D&D (2024) Speculation on the next UA in April

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Yup. Looks like they pulled the Monk. I wonder what they're doing to it...
They said that they do an internal playtest of the material and don't make it public until they feel like it is ready. So I am assuming that those playtesting the monk were not happy with how it performed compared to the barbarian and fighter.


They said that they do an internal playtest of the material and don't make it public until they feel like it is ready. So I am assuming that those playtesting the monk were not happy with how it performed compared to the barbarian and fighter.
Yeah, maybe.

I discovered with the D&DNext Playtest, that though they always treat each UA as if it's the way things will be for that class/whatever going forward, sometimes they have already moved on to another iteration internally.

Perhaps a new design for the monk was so fundamentally different than the one that was going to be in this UA, that there was no point in including it for feedback. They'll "have to" (obviously they don't have to anything, really) give us a monk in the next UA, though, or there will be riots.

the Jester

I think having access to metamagic is a potent niche, and I hope the new Sorcerer leans more into that.
I think it's a real shame that they put metamagic in the sorcerer instead of having more robust upcasting mechanics. I'd rather see upcasting expanded to swallow up metamagic and sorcerers given more specific, subclass-derived ways to modify their spells, so a spider sorcerer could make their magic missile (or other spells) entangle an enemy for a round or something.


Yeah, maybe.

I discovered with the D&DNext Playtest, that though they always treat each UA as if it's the way things will be for that class/whatever going forward, sometimes they have already moved on to another iteration internally.

Perhaps a new design for the monk was so fundamentally different than the one that was going to be in this UA, that there was no point in including it for feedback. They'll "have to" (obviously they don't have to anything, really) give us a monk in the next UA, though, or there will be riots.
From the sounds of it at least with this ua they are trying not to do that. Now I know that after the first few days the olaytests drops they sometimes have already decided to scrap or changes so mething just based on how loud the public outcry is long before the official feedback is happening. I also know that they have multiple concepts that they sometimes will playtest separately because they don't know which rules variant they want


Book-Friend, he/him
Well it looks like the monk is not ready yet and will not be in this is. This is probably why it is a little late
Yup. Looks like they pulled the Monk. I wonder what they're doing to it...
My guess is that the Monk is going to be making some controversial changes in regards to de-Orientalizing it (which they have indicated that they are doing), that they may want to focus on without confusing feedback with half the Classes in the game.


I agree about the current niche, however I think that they should move away from "bloodline" being the primary assumption for sorcery power, and focus more on being exposed to powerful magic (blood being but one possibility of many), like being present during a magical manifestation that unlocks the latent sorcerous potential in any creature that has a soulspark (like humanoids).

Let's let people multi-class into sorcery that is not bloodline-related. Want to multiclass into Sorcerer at a later level? Work with your DM to set up an encounter that can open that spark. Did you survive dragonfire, or get healed by a celestial couatl? Were you hit by a Beholder's ray that altered your reality slightly and opened you to the existence of mentalities beyond time and space? Stuff like that.
This is the Way.

I agree about the current niche, however I think that they should move away from "bloodline" being the primary assumption for sorcery power, and focus more on being exposed to powerful magic (blood being but one possibility of many), like being present during a magical manifestation that unlocks the latent sorcerous potential in any creature that has a soulspark (like humanoids).

Let's let people multi-class into sorcery that is not bloodline-related. Want to multiclass into Sorcerer at a later level? Work with your DM to set up an encounter that can open that spark. Did you survive dragonfire, or get healed by a celestial couatl? Were you hit by a Beholder's ray that altered your reality slightly and opened you to the existence of mentalities beyond time and space? Stuff like that.
There's only one place where I disagree with you. I think they have dumped the Bloodline, other than for the dragon blooded and Bloodlines are a Pathfinder thing. I mean the three most recent sorcerer subclasses are the Aberrant Mind, the Clockwork Soul, and the Lunar - and although they mention bloodlines as a possibility they explicitly mention other possibilities.

An alien influence has wrapped its tendrils around your mind, giving you psionic power. You can now touch other minds with that power and alter the world around you by using it to control the magical energy of the multiverse.

The cosmic force of order has suffused you with magic. That power arises from Mechanus or a realm like it-a plane of existence shaped entirely by clockwork efficiency. You, or someone from your lineage, might have become entangled in the machinations of the modrons, the orderly beings who inhabit Mechanus.

You or someone from your lineage has been exposed to the concentrated magic of the moon (or moons) of your world, imbuing you with lunar magic. Perhaps your ancestor was involved in a druidic ritual involving an eclipse, or maybe a mystical fragment of a moon crashed near you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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