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Radiance Monster Hunter (IC)

Forged Fury

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[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Giuseppe pulled out the coins he had counted out and handed them to Toby, one by one. His lazy eye stared straight at the halfling's face, while his good eye focused on the hand proffered.

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Toby jumped off the crate and smiles broadly as Giuseppe counts out the coins and places them in his hands. He is also pretty confident that the rogue probably can't count higher then ten, if the artificer wanted to cheat the little bugger.


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Trebuchet watched the handoff take place, head tilting slightly, and eyes flashing rapidly with ticking noises.

"Well, this journey has been unexpectedly interesting," it said in that unrelentingly cheerful voice.



Summer Street
Thurs May 6, 1889/9:26 AM

“I got your thirty-five gold here,” Moradin said. “A couple of these slugs.” He watched in annoyance, though, as the kobold counted out the money. “Waste of good gold, that is, tovarisch,” the dwarf complained.

Swift: Draw shotgun

DR: 4 (Chain shirt)
FORT: 18
REF: 16
*Dwarven Resistances: +2 vs poison and magic.
*Earth Anchor: +5 vs Bull Rush, Charge, Grapple, Trip when on the ground.
*Bear’s Endurance: +5 vs attacks that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
*Trap Sense: +5 Reflex vs traps.
Vitality: 16/16 Wounds: 11/11

Special abilities:
*Identify (1h, 1 vit): identify all properties of a magic item
*Piloting: +10 1/day
*Resist Energy (5m, 1 vit): +10 DR vs a specific energy, or +2 DR vs all energy types


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Most of the Blackberry gang seem satisfied with the payment and are starting to relax and while not putting their weapons away they are not pointing them at the group. After Toby pockets the coins he tips his hat to Lane and adds "A pleasure doin' business with ya Miss. Now then ye can be on yer way and free to pass this way... for the next day or so. Be careful as there be a lot of desperate types on these streets..."

With that the gang starts disappearing back, around corners and into alleyways. The group continues on there way to the address provided by the ledge. It is just up to block a ways. A large boarded up warehouse.

The warehouse takes up most of the block, being just over two stories high. The doors and high windows are all boarded up and nailed shut. It looks pretty run down and ill maintained. On a set of large double-doors, painted in white paint, is the message "NO TRESPASS". Boards have been nailed to the outside and across these and the side door nearby blocking access unless removed.

GM: Everyone can make a Perception check. If you have any special senses or abilities that you want to use please note them.


"Hey Skippy," Eli says as Toby walks away. "That's all the gold you get from me for walkin' through your streets. Next man from your crew who stops me and asks for a toll will get paid in lead, no further warning."

And with that, he continues to the warehouse.

OOC: Perception: [roll0]


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The area around the warehouse certainly smelled of smoke to Eli, but it was a weird kind. Not wood or coal ash, something... else. The warehouse itself looked pretty structurally sound, despite its run down appearance. Otherwise he did not see anything that really stood out to him as anything but abandoned.


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Grynm's eyes were already awakened by his tie to Neferti, the presence of any undead within 60ft cone in front of him would be automatic, with a bit of focus he could tell how many and what kind. Still it required him to look in the right places, they needed inside the warehouse, but it appeared boarded up. Once more his scythe came out, "I'm tempted to just go through the barricaded door, if we find an open entrance that would be the avenue most protected within." He gave a quick look over the warehouse to see if there were any obvious points of entry that were not barricaded. "But getting through the barricade will announce our presence, what do you all think?"

OOC: Perception: [roll0]


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Grynm also detected the scent of ash and burnt material somewhere around the area, plus yes the taint of undeath was somewhere within the warehouse itself. Right out to the extent of his range he could feel it. Trying to determine what kind they were it was something he had not really ever encountered before... something like a mix of electro-tech and undeath. A most unsettling form indeed...


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"There is something in there... Something undead, but something new, something I have never seen before." He looked to his companions, he didn't know if they had ever come up against undead, but he knew they had never come up against whatever was inside, none of them had. "I hope you are all ready, because whatever it is, I'm guessing it isn't going to be as friendly as the street thugs who just coerced us."

Voidrunner's Codex

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