But... you still don't get your Ability Mod to damage. All it does to TWF is stop it from wasting your Bonus Action, which is good for Cunning Action and a few other things, but is hardly gamechanging.when we playtested it, I thought it waas too good to jsut get an extra attack for useing the weapon you wanted to use anyway, But we shall see.
Yeah, that'll be interesting. I have high hopes for the Champion, actually. I like simple builds. A little more meat to it wouldn't hurt, though.I think the Fighter subclass will be the Champion, not the Battlemaster. Can they make the simple fighter subclass more interesting/effective? Same goes for all the other SRD-subclasses they seem to be sticking to. How will they measure up?
Shouldn't be hard at all to make the Berserker better than it is. It's always seemed like something that didn't quite work the way it was intended to.Barbarian: With the changes made in Tasha's I am happy where the barbarian is, I just hope the Berserker class gets made playable. I really want more non mystical options for my barbarian.
If they do anything with the Sorcerer in 6e, I hope it will be to make the arcane half-caster BLASTER that it was in the D&DNext playtest. Only 20 years too late!I feel like whatever they do to the sorcerer will basically be washing its neck for the headsman's block of removal in 6e.
Exactly! Only, now I'm kind of interested in what they do to make it work for the next 10 years... maybe they'll point it in a new direction.I think there are too many sorcerer fans, and as long the 2024 sorcerer can capture/redefine a proper identity that is supported by mechanics, then it is going to be just fine. If it is still a little shy, there is another decade to play around and figure it out.