D&D (2024) Speculation on the next UA in April


Book-Friend, he/him
One of the supposed "founders" was interviewed, and the police code was never a real thing (420 is murder I think). It supposedly stems from the fact that the "crew" all had 3:00 classes that ended at 4:00, but one guy's class was clear across campus, so the earliest he could meet up with them was 4:20 (at a clock on campus). April 20th eventually was tacked on as the "Cinco de Mayo" day of Celebration for 4/20.
Yeah, I remember hearing something about thar. Not my scene, lol.

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Yes, I am talking about a document with a lot of content by playtested, for example about psionic powers. This could explain the delay.

They know the UA articles can work as teasers of future titles, and any times they don't like we weren't enough focused into the titles what are going to be published before.

Yes, I am talking about a document with a lot of content by playtested, for example about psionic powers. This could explain the delay.
I know you are only using it as an example but if psinoics came before the other missing classes the internet would explode.
They know the UA articles can work as teasers of future titles, and any times they don't like we weren't enough focused into the titles what are going to be published before.


Yes, I am talking about a document with a lot of content by playtested, for example about psionic powers. This could explain the delay.

They know the UA articles can work as teasers of future titles, and any times they don't like we weren't enough focused into the titles what are going to be published before.

I honestly don't think they're still working on it. (The upcoming UA packet - they are definitely still working on the rules - it's just that they're probably a packet or two ahead of us). I think they're just sitting on it to keep the schedule to whatever they have in mind. (Why they didn't put it out last week, I've no idea).

No, it will be BIG, in that it's the rest of the classes (plus some new equipment rules) but I doubt that there will be any major surprises. Certainly NOT psionics! That's not even what this playtest is about!

Voidrunner's Codex

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