The Fall of Plaguestone OOC [CLOSED]

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Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)/Feedmill
Summer/Day 4/0935
Weather: Normal for the season (hot), no wind, no rain
Round 0

Noala returned as the group was recovering from its battle with the bushes. “Oh, goodness! What happened?” the elven ranger asked. She looked at the wreckage of the foliage and the nasty scratches and piercings on the party. “Have you checked out the wolf den yet?” she asked. “Maybe we should rest for the day and get you looked at.”

@VLAD the Destroyer



Silvi (+7) AC 13 DC 17 HP 10/19 Wounded 1
Hiromi (+6) AC 17 HP 4/17, Wounded 1
Pakuten (+3) AC 20/18/16(curse) HP 6/16 Wounded 2
Grimsby (+7) AC 17/16(clumsy) HP 8/25 Wounded 2
Mortimer (+8) AC 17 HP 4/16 Wounded 3

Silvi: 21 gp, 37 sp, receipts, map
Unclaimed: Silver rapier

Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
Who is V?
Help Noala investigate the blight.

Party XP: 640

I know, I just returned to my PbP games... But I'll be on holiday for the next two weeks. Perhaps that means I'll keep posting, but likely I will be online rarely. Feel free to NPC my character in the meantime.

So if you take 8 hours to rest and heal up, that will put you at around 7 PM, with maybe about two hours of light left, and you're an hour from the den. It will let you heal for Con modifier x level, which won't be enough to fully heal you, and won't remove your Wounded status. For that, you need Treat Wounds or to be fully healed. But Silvi would have her healing spells back.

You have time to Treat Wounds before you rest. If you rest fully to the next morning, you can recover Con mod x twice your level. Still some of you won't be fully healed or clear wounded though. You can camp another day, though.

Do folks have rations, or do you and Noala need to do some hunting and such?

I think you can only do daily preparations once per day - not every time you take an eight hour rest? I was assuming that we would basically get going again the next day. If we rest until the next day Silvi can just use medicine to make everyone at full hp: she would get oodles of checks to do it.

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