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(OOC) A theives progression (Game full)


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Alright boys, go nuts. Game Q's and whatnots go here. As well as planning for mission ect. Keep it clean, and if you dont want me to know your plans, call each other or whatever. :p

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A lone cricket sitting on a broken-down wagon chirped to itself. A shuriken flew out of the darkness of a nearby alleyway, neatly impaling the darned thing before disappearing back to its owner. Jack of Blades lurked patiently in the shadows, ready to go when called upon.



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Waiting for the heat to die down from the last heist, Tulus wanders the streets of Calimport, many thoughts flitting through his head as he meanders aimlessly throughout the city, observing the habits of the city guards along one street, the methods of the pick pockets along another. On the occasional sparesly occupied avenue, he waits until he knows someone is watching him, then uses his inborn powers to obscure himself in smokey shadows before disappearing around a corner. Meanwhile, his mind is at work, planning the next job and the next strategic purchase to be made.


On a side note, here's a nice theme song for Jack of Blades: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5HXF7Ymij4[/ame]


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mk, so we're going for one of the merchant guild's shipments of goods, preferably one of their under-the counter dealies, ideally weapons or wondrous items, or something we can sell. Let's worry about the shipment later and focus on finding out when its coming and what's going to be on it.

Any thoughts that are a little classier than B&E? I'm assuming ship's manifests for shady deals will be guarded a bit better than regular ones..


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Hey guys,

So, as you know, my character information was on my computer. As you might not know, said computer was stolen yesterday. So I'm going to need to recreate my character from memory. I think I remember all of my stats, feats and powers, but I might need help remembering equipment and items, and I have no idea how much gold I had.

Also, do we have an In Character thread somewhere that I don't know about?


First Post
that sucks hardcore, dude. No, we don't have an in-character thread yet. Josh wants some kind of "story" or other such foolishness before he lets us mess it up. As far as gold goes, I think you're behind me by around 500 gp (bought the shroud, I want my cloaked dagger :)), and I have 1,300. Does 800 sound around the ballpark for you?

But hey! good opportunity to get a Mac, eh? EEEHHHH? ;)

I would also like to state FOR THE RECORD that Jack of Blades was in my backpack since you left. :angel:

Magic items that I recall: Potion of Polymorph (warforged titan)

Reading Glasses lvl 2 520 gp (allows you to read any written language) [You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you? Nahhh... I'd hit him with my fist.)

Pouch of Platinum AKA the money launderer. lvl 5 1000 gp (allows you to convert gems and coins into their value of platinum. any coins or gems that don't equal a full platinum do not get converted and remain in the pouch.)

Gloaming Shroud lvl 3 680 gp (+1 fort, ref, will, gain +1 to stealth in dim light or darkness. Daily/zone minor action, close burst 10 dim light lasting for the encounter. bright light brought into the zone reduced to dim light while in the zone.)

can't remember what you had for armour, your rod or whatever mundane stuff you had.


First Post
Thanks Ian. I actually completely forgot about the potion of warforged titan-ness. I also remember a wasp potion, but that might be in the guild stash now. Other stuff I remember which could be listed under guild stash-ness are the spellscarred arm, the two tracings of the spellscar, and the breathing helmet. Luckily, the excel sheet I was using had the armor and weapon/implement stuff built in, so it's not too hard to remember what I had for those things. As for the gold amount, as long as Josh is fine with it, I'm good with it (I honestly have no clue as to how much gold I had).

PS I considered getting a mac, but I couldn't find anyplace nearby that sold them, so I went with another PC.

PPS I'm pretty sure if Jack had been the one to steal from me, I'd be dead right now (since it seems we can't pull off a heist without killing someone or something).
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Voidrunner's Codex

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