Because they haven't displayed a bunch of weapons yet and rogues get some martial weapons, I don't the whole list is changing. Just the redundant and underpowered ones likely.they have hinted that certain classes are getting new weapon traits of some type, so that is what I am expecting. But not sure how it will be implemented.
So since fighting style is linked to Warriors in feats and feats not have level prereq, it is likely that either
1) We are getting upgraded Greater Fighting styles as feats "Greater Archery: You have +4 damage rolls with ranged weapons"
2) We are getting superheroic Advanced Fighting styles as feats "Iaijutsu/Quick-Draw Fighting: When you are wielding a melee slashing weapon in one hand and no other weapons nor shield, you gain a bonus to AC, Initative rolls, and damage rolls with that weapon equal to your Charisma modifier."