Janis has spent her life since before the end of the war avoiding the politics of her family. The boss guy not only just stepped in those politics, gave the bird to her family's honor by leaving off the prefix, and identified himself as dangerous loose end that absolutely has to be killed else he finger her to every Tom, Dick, & Harry Cyran politico out there. I'm still trying to decide whether or not it's evil even, since he's not only a jerk but he's a jerk who's dangling the whole "I know who your family is, and your family is all dead because of who they are" thing.
Is it evil to pre-emptively assassinate someone who self-identifies himself with assassins? Is everyone going to have a hissy fit if Janis kills our paycheck, or is it going to be one of those deep sighs and "I'll get the mop. I wish you'd stop murdering people, Janis" moments?