Spelljammin' (5e PBP OOC) (Full)


It's okay. I've kinda dropped the ball a bit on this game. I'll do my best to get us going again soon. I may have to recap. I'm a bit disappointed in myself because pacing was very important to this scene and when I ran it IRL, it was very fast and furious and fun.

I'll see what I can do to remedy it soon. Thanks for waiting!

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We're BACK!

I'm sorry for the long wait. I've been busy, and my morale has been... I'd say "up and down" but it's mostly been down. Still, I'd like to keep this game going.

A LOT has happened since I last updated this game. I hope you're all still with me. If you'd like to update your character with any current playtest material, feel free.

The next scene will be what I call a "three-round challenge" - it's similar to how 5e's DMG describes a chase scene. Some players like to have a lot of room to riff on a scene like that, while others like the DM to do more of the heavy lifting. I'm fine either way. You can pick if you prefer to volunteer an ability check (something appropriate to go along with your posted description) or if you'd prefer for me to write a personal scene for you to react to. Either way, obstacles will present themselves.

If anyone wants to take a stab at it, go ahead and post. The scene is this (both because you may have forgotten, and because it may not be clear): It's about a quarter mile to the docks, and the big vine is still thrashing about, sending pieces of debris raining down. In addition, there are civilians to lead (or avoid being trampled by), AND there are crystal blights all about (think zombie apocalypse). Any street or lane you go down might be full of them. Or it might be blocked. Some people might be going the wrong way. ETC ETC.

You can post (make up) your own, or like I said, you can call out "Do ME!" here, and I'll post a random problem for you to react to.

Does that make sense? Questions are welcome. As are comments. Heck, feel free to tell me "You took to long, I'm OUT!" - Or whatever suits your fancy. I can take it.


Now you all have an example as to the kind of thing you can describe. If you're still wondering how it would work if you write one yourself, it would just work backwards to how @Leatherhead and I just did it: You would write the scenario and pick an ability check or saving throw that feels appropriate. Roll it, and I will post a description for the result, success or failure.

I am perfectly happy writing one for each of you (though I might do a few in groups to save time and so that I don't run out of ideas!) but I thought I'd give you a chance to volunteer. It gives you two benefits: 1) You get to choose the ability involved in the check! 2) You get to be creative!

I'll start sending some prompts soon if I don't hear from you. I can't tell if you've seen this post and just haven't had time to write (which is fine, of course) or if you've lost track of this game in the months-long gap. (My fault!)

Delphne isn't the helping others type really. So she probably is headed straight safety. Impose on that as you wish, but don't be surprised if she ignores the imposition. :)


Delphne isn't the helping others type really. So she probably is headed straight safety. Impose on that as you wish, but don't be surprised if she ignores the imposition. :)

Not everything involves helping others, though it's usually an option for those who want to take it. I'll maybe put her in the same scene as one or two other PCs. Who's up for it? Is it time for me to @ some players?


Okay, before I do another post, I'm going to call a few people who haven't commented since I started this game up again and may not realize that we're moving along again.

So... @Snarf Zagyg (Brother Phlox); @gnarlygninja (Sweet William); & @Lidgar (Gunthar) - would you like to write your own "start moving toward the docks" post, or would you like me to get you started?

Voidrunner's Codex

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