stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [OOC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
pathfinderq1 said:
Tessa should be all set now- I had done most of the update, but didn't change the level total at the top or complete the advancement s-block section. When we update spells, would she be able to take Close Wounds (Cleric 2, from Spell Compendium)?
I'm fine w/ the spell, and am toying with the idea of using the updated dying rules suggested in the new 4E preview article.

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stonegod said:
Everyone: Please put your XP in your post (near the character's name is best).

Khensu will accompany you all as an ex-paladin cohort of 7th level. DEFCON, feel free to run him as you see fit (though I have final say of certain actions, of course). If eathandrew returns, we'll look at rejiggering.
By "XP in post", I assume you mean our Rogue's Gallery posts? I have done so (in the same line as my Action Points).

I will be happy to run Khensu. Did you want him added to the new Rogue's Gallery, or keep him in the old one? And is his character sheet that is in the old one actually up-to-date as a 7th level character? It looked like it was at first blush, but I didn't go deep into examining it.

Edit: Oh, and I'm all for using the new Death & Dying rules. They look good to me!
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James Heard

If only the we'd seen them before the gnome and my poor little snake got ganked before their prime. :)

Updated Janis's sheet with the days' spells and new xp total.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
FYI: I hate tornado laden squall lines overnight... Grrr... tornado warnings....

We're fine... just waiting them out...


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Another FYI: I'm sick as a very sick dog, so no real updates until Monday, me thinks. Urik will be fine w/ you folks keeping the Symbol for now. And I don't think the villagers have anything else to report to Janis (they were afraid of the witches, so have no hard feelings about their deaths, regardless of who they were. No one knew the Crone).

Viktor will very badly fail his save.


The only thing I can think of that the group might want to do before heading to the castle is find Ireena and see if she would accompany us up there.

Since she and Sergei have 'hit it off', it might be easier for us to gain access to certain areas of the castle and courtyard if she is there to keep him busy. Question of course being whether she would come with us, and if we wanted to get her involved. What do you folks think?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Just one warning for Janis: Besides any problems certain Silver Flamist might have with her decision, Janis does know that those that give into the Curse tend to be changed by it: I.e., their alignment changes dramatically. This will thus endanger her druid abilities (which require her to remain partially neutral).

Voidrunner's Codex

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