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sex vs. violence


First Post
alsih2o said:
but my question remains, will groups be somewhat prevelant that will game with roleplaying and sex,a nd keep violence in the background, like so many groups that rp the violence and keep sex in the background?

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alsih2o said:
but my question remains, will groups be somewhat prevelant that will game with roleplaying and sex,a nd keep violence in the background, like so many groups that rp the violence and keep sex in the background?

Heh... we did go on a tangent and hijack your thread now, didn't we ?


Let me think... mmmmmh... *ouch*...

I think that, as a whole, violence was, is, and will always be the main focus of all D&D games. It's aimed at that, and that's what the D&D players buy the game for. Other role-players might be more inclined to play games like WW, for example, where social things are more on the foreground.

That said, sex and rp will take a more or less small chunk of the violence pie, depending on indivual DM's and role-playing styles. I think that BoEF will make that chunk gain a few points as a whole. Not a big increase, as we can see from the more or less passionate views from posters on this thread, but an increase nevertheless.

I am not sure I answered your question correctly, but hey, I gave it a shot.


First Post
Trainz said:

Heh... we did go on a tangent and hijack your thread now, didn't we ?


no apologies required, it is part of the community and process to hijack and tangetize (is that a word) i just wonder if these groups will spring up.


Mod Squad
Staff member
alsih2o said:
i just wonder if these groups will spring up.

I'll repeat my original response, to the tune of, "Not really. At least, no more than they do already." This isn't Jack Chick's world, where game books pervert people to a particular course of action. Gamers are generally old enough and creative enough to have come up with the idea by themselves, so that if they had wanted it, they'd already be doing it that way.


Butte Hole Surfer
alsih2o said:
but my question remains, will groups be somewhat prevelant that will game with roleplaying and sex,a nd keep violence in the background, like so many groups that rp the violence and keep sex in the background?

Who knows? I doubt it, though. It's really hard to play this game without some amount of violence in the game, unless some one comes up with a completely different way of assigning CRs and XP.


Butte Hole Surfer
Wulf Ratbane said:

Oohh... You're still slated to die from "magical syphillis" in a year, though. The dice don't lie, sorry man.


"Sorry you got bit by the werewolf...you're slated to turn into one yourself at the next full moon, too. The dice don't lie, sorry man."

There are all sorts of magical diseases and afflictions a character can end up with as a result of bad dice rolling. Why is your "magical syphillis" any different just because it was a failed die roll? And would it be better if I, as a DM, arbitrarily decided the PC ended up with "magical syphillis" because I didn't roll some dice for an encounter? That would suck. At least the player would have a chance to avoid it with a die roll.


That's Latin for "cool"
alsih2o said:
i just wonder if these groups will spring up.

.. so to speak.

I think groups that want to add sex and remove violence will do so naturally much as they've always done just in the same way that groups that want to add orcs and remove dirty, awful, stinking, rotten, treasonous, inane, purile, stupid, shifty, underhanded, gomes will do so.

Just my opinion of course.


First Post
BiggusGeekus said:

dirty, awful, stinking, rotten, treasonous, inane, purile, stupid, shifty, underhanded, gomes will do so.

o.k., hijacking is one thing but gnome bashing is another. this is your last warning! :p


Mod Squad
Staff member
alsih2o said:
o.k., hijacking is one thing but gnome bashing is another.

Yeah, 'cause everyone knows that gnomes *squish* when you bash 'em. Very messy. Far better to fillet gnomes.

Plus, BG said "gomes". It could be a misspelled "gnomes". But it might also be "Gomez", meaning that he's got issues with members of the Addams Family.
Last edited:


Butte Hole Surfer
alsih2o said:
but my question remains, will groups be somewhat prevelant that will game with roleplaying and sex,a nd keep violence in the background, like so many groups that rp the violence and keep sex in the background?

Oh yeah, another good place to discuss this topic would be over at the boards on the Valar Project. http://valarproject.com
I think several people there would love to discuss this topic.

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