(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)


Didn't the shadow die on the first hit? If so, didn't both die rolls hit? No need to add more die rolls to dead enemy.
I'm not sure what you mean. If you rolled with disadvantage both rolls might have missed. I'm not particularly worried about it, but it's not the first time I've seen Escella fire EB in melee, which I find strange to imagine. (I think I just let you get away with it last time - I don't like to argue with players when they're having fun!)

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Moved OOC post to this thread:
Sorry to be a party pooper but you can't take a reaction when you are surprised. That's the point of being surprised.
From the Player's Handbook p 189:

Also, you will need to be able to see the attacker, and these shadows are invisible.
From the Player's Handbook p 97:

But, of course, this is up to the DM.
Technically, you can take a reaction AFTER your turn has passed in initiative. So you can be surprised on your turn, and THEN you have your reaction available.

Prickly Pear

Correct, but Tommi's turn hadn't even started. It was the Shadow's turn. On the other hand, turn sequence in PbP is a bit weird, and FitzTheRuke does it differently yet again. :)


Correct, but Tommi's turn hadn't even started. It was the Shadow's turn. On the other hand, turn sequence in PbP is a bit weird, and FitzTheRuke does it differently yet again. :)
That's a good point. I rarely run into any rules problems here in PBP when I just don't bother with initiative (I've tried it IRL games too, and it works fine just letting whoever is ready and wants to take their turn go - it actually speeds the game up most of the time, but I dropped it and went back to "normal" initiative just to go with expectations).

Still, corner-cases happen. This is one. I'm inclined to just let players use their reactions even if they're surprised. It would be the same as if Tommi went on 17, was suprised and didn't act, and then the Shadow went on 15 and grabbed him. It would probably turn out that way if we rolled-off on initiative anyway.

Right. Lionel avoids half the damage. (5).

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