D&D 5E Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn Releases January 18th 2022!


Critical Role's publishing arm, Darrington Press, has announced the release date for the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn (which was originally published in 2017 by Green Ronin).

Mark your calendars, for Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn now has a release date: January 18, 2022! You’ll find it first at Critical Role shops (US, UK, CA, and AU) and Darrington Press Guild stores, followed soon after at friendly local gaming stores. The deluxe treatment from the team at Beadle & Grimm’s will release on January 30, featuring its own stunning in-world player handouts, maps, a GM screen, jewelry, and more—check out the preorder page for all the details.


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For someone who is only passingly familiar with Critical Role in general and not at all familiar with the world, is this a thing I should buy? If so, why?
Well, like Explorer's Guide to Wildemount the original Tal'dorei book had adventure hooks for many of the locations detailed. If you care at all about the 4E pantheon the Exandria pantheon expands on that set of gods and goddesses (plus an alternate take on Sarenrae).

Personally I found Explorer's Guide to Wildemount to present a more unique setting than the first Tal'dorei book, but given that this one is being made in the wake of EGtW and will be twice as long as the original (as well as 20 years later in the setting) I'm looking forward to see what's changed.

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For someone who is only passingly familiar with Critical Role in general and not at all familiar with the world, is this a thing I should buy? If so, why?
I don't watch Critical Role.

Tal'Dorei is a cool setting book even in the older Green Ronin version.

Can't vouch for the balance of the player options (they were broken/weird in the 2017 version) but maybe they revised them somewhat for the revised book. But the lore is pretty fun and great.

I still think Exandria presents the lore of the setting in a more exciting way. But I could see myself playing in Tal'Dorei too.

And the new book has gorgeous artwork that is worth it if you're a fan of the 4e Dawn War Pantheon, for example (first image of Melora and Erathis!?).

I luckily have one of the partner stores within an hour of my home. I called and they haven't gotten the books in yet, but I now have a copy reserved (the person on the phone I talked to said they already had another 24 copies reserved at their location).

I'm especially interested in learning about the new faction called The League of Miracles, which from what I understand is basically a temp agency for magic users that formed after some wizards made bank of off using magic to help hasten the reconstruction of Tal'dorei's major cities following Campaign 1 of Critical Role. It's a fun built-in hook for an all spellcaster party that isn't magic school related.

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