Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


First Post
Well, I've been clearing vermin all day. Let's add another,

Velani states before charging into the action.

[sblock=Actions]Surprise Action = Charge Rat - M9[/sblock]
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First Post
Viator watches the brave sergeant run in and tries to reposition the rat so that she won't face it alone. His power explodes around the rat and Velani, but the static washes over her as his nose trickles.

[sblock=Actions]Surprise Action = Dimensional Scramble (Aug 1) at L9: Rat - if HIT then dmg and teleport to N9[/sblock]

[sblock=Viator Combat Stats]AC: 15 Fort: 13 Ref: 15 Will: 16
Init: +1 PI: 18 PP:18
HP: 30/30
Surges: 7/8
Power Points: 3/3
[sblock=Powers]Dimensional Scramble (+7 vs Fort, 1d6+5 dmg and teleport)
Dishearten (+7 vs Will, 1d6+5 psychic dmg and -2 to attack)
Fey Step
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Transport Self
Adept’s Insight
Living Missile (+7 vs Fort, immobilized/slowed (save ends); +7 vs Ref, 2d6+5 dmg and prone - half for primary target and prone)
Tenser’s Floating Disk
Unseen Servant
[/sblock][sblock= Skills]Acrobatics +1
Arcana +14
Athletics +0
Bluff +2
Diplomacy +2
Dungeoneering +3
Endurance +3
Heal +3
History +12
Insight +8
Intimidate +2
Nature +3
Perception +8
Religion +5
Stealth +1
Streetwise +7
Thievery +1
[sblock=Interactive Char Sheet]Viator at iplay4e[/sblock][/sblock]


Well, I've been clearing vermin all day. Let's add another,

Velani states before charging into the action.

[sblock=Actions]Surprise Action = Charge Rat - M9[/sblock]

Velani, as usual, is straight in to the action, she rushes forward her longsword already drawn, and slices at the rat- getting a good hit in on the foul beast- cutting down its flank.

On her left hand-side the good Sgt. feels the flame- she's very conscious that she does not want to head that way- the flames lick and curl. She can't resist a glance, there's nothing inside the square of flames...

To the east a pillared corridor leads ahead in to darkness- not a sound.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 1 (Surprise)

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator*
21 Kali
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/39 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken.
Rat Swarm

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.







New Map to follow.

Next up Velani, and then Kali- then Freggo.
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Viator watches the brave sergeant run in and tries to reposition the rat so that she won't face it alone. His power explodes around the rat and Velani, but the static washes over her as his nose trickles.

[sblock=Actions]Surprise Action = Dimensional Scramble (Aug 1) at L9: Rat - if HIT then dmg and teleport to N9[/sblock]

[sblock=Viator Combat Stats]AC: 15 Fort: 13 Ref: 15 Will: 16
Init: +1 PI: 18 PP:18
HP: 30/30
Surges: 7/8
Power Points: 3/3
[sblock=Powers]Dimensional Scramble (+7 vs Fort, 1d6+5 dmg and teleport)
Dishearten (+7 vs Will, 1d6+5 psychic dmg and -2 to attack)
Fey Step
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Transport Self
Adept’s Insight
Living Missile (+7 vs Fort, immobilized/slowed (save ends); +7 vs Ref, 2d6+5 dmg and prone - half for primary target and prone)
Tenser’s Floating Disk
Unseen Servant
[/sblock][sblock= Skills]Acrobatics +1
Arcana +14
Athletics +0
Bluff +2
Diplomacy +2
Dungeoneering +3
Endurance +3
Heal +3
History +12
Insight +8
Intimidate +2
Nature +3
Perception +8
Religion +5
Stealth +1
Streetwise +7
Thievery +1
[sblock=Interactive Char Sheet]Viator at iplay4e[/sblock][/sblock]

A dull furze suddenly engulfs the rat- ripping and tearing at the squeaking creatures flesh. The beast suddenly disappears, only to reappear next to Velani, beautifully positioned for the next attacker.

The rat emits a high-pitched wailing squeak- it's bloodied, bruised and battered already.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 1 (Surprise)

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali*
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/39 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 21 HP damage taken- Bloodied.
Rat Swarm

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.






New Map-

240 Fire & Rats- Bloody Rat

Next up Kali, then Freggo and Kyalia.

GM: Kali should be in action tomorrow evening, so hang fire till then.


First Post
Kali growls at the vermin suddenly before him and charges in the short distance swinging his axe as he goes.

OOC: Hi all, I'm back, at least for a while. I'm hoping work and life won't interfere as much this time. Hope you've all been having fun, and thanks to any of you who have run Kali in my absence - and hope I'm not stepping on anyones toes by rejoining.

Cheers, HairyChin

Ooops - I hate those damn vermin, all that squeeking has put me off my swing!!
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Kali growls at the vermin suddenly before him and charges in the short distance swinging his axe as he goes.

OOC: Hi all, I'm back, at least for a while. I'm hoping work and life won't interfere as much this time. Hope you've all been having fun, and thanks to any of you who have run Kali in my absence - and hope I'm not stepping on anyones toes by rejoining.

Cheers, HairyChin

Ooops - I hate those damn vermin, all that squeeking has put me off my swing!!

Kali battleaxe strike leaves the lone vermin crippled and squeaking frantically- but still alive, the beast is desperate to exact its revenge on its assailants.

Alas the Shifter's follow up strike is massively off-target.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 1 (Surprise)

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
19 Freggo*
18 Kyalia
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/39 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 37 HP damage taken- Bloodied.
Rat Swarm

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.





New Map-

241 Fire & Rats- Very Bloody Rat is still alive

Next up- Freggo do you want to retcon (the rat is still alive) remember your first dice roll is a '3' (as stated previously). However also of note is the fact that a '3' with all of your bonuses on a charge with combat advantage will hit = 3 +8 (MBA) +2 (CA) +1 (Charge) = 14, the Rat's AC is 13.

After Freggo comes Kyalia and then Ah-shahran.


Next up- Freggo do you want to retcon (the rat is still alive) remember your first dice roll is a '3' (as stated previously). However also of note is the fact that a '3' with all of your bonuses on a charge with combat advantage will hit = 3 +8 (MBA) +2 (CA) +1 (Charge) = 14, the Rat's AC is 13.

OOC: Will retcon - Charge and MBA to O8; 1st die roll down
Can't get CA so use Heroic Effort to hit
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OOC: Will retcon - Charge and MBA to O8; 1st die roll down
Can't get CA so use Heroic Effort to hit

GM: No need for Heroic Effort- the Rat is surprised to see you:

Surprised: If you’re surprised, you can’t take any actions (not even free actions, immediate actions, or opportunity actions), and you grant combat advantage to all attackers. As soon as the surprise round ends, you are no longer surprised.

The Rat squeaks one last time, and then spins around to snarl at...


... and is ended.

Freggo stands over the fallen beast- grinning.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 1 (Surprise)

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia*
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/39 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.




New Map-

242 Fire & Rats- Dead Rat

Next up Kyalia and then Ah-shahran.

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