The Fall of Plaguestone OOC [CLOSED]


Possibly a Idiot.
Good feedback, I found a math error while formatting the text blocks.

How does this sound?

Brimsby is a young Holtaksen Dwarf. Clad in relatively modest clothing, and significantly bigger than most dwarves, he has light dirty blond hair and sad blue eyes.

Brimsby spent his early life working as a hauler for one of the mines in Davarn, Five Kings Mountains. Then one fateful day, a rope slipped on the load he was hauling, causing the iron ore to spill into the street and crush the foot of a child. The child, Kemi Humblespark, was permanently injured. And while the accident was investigated and found not to be an act of neglect or malice, Brimsby never forgave himself for his role, and vowed to work hard enough for two dwarves to make up for it.

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So here is my Background so far.

Pak was hatched in a small tengu roost somewhere in the wilds of Varisia. Hatched during a raid on his roost his parents had to flee. He spent his childhood wandering with his parents. Conflict followed the young Pak and his parents eventually had to leave any community in which they settled. It was almost as if the young tengu’s very essence was entwined with conflict. As he grew conflict no longer found him, but he sought it as well. He threw himself in to fights. In combat and battle he touched on something deep in himself. He felt connected to something and that power manifested through him. The sound of battle speaking in his ears.

Once he was old enough, he left his parents, not wanting to burden them with the strange powers that clung to him. He traveled all over Avistan. He made his way as a sellsword, messenger, and caravan guard.


So here is my Background so far.

Pak was hatched in a small tengu roost somewhere in the wilds of Varisia. Hatched during a raid on his roost his parents had to flee. He spent his childhood wandering with his parents. Conflict followed the young Pak and his parents eventually had to leave any community in which they settled. It was almost as if the young tengu’s very essence was entwined with conflict. As he grew conflict no longer found him, but he sought it as well. He threw himself in to fights. In combat and battle he touched on something deep in himself. He felt connected to something and that power manifested through him. The sound of battle speaking in his ears.

Once he was old enough, he left his parents, not wanting to burden them with the strange powers that clung to him. He traveled all over Avistan. He made his way as a sellsword, messenger, and caravan guard.
Looks good. If you're ready, feel free to tag in.

@KahlessNestor I skimmed through the IC thread and trying to figure out what is going on. So from my understanding someone was murdered in town and the sheriff/constable has stated that nobody can leave town until the magistrate arrives. As this happens a group from the caravan begins to investigate the murder. Then just recently the group is seen chasing a goblin down the street and apprehending him.

Is this brief summary correct?


Yes, that is correct. The caravan (of which we are members), is basically being held responsible for want of better suspects in the murder (a lazy sheriff more used to tavern brawls than actual crime). So they are investigating to clear their names. Easy enough to be another member of the caravan that was hired for this stretch of the trip and decides to help.

Voidrunner's Codex

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