Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]

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World of Kulan DM
Here's how I have it arranged. Aureus opens the door and moves to the side. Maur, Quinn, and Caerth are out front. Wieland, Timmins will follow those three inside. Aureus will align with Meridith and Phar to fire bows (or spells in Phar's case).

Into the Old Shrine.png


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Fort save (add 3 against poison, spell or spell-like effect): 1D20+15 = [8]+15 = 23
(+11 base, +1 vestments, +3 recitation)

Maur will move 2 squares down and cast consecrate on his turn

@Knightfall ghasts have lots of fort saves included (stench, paralysis, this unholy effect...yes, I know, metagaming :( ) - may I suggest we all roll 10-20 saves upfront and simply read them in order

Or you list what is needed every round so we all include it in our IC post? (this all may be irrelevant for ranged attackers)

EDIT: and a bit of chemistry humor which I found hilarous
What is the opposite of Formaldehyde?
Casualdejekyll !! :D
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World of Kulan DM
@Knightfall ghasts have lots of fort saves included (stench, paralysis, this unholy effect...yes, I know, metagaming :( ) - may I suggest we all roll 10-20 saves upfront and simply read them in order

Or you list what is needed every round so we all include it in our IC post? (this all may be irrelevant for ranged attackers)
If you guys want to roll a few extra Fortitude saves to have ready for each round when fighting any ghasts, I'm okay with that. But lets keep it to around 5 per combat.

I'll still roll the NPC saves on the fly, of course. ;)


World of Kulan DM
Round One
Brutus: 20 (did not act)
Aureus: 19 (moved, readied and fires bow)
Caerth: 15
Ghast: 14
Phar: 14 (delays w/ready action, fires bow)
Timmins: 12
Quinn: 11
Wieland: 9
Maur: 4
Meridith: 3
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