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Tale of the Clueless - Chapter 1: On the Seas of Air [IC Thread]


Having heard some of her companions agree to the work, and hearing the answers to questions others wisely asked, Idim nods approvingly. "I will help you in this task, Beni Al Gumain," Idim nods to Drota, "if your payment is fair. It would be a good way to learn more of this place and see what is to be seen. I am Idim Moq Qo Harr. My sword and bow shall be at your service."

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After a 'relatively uneventful' day exploring Sigil, Terrathoin returns to the Tavern.

Terrathoin gives his affermative, "Aye" as questions are asked and nods, raises his eyebrows, and occassionally licks his lips as the answers are given (However you have seen him do this when told the daily specials, reading the menu, and asked what he would like to eat and drink). "Beni Al Gumain, I am Terrathoin Soulforge. Your offer is interesting, I think we all can agree to that. However, whats the contract read? What are the deliverables, payment schedule, contingencies, particulars?"


'Well, it seems as though some of you may hae done this soft of thing before. It is good to know I put my trust in your hands. Well, payment is 400 gp each - 100 up front, the rest upon safe return. I am afraid the price is non-negotiable - things are tough at the moment and friction from cross-traders means I'm stuggling to get things moving as it is.

The bulk of the items on the ship are luxuries brought in from out-of-town; Tradegate, Outland towns and such places. But the need for so many guards is a personal item i am delivering to the Caliph. It is a hammer that one of his pages has managed to acquire for his personal collection. The caliph is a collector of many things, chief amongst which are decorative weapons and, my sources have it, he has been in search of this one for some time. The page, a young Djinni who serves in the Caliph's court, will be travelling back home on the ship,'
he says, producing a handfull of contracts. He hands them to you each in turn.

The contracts are simple, stipulating that you are bound by your signatures (a space for which has been provided in the bottom of each page) to protect the ship, The Sea Breeze, all valuables cotained within it up until the point a successful transaction is made with a third party, a well as the crew itself, whether aboard the ship or not. There is little room for further interpretation and the contracts (each of which is provided in triplicate) have been stamped by the Fraternity of Order, and the overseer of Self-employed services in the Hall of Records, High-Street, Clerk's Ward. Payment is to be made by credit-notes sanctioned by the by the Hall of Records and the Bankers' Guild. 100 gp payable up front upon signing of the contract, the remaining 300 gp upon safe delivery of the items in question.

While writing his name in large block letters at the bottom of the contract, "Good enough for me, when do we leave?" He leaves off "of the Brightbeard Clan" since he isn't representing his clan.
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Vorastrix takes the proffered contract and hops onto the table-top so that he can unroll and examine the document by holding down the four corners with his tiny clawed feet. His keen draconic mind quickly works through the equation of time vs profit. Four hundred gold for sixteen to twenty days of time far outstripped the average wage that a freelance heavy-cavalryman could hope to earn during war-time; lucrative indeed. The thought of adding to his hoard nearly made the little wyrm salivate. Still, Vor didn't fancy mercenary work but guarding a ship against banditry was still a step better than accepting money to fight in a war for a dubious cause.

Seeing that his newfound companions seemed ready to accept Beni Al Gumain's offer Vor resigned himself to joining them on this endeavour, lest he be left on his own again. Still, he had a few final issues to clarify with the merchant before he'd accept. "Begging your pardon sir, but will we be expected to provide our own food and water while in your service? Also, will we have the right to claim the spoils from any bandits we defeat?"


'Thrumgall is it? Yes, we leave on the morrow. I will come for you with some of the crew so be ready. You can expect to eat from The Sea Breeze's rations, but it never harms to be prepared. ad regarding the spoils... it depends on what is found, I would loathe to restict my trading with a few ill-placed words right now,' he smiles playfully.

'Now, we jus twait for the others sign, and I can be off... I have some last minute fiztures to take care of. Water for a three-week voyage can be a pin to acquisition, you know.'
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Vor turns his head to peer intently at the wily merchant with a single eye. "Please forgive me, I'm afraid I don't understand your answer to my last question. What does your trading have to do with the spoils we each earn from defeating bandits?"


'If perchance we are atatcked by a pirateship filled with loot and plunder, the cargo belongs to me. their equipment is yours, within reason... not that i plan or expect on being attacked.'


Vorastrix's mouth pull up at the corners into a crocodile's smile. "Well that certainly doesn't sound fair does it? Still, since you don't foresee it occurring then the point may be moot. I suppose we can concur on those matters that are spelt out clearly in these contracts and simply agree to discuss the matter further if and when we find ourselves with a pirate ship full of treasure to share." Considering the matter settled for the moment, Vorastrix inclines his head to face the parchment beneath him. The little wyrm quietly intones a few words of power and breathes a small wisp off flame which doesn't burn the paper but only stains it at the bottom with a black sooty signature written in draconic (cast prestidigitation).

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