stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [OOC]

James Heard

Eating the expedition leader because you're infected with a horrific curse is easier on the conscience than giving into certain morally ambiguous notions you might have have had when the adventure began. Basically she's about as far from her past as she's likely to get on Khorvaire and it's still a problem. She's rationalizing, mentally prepping herself for abandoning this whole idea of being a better person and going back to what she was before - even worse, if she has to.

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:eek: ....

This opens interesting problems for Ashlyn ... I'll have to think about Ashlyn's response a little ...

Mechanically, unlike normal paladins, Ashlyn has detect undead rather than detect evil, so even if Janis were to willingly change shape and thus change alignment and become chaotic evil (since werewolves are CE in alignment), Ashlyn wouldn't be able to detect it (I know that she 'could' prepare the detect evil spell as part of her daily allotment, but I see no reason why she would do that). Thus any decision Ashlyn made concerning Janis 'at that stage', would be colored by shades of gray and would be based primarily on Janis's actions.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Just to make things clear: Janis will turn CE if she decides to consciously change into the wolf. This will cause serious conflict in the sense she will lose her druid abilities and cause issue with the paladins (who cannot be in a party with an evil character in general). In addition, her motivations are going to significantly change (most lycans turn into NPCs, which would be the way I am strongly leaning to with Janis). In some sense, its like vampirism: The person is not the same person after the change. There is also some serious balance issues (Janis effectively will become a level 12 character after the change).


First Post
@James: Just to be clear, I, as a player am not attempting to use Ashlyn to force Janis into a particular course of action by issuing an ultimatum.

Ashlyn is simply trying to state facts as she sees it and is freely offering her support to Janis against whatever troubles Janis might find herself involved with ... as long as Janis does not surrender to the evil of the curse.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Oh, and another note (not important quite yet): If anyone does turn the vampire bit on (or, more likely, have it foisted upon them), they will become NPCs (i.e., its new character time). Just sayin'.

James Heard

stonegod said:
Just to make things clear: Janis will turn CE if she decides to consciously change into the wolf. This will cause serious conflict in the sense she will lose her druid abilities and cause issue with the paladins (who cannot be in a party with an evil character in general). In addition, her motivations are going to significantly change (most lycans turn into NPCs, which would be the way I am strongly leaning to with Janis). In some sense, its like vampirism: The person is not the same person after the change. There is also some serious balance issues (Janis effectively will become a level 12 character after the change).
I know, and I'd respect that decision if it comes to that. On the other hand, I'd like to point out that in Eberron alignments aren't usually as set in stone in other places, and even as an NPC she'd be more interesting if she maintained herself as NE. :] Janis is a more methodical sort of evil on her worst days.

I dunno though. Right now I'm looking at hoping that her saves and AP's hold out while she's wrestling with it, and enjoying the interesting drama it provides. If we weren't stuck in Barovia I might even head for the "well, the shifters managed to shake the curse - how did THEY manage it?" angle.

Speaking of Vampires, what would be REALLY cool is if Janis were spawned too. Vampire Weredruid/Wizard... Somewhere on the WOTC boards I bet I could even find an optimal build ;) :uhoh:


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
James Heard said:
Speaking of Vampires, what would be REALLY cool is if Janis were spawned too. Vampire Weredruid/Wizard... Somewhere on the WOTC boards I bet I could even find an optimal build ;) :uhoh:
Ouch. I already have stats for Were-Janis; Vamp-Were Janis would be baaaaad.....


First Post
stonegod said:
Oh, and another note (not important quite yet): If anyone does turn the vampire bit on (or, more likely, have it foisted upon them), they will become NPCs (i.e., its new character time). Just sayin'.
Just to check ... I assume we would still have to die first? I gather that vamp's are handled a little differently here in Barovia than normal, so I just trying to clarify things for myself.

i.e. If we get bitten by a vamp, it wouldn't mean that we become vamp spawn, but if we get bitten by a vamp and then die, we would. ... Is that right?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Stormwind said:
Just to check ... I assume we would still have to die first? I gather that vamp's are handled a little differently here in Barovia than normal, so I just trying to clarify things for myself.

i.e. If we get bitten by a vamp, it wouldn't mean that we become vamp spawn, but if we get bitten by a vamp and then die, we would. ... Is that right?
Generally you have to 'die' first (taken below -10 or Con to 0).

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