(OOC) A theives progression (Game full)

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next question! What if he's shooting fire at it while falling? (eldritch blast from the eyes, anyone? ;) )

well, if he damages the floor enough to break it, he keeps going, adding more to his falling damage total.

if he falls 60 feet, and shots a floor apart, the fall then becomes 70 feet. So he, and the next floor would each take 3.5d6.


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So, while Mike and I have never cooked up an official backstory, we've both agreed that we've known each other since we were kids. I think it would be fair to say that our version of Thief's Cant is unique to us, and can be spoken and written (like any other language), and also hand signaled (with a fair degree of subtlety). The only downfall is that hand signals are limited to simple messages (looking for (item/person/whatever)), (target moving south), (run, hide, regroup), etc. while we'd get strange looks for having lengthy conversations in Cant.

Sound fair to you Josh?

Spoken and written will be italicized, hand signals will be underlined, fair?
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a soveriegne is one gold. so basically more then the common folk would see in a very very long time.

also if you guys use the thieves cant hand singals im going to need a thievery check to see if other people notice.

danke shun
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So I split my fingernail & nail bed open pretty bad today... bled like crazy for a good 20 minutes.

In other news, I got a whole 20 minute break today! yay!

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