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Radiance Monster Hunter (IC)



Summer Street
Thurs May 6, 1889/9:25 AM

Moradin had been busy inside and missed the confrontation with the cops. He came out and joined the others as they left for Summer Street, an even seedier neighborhood, if that were possible. They found their way blocked by a bunch of small folk and a halfling in a top hat.

“Who this?” Moradin said with his best dwarven scowl as his hand reached for his shotgun. He pulled it out of its sheath and held it light, but ready. “Anyone try anything, you be first to die, comrade,” he remarked in his thick Russian accent. “You do not want that, nyet?” He ratcheted a shell into the barrel, but didn’t aim it at Toby yet. “We not wanting trouble.”

Swift: Draw shotgun

DR: 4 (Chain shirt)
FORT: 18
REF: 16
*Dwarven Resistances: +2 vs poison and magic.
*Earth Anchor: +5 vs Bull Rush, Charge, Grapple, Trip when on the ground.
*Bear’s Endurance: +5 vs attacks that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
*Trap Sense: +5 Reflex vs traps.
Vitality: 16/16 Wounds: 11/11

Special abilities:
*Identify (1h, 1 vit): identify all properties of a magic item
*Piloting: +10 1/day
*Resist Energy (5m, 1 vit): +10 DR vs a specific energy, or +2 DR vs all energy types

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Toby looks from Lane to Moradin. He scowls at Moradin saying "Just tries it ye overgrown' lug". He then looks back towards Lane and tips his hat to her "Miss, we are but poor simple folk trying our best to protect and promote us little folk against the big bad world of big ens' likes yerselves. We wants no harm or troubles, but a small donation of five gold crowns donation for each of ye's to passin' through of simple streets. Oh and ten crowns for Judas runt kobold with ye..."

This draws a number of snickers from the Blackberry gang, to which Toby stands straighter and grin wider. He continues "So that's would be... fives, ten... ah... hmm" He looks over and yells back to a fellow at the other end of the street, "Dark Tomas what would that be my good chap?"

Another dirty halfling, but this one with a number of strange looking and colored vials, small bottles, jars and jugs shouts back "Thirty five gold crowns govner'"


"Right, ye heards the man, thirty five gold crowns, and ye can past without any old care." Toby says.

GM: With Lane's rolls she can see where there is cover if she needs it and where most of the little thugs are at. With her Insight she can tell two things for sure about Toby, he is a bully and he is greedy. With his mates he is fairly confident so any Intimidate, etc. checks against him are going to have a +5 TN. This seems to be a typical shake down for non-Locals that the gang tries to extract AND they are brave as a group, but as with most bullies they are not overly brave when getting shot at etc.

Lane can try another Streetwise check to talk down the price if she wants. Or you could (and anyone also) can try a Bluff or Intimidate against him.

If you succeed with any of these OR pay them off, you could also use a Streetwise roll to talk to them about anything local happening right now.

Forged Fury

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[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Giuseppe stood quietly. The barbs of the stupid halfling failed to find purchase in his tough hide. He idly wondered how many of them he could catch in the blast of his poison bomb. If nothing else, it could prove a useful bluff to extricate themselves from the situation if things got worse.


"We don't have time for this, "Eli said. "Look Skippy, have you had any buddies die in the last couple months? Because if you did they probably went to the Vaquera's mortuary down the road. If that's the case, any ashes you may have gotten back were actually dog bones, and the mortician took the real bodies for some unknown reason. So if you want to get them back, I suggest you start helping us."

OOC: Persuasion check: [roll0]

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Toby scowls over at Eli "Skippy?" he mutters out loud "Isin' that some Colonial insult mate? And why woulds ye get back dog ash? Wats would Vaquera be a wantin' with bodies? That can bring the bobbies down on yer heads faster then most anythin'..." after a moment he glares at Eli and asks "Are yut a sayin' that Vaquera be some kind of necromancers nows are ye? Cause that be crazy talk... whod be foolish enough fer that kind of craziness... I heard tell they deal with that back in the Colonies but this her' is Londinium mate."

GM: While magic and ghosts and undead are 'known' about in a general sense most folk think the wilder tales of the Undead armies and necromancers during the Black Death are mostly just wild rumors and legends. The Order and most of the world governments have done a lot to suppress the truth of monsters, at least in 'civilized' areas. "Oh sure Minotaurs and Vampires are real, but only out in the wilderness, not here in the big cities" is a common saying and belief.


"Skippy's a general term that means anyone you don't know. And I'm not sayin anything about necromancers. All I'm sayin is that we found dog bones in his furnace, and not a single body in the entire morgue, not to mention reason to believe Vaquera might have gone a little nuts. I don't know what he's doing with the bodies, just that no one else does, either. Maybe he's selling them to someone. Maybe he's eating them. That's what we're tryin to find out."

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"Maybe he just likes his bedmates to just lay there" someone shouts down from one of the windows which gets a hardy laugh from the gang, including Toby. The gang leader keeps his eyes on Eli, although he does glance at Lane and Moradin often enough. Finally he says "Well iffin' ye pay your... big folk trespassing fees, all nice an' proper likes, I suppose we mights remembers things..."


First Post
"Bloody savages," Lane muttered- it was impossible to tell if she meant Toby's gang or her own companions.

"Just let me deal with this, right?," she said quietly- this time it was obvious that she was speaking to her own "friends".

Then she stepped forward another pace or two, closer to where Toby was standing on his barrel. She made sure to slouch a bit, so that she was looking up at the gang leader, and she spoke more quietly now- just two locals having a friendly chat, like.

"Now as you can tell, these lads aren't local. I'm not even sure they all speak proper English. So's they don't know 'ow proper folk, respectable 'ardworking citizens, like- 'ow we do business. But the threat they're talking about, it's real. You've been around, you know the stories about this part of town- this gent we're looking for, well, 'e's trying to get up to some dark business, and it won't be good news for anybody nearby. If you can help us, well then, we will make sure folks know it was YOU that helped us, they'll know it was you and your lads what was taking care of your turf. Can't be bad for business, 'aving folks know that you'll take on anyone in your part of town, even dangerously crazy ones..."

With another tip of her hat, she stepped back to let the halfling consider the matter. She moved over towards Giuseppe and leaned down to murmur in Draconic. "You know that found money don't always mean something good. If you would be so kind to dig up some of the 'new' money, it might help us avoid a bloodbath. Please?"

[sblock= OOC]
>Streetwise 1d20+11= 23
>Diplomacy 1d20+4= 8 (this covers, I hope, the 'bloody savages', and not being able to tell who she meant by it)
-Rolls: http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=155783

-Obviously, she is salting her message with a bit of Thieves Cant, to establish her 'street cred' (most particularly the 'respectable hardworking citizens' line.

Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Giuseppe nodded mutely, indicating he understood Lane's meaning. He reached a claw into his pocket and felt out the appropriate coins by touch, waiting to see Toby's response.


First Post
Toby eyes Lane again but he seems to soften up and relax a bit. "Well nows, sure, we all he'rd stories and such. Old Kippee here" he points down to one of the incredibly ugly pygmies "hes' gots himself a gout' eye he does and can smell better den a dog he does. Well hes been a sayin' dat some of the places up a bit have been a havin' the a burnt up smell like a chimney dat ant been cleaned in a bit, it does. And there be a somein' like a little blue flying statue up ins the roof, he says. Lessin' at le'st at night he says."

"Most the boys says he a bit off in the head, but he ant no figger, he ant" Toby then holds out his hand with a smile.

Voidrunner's Codex

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