Spelljammin' (5e PBP OOC) (Full)

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Okay, I think that's one check from everyone. I was going to do three rounds of this (as I did in my IRL game, but that had us much further than we are now in only a single session.)

If you're all enjoying it well enough, I'll do one more round before we arrive at the docks. Anyone want to make their own, or should I prompt away?


For the next five weeks, I have nearly 3 hours to myself every weekday morning. (My wife has started her practicum, so she leaves very early.)

In fact, everyone but me is out of the house bright and early so I have plenty of time to post!

SO... if you all make a concentrated effort to post a little quicker than we've done lately, I will be able to keep up with you. Then perhaps we can push this game forward a bit.

It's no real pressure. Just keep it in mind and see what you can do to check in more often than you have done lately. Let's see if we can get through some stuff.



prompt, please.
prompt for me as well.
Ditto for me!

Okay, so I'm going to give you the story-prompt, but I'm not going to tell you what to roll, I will leave how you want to tackle the obstacle, whatever it may be, up to you. Just keep in mind that I'll be asking for a single roll based on what you want to do. If you want to volunteer that roll, feel free, and I will adjudicate your result based on it. Don't worry about it being the perfect thing.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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