require levels in sorcerer, unless you have those levels.

Dragontouched says: In addition, you can select draconic feats as if you were a sorcerer of your character level.
This implies it is inherited - I got a feeling it was something like dragonborn - a ritual you underwent to be imbued with power of dragons...I may have misunderstood it completely :(

It isn't required, however, for your character to be considered dragon-blooded. Dragontouched are automatically considered to be dragon-blooded just like dragonborn and half-dragons.
Yes, I wouldn't take it for dragon-bloodedness, but as a prerequisite for draconic feats.

Don't forget that being dragontouched gives you a bonus feat (as if he was human) at first level and you get an extra 1st-level feat as a campaign bonus.
I didn't, I marked it "human" and the campaign bonus "kulan".

I have a feeling this is growing more complicated by rules you made vs rules created after you created yours, and compounded by my assumption of how things are working instead of asking how they really work.

Can I bother you to simply list things I have to do to have a valid build - or anull it completely and I'll make do with non-dragon theme (except for dragon-touched).

As I said, I'm not wed to the idea of draconic equipment, it simply struck me as cool flavor - I mean, +1 elemental damage will not make nor break the build :) There is True steel or something like that in Exalted deeds, there is frystal that is kinda good crystal material etc...there are plenty of non-metal options


World of Kulan DM
Dragontouched says: In addition, you can select draconic feats as if you were a sorcerer of your character level.
This implies it is inherited - I got a feeling it was something like dragonborn - a ritual you underwent to be imbued with power of dragons...I may have misunderstood it completely :(
As I noted, I created my Dragontouched based on what existed before Dragon Magic was published. I hadn't gotten around to updating it to try to mess it better with what exists in that sourcebook. I think it is okay to incorporate the Dragontouched feat into the racial traits for my version of the racial origin. (I had forgotten about that feat in Dragon Magic. Sorry.)

We'll go with that and see how it plays. I might have to adjust the LA for future dragontouched characters but for your PC we'll leave it at +1.

MetaVoid said:
I have a feeling this is growing more complicated by rules you made vs rules created after you created yours, and compounded by my assumption of how things are working instead of asking how they really work.

Can I bother you to simply list things I have to do to have a valid build - or anull it completely and I'll make do with non-dragon theme (except for dragon-touched).
I don't want to make it too complicated for you. If you feel there is too much campaign restriction then go ahead and change it to be a non-draconic origin. It's up to you. We can work through it.

But, I need to have lunch now. I'll check back in later.


World of Kulan DM
I think that is all - if I'm dragontouched I can take draconic feats...matter of equipment is easily changed.
Yes, you can take draconic feats for which you meet the requirements. Your type isn't dragon, however. Most of the dragon-inspired feats in Draconomicon only require the character to speak Draconic as the main 'dragon-based' requirement. In Races of the Dragon, you can take any feats that require you to have the Dragonblood subtype since you've already selected Draconic Heritage as one of your feats.

You wouldn't be able to take feats specifically for half-dragons or dragonborn such as Dragon Breath.

Same for the color of the patron dragon
Thank you
If you choose to pick a specific lineage for your character and take the appropriate feat from Dragon Magic, then you can take any feats that requires that lineage. For my homebrewed dragontouched, you don't have to take a lineage, but free to pick one.

In the Lands of Harqual, lineage isn't as important as following the Tenets of the Balance. So, even if your draconic sire was a rogue dragon, as long as your character has rejected that parent and swore himself to the tenets, he would be accepted by dragons who do so as well. Of course, since he's a dragonblooded humanoid and not a true dragon, he isn't forced to swear to the tenets unless he chooses to do so.

While dragons living within the Balance must swear to the tenets (or be branded a rogue), they don't insist that non-dragons do so (unless they are their servants), but they respect those that make that choice, especially druids, most rangers, and some barbarians. Members of the Knights Majestic must swear to the Tenets of the Balance.

@JustinCase, @Scotley, @ScottDeWar_jr, @Tellerian Hawke, call for quick review if you catch some extra errors?
I'll post in RG later today.
Both JustinCase and Scotley seem to be unavailable, for whatever reasons, so I don't think we can expect them back any time soon. ScottDeWar_jr will be back after Christmas. Until then, it looks like it will be just you, me, @Neurotic and Tellerian Hawke (who will be running his own PC [Angus] and Quinn until SDWjr is back).

I have this sense the JustinCase will be back at some point (in August he had a lot going on), but I'm really not sure about Scotley's situation. For now, I will run both characters as NPCs until I can confirm that JC and Scotley are returning. If Scotley isn't coming back (I hope he's okay), then I might have to retire Phar to the background.

Anyway, I looked at your rogues gallery post and it all seems okay. We can iron out your character's background as we play. I just need to know which character (PC or NPC) you'd prefer Litrix to be connected. Are you going with the 'illegitimate Pendour' idea or something else? If you go with Aeron, then perhaps Angus heard 'stories about Litrix' from Aeron (but likely hasn't met the man) when they fought alongside each other in the Ahamudian-Imperium War.

Go ahead and introduce your PC in the IC thread.

I would prefer to be an actual agent of the dragon - with a color lineage that is local to either Carnell or wherever the rest of the Pandours are (whatever makes more sense).
I'm going with "he is Pandour, successful noble second or third son until his heritage became apparent and misunderstood for draconic. He was purified in the temple and educated as a holy warrior and subtly guided by those in the know toward purification rituals (anointed knight) and dragon service.

He would swear to the tenets. And I think I need a bit more research into non-draconic non-metalic materials (chitin maybe?, crystals?)

Also, next level - if we get that far - the sword becomes intelligent, so plan his purpose, powers, the whole kebab.

Also, I 'accidentally' got drunk yesterday so full description and story tomorrow

Not many choices for non-metalic weapons - there is blueice/rimefire ice, psi crystal, duskwood, obsidian (cool!), frystal. The rest are metalic.
Oerthblood is expensive...but very powerful.

Let's try with dragonbone items - I'll make the story of the weapon something that every dragon (-touched) will know about :D

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